Chapter 5 - Rejected

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The girl standing next to Liam was hot. I mean hot. It look every strength of my will to not take her right there. She had dark skin, like a perfect tan every girl wants, but it wasn't overdone. I don't even think it was fake and as she got a closer I was right. Her skin tone was natural, so pretty. The girl had milk chocolate hair that went with her smooth, chestnut skin. Her eyes were a honey color with splotches of more chocolate around the pupil. She was about 5'7 in height, perfectly average, but she had more long legs than torso. Her face was perfect. It was clear of any zits, her eyes were perfectly round, her lips were full, and she had an oval face. There wasn't any trace of makeup on her which intrigued me more. This girl had quite some natural beauty. What she was wearing was nice too, nothing flashy like most tramps wear. It was just a simple Green Day shirt and blue jeans. She wore pink flip flops and her toe nails were even painted pink. I smiled at those. She was beyond perfect. And she will be mine. Liam caught up with me after that. "Where have you been all week, Jon?" Liam asked. His blonde hair was buzzed, but still a nice length. His eyes were baby blue and that's why his girlfriend, Chelly, first fell for him. "I've been around." I said. Brooke grasped my hand harder when I kept looking at the new girl. Liam saw my fascination as well, but he gave me a warning glance. "This is my Cousin, Amber Bay." I heard something in his tone, something I've heard before, but I was too busy thinking about Amber to quite understand it. Amber smiled attentively. "How come you never talked about her?" I asked. Amber answered this time. Her voice was sweet and mesmerizing. "I lived in California all my life." she said. Which explains the natural tan, I thought. "I moved here with my dad after my mom died. Liam's aunt." I nodded, not really listening. I was too busy staring at her. Brooke brought me back to this world. "Come on, Jon. We have to get to class." she said, slightly annoyed. I felt her trying to pull me away, but I had to say goodbye to this beautiful creature. "Nice meeting you Amber." I said swiftly, holding out my hand for her to shake it. A gentleman always catches the eye. She smiled again and took my hand. "Nice meeting you too, Jonathan." it surprised me to hear my full name, but before I could say something, Brooke was already towing me down the hallway into our first period class: Spanish 3. We sat in our normal seats, right next to each other, in the back corner. Here our legs were intertwined and my hand was rubbing up and down her waist. If I was able, sometimes I would slip my hand under her shirt, caressing her skin with a warm touch of my fingers. Sr. Gohal was a great teacher, I just never admired authority figures. They always got in my way. The bell rang forty five minutes later and then Blake and I went our separates ways. She went to Science while I went to History. Liam and I sat together here and by his body language I already knew something was wrong. "Stay away from Amber, Jon." he told me sternly before I even took my seat. I gave him a look of shock before it faded into a smile. "I'm serious, keep the hell away from her. I don't need her to become one of your little games. Her mom just died." Yeah well mine died after I killed her, I think my pain is a little worse. I didn't say it, but I really wanted to. "What ever, but no promises." I sneered. He glared at me before I was able to continue. "If she wants me that's her fault." I grinned again and Coach Lingham walked in right at that moment, making Liam shut up before he could start yelling. I stopped breathing. The wind was blowing in from Liam's side from the window. Liam always smelled so good, a misty sort of smell. I wonder what Amber smelt like. When the bell rang again, I got another death glance from Liam, but I shook it off. I was going to have Amber. After this I had a free period so I went down to the school library. I skimmed over books until I found a stash I his here a few weeks ago. I picked out some James Patterson books and began to read. "I don't think those are school appropriate." I voice said from the side, but I knew who it was. Amber sat down next to me on the floor, looking at the title. "The hell with what the school thinks." her faced soured when I said that so I was guessing she didn't like to cuss. Check that off the list for now. "Alex Cross is a good series." she said gently. I shrugged. "It's okay I guess. Nothing like his Maximum Ride series though." I smiled. Amber laughed and leaned her head against the book shelf. "California to Ohio? That's quite I a difference." I said. She looked back at me with those honey eyes, and for a moment I couldn't breathe. "I wanted to have some snow." she told me, closing her eyes again. She leaned her head back up against the book shelf, breathing normally. "Snow." I snorted. Then I looked over at her. When I didn't say anything else, one of her eyes opened slowly. "I'm sure my shoulder is more comfortable than that metal shelf." I spoke clearly and confidently. I even used a bit of a seductive voice to soften her up. She blinked. "What would your girlfriend think?" Amber challenged. "What girlfriend?" "The one you always have your hands all over." I nodded looking away. So she had seen us. That was going to make things more difficult, but she couldn't resist my charm, no girl could. I would have her eating out of my hand in a few hours. "She's not my girlfriend." I told Amber. "Really." her voice was full of deep sarcasm. I was really starting to like this girl. She had spunk, that was for sure. "More like friends with benefits." I winked at Amber. When I looked at her, she had the weirdest expression on her face. Amber looked almost angry, almost disgusted. No, she looked appalled. What hurt worse was that she didn't even seem to have a speck of interest in me. A lot of girls play hard to get, but Amber wasn't playing. I could see in her eyes she didn't want anything to do with me. No girl had ever rejected me. Until now. "Great you're one of those boys." she muttered under her breath. "And what is that?" She turned to me, her eyes hard. "The kind of guys that think everything is about them, the kind that can get every girl you want, the kind that think women are trash for the disposal. The kind of guys that make me sick. And I am not going to be your toy to waste, Jonathan." She stood up and walked away. "We'll see about that Amber." I called to her as she fled out the door. She would be mine. I would have her. Not even she could resist me forever. I didn't see Amber for the rest of the day. At first I thought she ditched school, but later I saw her with Liam, who was giving me dirty looks. I shrugged my shoulders when I caught his eyes. I had to try. "Did I hear it right?" