Chapter 12 - Time for me to go back

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It was the time. The first ray of the sun was about to touch the ground in a few minutes. The time I had been waiting for, the time for me to go back. But I was not feeling the happiness I should, I spent the night tossing and turning on the bed thinking about this moment but I could not get even a blink of sleep. I should have been more excited for this moment, it was the moment I was eagerly waiting for, ever since I came here. Killian had been quiet as well, which was weird but maybe he was just taking extra precautions not to get caught. The silence was making this walk more uncomfortable. Before leaving I made sure to get one last look at the small cottage, soaking all the details in my head. I was feeling some sadness before leaving, it felt like a part of me was not ready to say goodbye to the stranger. The journey towards the end of the border was silent. Killian had come up with a plan of not using the path from where I entered the Kingdom. "Killian," I called his name to stop him. He turned to face me with a frown. Instead of saying anything, I hugged him, "Thank you so much for everything you have done for me." He met out a chuckle massaging my head gently, something I always loved when he did, "It is alright, shortcake. Just stay away from squirrels for the next time." I giggled at his response. He never missed the chance to leave the squirrels out of the conversation. With time I learned not to get affected by it. I needed to thank him before we reached our destination. No one had ever done anything for me like Killian, he could have left me alone that day but he didn't, instead, he made sure to keep me safe. He fed me, went through so much trouble just for a stranger. I respected him for helping not one but two people from the Kingdom that was considered as their enemy. Maybe I was not entirely right about the people of this kingdom. I looked at the sky as the sun started spreading its ray of hope and joy over the lands filling everything with new energy. At the same time, Killian's feet started moving faster and I increased my speed as well, clutching the strap of the bag hanging on my shoulder. I started getting out of breath in a while but there was no sweat on Killian's forehead, while his skin glowed brightly under the first rays of the sun. But then he stopped suddenly giving me a sign to pause as well, I froze and opened my senses to analyze the area. The sound of the water flowing was blocking Killian's senses to hear anything else. Oh, cookies! "Someone is here," I whispered, alarmed by the presence, and Killian's jaw tightened in response. "Come out," Killian yelled. Just as the words left his mouth about 10 buff men with the same dark uniform came out from their hiding, some of them held swords in their hands. But all of them had one thing in common, hatred in their eyes and determination to get the witch out of their Kingdom. "You have to come with us," a man said in a harsh voice as the sun rays reflected on the blade of his sword. Killian stayed silent for a moment analyzing the chances of his win against those men. "Do not try anything, more guards are on their way. In this way we will not kill the witch right now," the same man said again, probably reading Killian's intention. Killian did not move from his place. I had a feeling Killian was planning to do exactly the opposite of what the man asked, but I knew the bloodshed would be too much and the chances of Killian getting hurt were high as well. A chance I was not willing to take. I held Killian's hand softly to get his attention, trying not to make any movement that could get us in trouble, "Let's just do what they are saying." He looked down at me with his cold dark eyes becoming soft. Then he turned back to face the man, "Fine." One of the men started moving forward looking at me with the handcuffs. I kept standing in my place holding Killian's hand tightly. "There is no need for that," Killian said coldly, glaring at the man who shrunk back a little after meeting his stern eyes. It seemed like the man was scared of approaching Killian. Did they know each other? And then our unexpected journey began, with guards surrounding us as we walked, ready to use their swords if they felt the threat from us. After walking for about an hour we were standing in front of a large pristine palace of large grey stones, making me feel small in comparison. The large symmetrical dark windows seemed to be the eyes of the palace, I could see nothing inside the window. We were standing in the front garden of the palace with white marble fountains on either side, shaped like trumpet flowers, from where the water was flowing out from the middle. On our arrival two men guarding the large front door became alert, eyeing us head to toe but giving a weird look to Killian, not looking him in the eyes. It was weird because not only those men but no one was looking him in the eyes. They opened the gigantic cedar door that I could never open and stepped aside to make way for us. As we entered pairs of eyes turned in our direction looking at us or specifically me with a look of disgust and surprise. Surprise, because how could a witch be such a fool to cross the forbidden gates of the enemy