Scolding and Punishment

1698 Words
“Disappointed!” The Queen exclaimed, slamming her hand onto her desk. “I am utterly disappointed in all of you!” The Queen scowled as she looked at her grandchildren. Zander stood there with his head low, as well as Shanaia and Crane. After what happened in the no man’s land, the humans were escorted out of the land and were taken to a clinic nearby, owned by a witch so they could be treated. All those wolves and other supernatural people who were present at the party were called by the Alpha Lord, who gave them an earful before being dismissed with a punishment of doing two weekends of labor around the territory. Included in that punishment were the children of the high-ranking officials as well as the royals. And after hearing the punishment, the royals were called into the Queen’s office where they received another set of scolding. The Queen heaved a deep sigh and rubbed her forehead. “I just couldn’t fathom as to why you chose to hold that party in the no man’s land.” She stressed and then she looked at Zander. “I heard you are the one who chose the location,” she paused. “Tell me… what possessed you to choose that place as a venue for your party?? Not only did you organize such an unauthorized party, you also jeopardized not only the lives of our people but humans as well!” The Queen scolds Zander who remained looking down on the floor. “I-I’m sorry… your majesty,” Zander spoke and then he slowly craned his neck and looked at his grandmother. “I admit it was my lack of judgment that resulted in such tragedy and I humbly accept the punishment,” he continued. The Queen let out a loud sigh and sat back down before she looked at Crane and Shanaia. “And you two were on it too? Shanaia, what you did back there was overkill. What has gone over you?” she asked. Crane looked at his sister who looked lost for words. “How many times do I have to tell all of you that you have to use your gift accordingly and not go overboard unless it's necessary? What you did to those rogues was as worst as a massacre.” The Queen spoke directly towards Shanaia. “I’m sorry, grandma. It won’t happen again.” Shanaia replied, hanging her head low. “From now on, all of you are grounded. No outside activities aside from school work and you will be joining the others with their chores,” the Queen said and before any of them could argue, the office door opened and Seb came in. The Queen gave Seb a disapproving look. “We are having an adult conversation here, Sebastian.” She reprimands the boy. “In a few years, I’ll be an adult too, grandma. I just want to tell you that Shanaia wasn’t even at the party,” Seb told the Queen, and Shanaia was surprised by it. The Queen narrowed her eyes on her grandson. “I perfectly saw everyone’s memory and Shanaia was there,” she said. Seb pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. “She was with me, grandma. She was helping me with my homework and only went there after she heard about what happened because she wanted to help.” He reasoned. Shanaia heaved a deep sigh and looked at her youngest brother. “I wasn’t at the party because you blackmailed me to help you with your homework. Keep the facts straight.” She said and Seb frowned. “I am pleading the case for you,” he replied. “I don’t need you to,” “Yah! It’s a grand gesture from your best brother,” Seb argued and then Crane looked at him. “Best brother? I exist too, you know.” Crane hissed. As the siblings began to argue, their grandmother groaned. “These kids will be the death of me,” she mumbled. In the end, the Queen dismissed them and was sent home. When Shanaia, Crane, and Seb came home, they were met by their parents’ disapproving looks. All three of them were brought to their father’s office where they got the third round of scolding from their mother. “I know you are teenagers and you often want to party with your friends that you would sneak out. We understand that we’ve been there and have done that.” Sahara spoke and both Shanaia and Crane gave their younger brother a look to which Seb responded by shaking his head. Then Creon looked at his wife. “I never sneaked out to party when –“ “Shhh.” Sahara shushed her husband, cutting him off mid-sentence. Crane pressed his lips together and just focused on their children who were glaring at each other. The siblings are arguing through their mind link, berating their youngest brother for snitching them. ‘You’re a snitch!’ ‘I am not!’ Noticing the clouding of their eyes, Sahara understood what was happening. She heaved a deep sigh and spoke. “Seb did not snitch on you two,” The three of them looked at their mother, surprised. “What? Did you really think we’d be clueless about all your activities? Please… We’ve been through that so we know how you play,” Sahara said and Crane mumbled something along the lines of – ‘Not me,’ “And Sebastian, you can now stop blackmailing your siblings,” Seb gawked at his mother upon hearing what she said. “Why so surprised? I know about that too. Mothers know everything,” she pressed. After hearing their mother’s revelation, the three of them had their shoulders sagged in defeat. “Now… let us talk about your punishment,” Sahara spoke and her children looked at her. “We already know we are grounded and will be doing chores for two weeks,” Crane said, and then Sahara scoffed. “That was the general punishment for all those who were at the party,” she said and her children looked confused. Even Creon was confused by what his wife said. “What do you mean?” Creon asked. “I will be giving them separate punishment, so they understand and realize what they did was wrong on all levels,” Sahara answered and her voice held finality. Their kids looked at Creon as if asking for their father to back them up. Creon internally groaned as he knew that with the tone in his wife’s voice, there was nothing else he could do about it. All Creon could do was look at his children with an awkward smile. ‘Sorry, kids. I won’t challenge your mother about this.’ He told them through their mind link. Sahara noticed her children communicating with their father through mind link; she crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. “Don’t even try to get your dad to side with you because I am telling you, it won’t work,” she spoke and her children sighed in defeat. “I know you and the others have planned on going camping in the next town for your mid-year school break, but sorry to burst your bubble. You three will be staying with your grandfather in Arizona,” Shanaia and Crane gawked at their mother. She is sending them to their maternal grandfather, in their tribe in Arizona. They love their grandfather, and also their uncles but they have already planned their vacation and they are looking forward to it. “But mom –“ “No buts,” Sahara immediately shut Crane down. “Uhm, mom. I think I misheard you. You said three, only they went to that party. I was just here,” Seb reasoned and his mother looked at him. “You did not mishear me, Sebastian. You are going with your siblings as you too were getting on my nerves for blackmailing your siblings so you could get your way,” Sahara told him and Seb huffed in defeat before pouting. “So, you are just going to throw us there? We have plans –“ “Had plans.” Sahara cuts her daughter off. “You, young lady will be taught how to control your temper when using your gift so you won’t be overkilling the next time you use them. Your grandfather will be the one to supervise you there, while Crane will be continuing his training under your uncles,” Sahara was about to open her mouth to speak but her mother raised her index finger, making her purse her lips. The same happened with Crane when he tried to speak as well. “Do you understand your punishment?” Sahara asked and the three of them nodded. “Good. Now go to bed, it’s late.” Shanaia then pulled her brothers out of the office. Once they left, Sahara let out a deep sigh and rubbed her palms against her face. Creon grabbed her arm and he made her sit on his lap. “You did well, dear,” he said as his wife leaned against his chest. “Those three, I love them with all of my heart and being but sometimes, I wanted to shove them inside a sack and toss them away,” she said and Creon snorted. “That’s so dark,” Creon said. “I know.” Sahara paused and sighed. “You are so well-behaved and proper, how come our children are so rowdy?” Sahara asked and Creon smiled as he hugged his wife. “They are kids, dear. They are entitled to be rowdy and make mistakes. That’s why we are here; we guide them to the right path and mold them to be better people.” He told her and Sahara huffed. “I just hope sending them to the tribe will help,” she mumbled. “They will be fine and they will learn, I just know it. So, don’t think about it too much and trust them.” He said and Sahara nodded.
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