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Vivian stood in front of her grandparents, and parents grave, like the doctors said her stomach swelled up the past couple of weeks, she wanted to go back but she had to make her grandmothers arrangements for her and the home she had to pack everything up and with her being pregnant took longer then she thought, they were doing the will reading in a few hours so she finally had time that she came here. "Hey grandma" Vivian said She wanted to cry but she didn't want to. "I wish you were here with me" Vivian said Vivian sigh out as she, place the flowers down and slowly got up she kissed her hand and placed it on her stone as she sigh out and walked back towards Dax truck that he let her us, she made her way to the pack house where the reading of the Will, will take place she got down as Dax came out. "The guy is early" Dax said Vivian nodded her head and followed him in they went up to the alphas office, her wolf was talking with her asking where their mate was at but she said look at the memories and told her not to worry they will go back to him. Vivian and Dax walked in as a man dressed in a suit stood up. "You must be Miss. Hope, I'm David Stevens" David said "Nice to met you" Vivian said "Shall we begin" David said Vivian nodded her head as they sat down on the couch as he picked up his suite case placing it on the table. "I will begin the reading. Jennifer Hope wish to leave her home to the pack, her belongs will go to Vivian hope. Along with all her money a total of 150,569.35 and I leave also my car and my van to the pack" David said Vivian's eyes widen at the amount of money. "The money is combine of hers, and your parents" David said "I see" Vivian said "Are their any questions" David said "Is that all she left?" Vivian said "Yes, now if you agree sign here and I can go ahead and make the transaction" David said Vivian nodded her head as he passed her the paper she signed her name and so did Dax as the Alpha of the pack. "The money will take some time but I will give you a call when it is complete" David said "Okay thank you Mr. Stevens" Vivian said David nodded his head as he closed his suite case and left the office, Vivian was in shocked as she lean back. "Vi" Dax said "Yeah?" Vivian said "When are you planning on going back?" Dax asked "Probably till after the transaction is complete but I still have to pack the house I'll leave the furniture there instead and I also need to put the things in a storage" Vivian said "Okay, well we are having a cook-out in a few days so you should come" Dax said "I will" Vivian said "Okay, I'll drop you home" Dax said Vivian nodded her head, they both got up and left the office. When she got home Vivian went back to packing the things up again and putting them in boxes she sigh out as she needed help to load up the boxes, she looked for her phone and she remembered she left it at Dax office and their was no phone line here. "Great" Vivian said She grab her sweater and began walking towards the pack house which was a few yards away, as she was getting closer the alarm sounded, she froze that was an attack sound, she saw warriors coming out of the pack house, she couldn't run face but she need to find a place to hide. She reached her wolf telling her to call Dax after awhile she was able to link to him. (Dax) (Vi, where are you?) (Outside the pack house) (I'm coming hold on) (Hurry) Vivian looked and saw behind the pack house their was wolves fighting, she shivered as she hide behind a tree, when she peaked out again a rogue saw her and came charging at her scared she hide again trying to look for another place to hide before she could move a rouge step in front of her and growled. The next moment a bigger wolf came pushed him, Vivian quickly made her way to the pack house when she was pushed into the air as she screamed, she landed on her back and slide as he head bump into a rock, she was dazed as she looked the wolves were fighting as she laid there. Vivian black out, when she woke she saw lights going by. "Hang on Vi" Vivian saw Dax to her side talking, she touched her stomach as she was placed in a room. "The baby is coming" the doctor said "My baby" Vivian said "Vivian can you hear me? I need you to push" the doctor said Vivian kept going in and out but when she heard the doctor say pushed, her body felt like it was taken over as she screamed and pushed, it was her wolf she just felt like a passenger side as she watched the baby come out and Vivian was back as she looked around. "You did it Vi" Dax said She smiled weakly, the doctor came over. "It's a boy" he said Vivian held out her arms as the little boy was place in her arms, she smiled. "Hello Christian" Vivian said Vivian can feel her body slowly shutting down. "Vi" Dax said Vivian looked at him. "I don't think I will make it" Vivian said weakly "What?" Dax said "Take him, to him. He needs his father" Vivian said Dax was confused but he took the baby and went out, Vivian looked at Dax figure as she lean back when the doctor came up to her the blinding light shine in her eyes and she can feel her body slowly leaving her.
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