Kingdom. Feeling uncomfortable, I got a little closer to Killian, who turned his head to pass me a small smile reminding me he was there with me. The tall golden walls surrounded us from every corner of the huge hall, the walls seemed to be made of gold with the way they looked and had small intricate designs all over them. Those designs must not be easy to make and looked as though someone crafted every stroke delicately with a fine olive colored thread. Everything in the room screamed royalty and was expensive beyond one's imagination, even the vase that was as tall as me had flowers I had never seen before, the red flowers were also matching the decor of the room. Getting a small table from the room would cost me an arm and a leg. Not a single thing looked out of place, these people would probably have a heart attack if they saw my house in the Kingdom. The Queen of my Kingdom also had a beautiful palace but it was nothing compared to this. Maybe because she was never the one to show off her wealth, her goal was to make the place cozy for everyone to feel welcomed and not be intimidated by the palace. I remembered what people talked about superior shifters showing their wealth off. It was all true, but how was Killian different from these heartless shifters? I wondered in my head, as we kept walking with Killian's hand in mine as a reminder that I was not alone. We were led to a room, with a long rectangular table that had about 40 chairs, twenty on either side. But only one chair at the end of the table that was taller than others and was carved to resemble the throne. Almost ten men were sitting in the room wearing suits tailored to fit their bodies perfectly, holding a serious look that screamed business, but the look on their faces changed completely as soon as their eyes fell on us. Except for one man who was sitting on what seemed like his throne, the man with the dark beady eyes and black beard, with some streaks of grey gave a hard look but unlike most people, the look was not directed towards me. I stole a glance in Killian's direction to find him staring at the man with a cold look. There was no fear in his eyes, only confidence. He was the king. Soon, the murmurs and whispers broke in the room. "Silence!" the man said with authority, he did not have to scream the word, a pin drop of silence fell over the room as soon as the word left from his mouth. "What are you doing with," the King shifted his eyes towards me, looking at me up and down with pure hatred, "that." "I can be with whoever the f**k I want to be." I looked at him with my jaw wide open, nudging him softly with my elbow. Did he have a death wish? "Language!" the King sneered with anger but it only brought a small smirk on Killian's face. Killian looked like he was happy by seeing the reaction on King's face while I was getting scared of what he might do to us. I had the desire to facepalm myself, we were going to die. The men shared a knowing look with each other but made no attempt to open their mouths. "There is the only thing that would be done with the witch," the King turned to address the men, "we will decapitate her tomorrow with the first ray of the sun and send the head to the vile woman who calls herself their Queen." I gasped audibly but got no reaction from the men who were nodding with the decision of their King with a pleased look on their faces. It appeared like most of those men had never seen a witch but it was also clear from their faces that such violence was nothing new for them. What were these people capable of? Killian squeezed my hand to get attention, I passed him a look not knowing what to say or do. My body was getting cold from the fear but I could still feel the sweat forming on my back. Maybe it was my fate and no one could do anything about it, I tried my best to calm my nerves. Killian looked like he was about to say something but I shook my head, I was going to die and it did not mean Killian had to meet the same fate. "The hell you will do any such thing," Killian growled, he actually growled with anger as his eyes started changing color. But before anyone else could see it he closed them and started inhaling deep breaths. "For the last time, you will talk to me with respect!" the King was clearly not happy with the way Killian was talking to him with disrespect, "why should I keep this b***h alive?" "Firstly, respect is earned and secondly, you will never address her with anything but her name." "Even a strand of my hair has more value than her." The King slammed his hands on the table with anger, I tried my best not to flinch or make any other sound to show my fear. The men sitting in the room had an uncomfortable look on their faces now, and it was clear they would rather be cleaning the floors of the bathroom than sitting there. Killian was shaking with anger. "Calm down, please," I said softly. It was useless to argue with the King, he seemed to have already made up his mind. Upon hearing my voice Killian seemed to be a little calm as a smirk made its way to his lips once again. I did not have a good feeling about what he was about to do but little did I know his next words were going to shake my world upside down. "Father, meet your future daughter in law, Valeria."
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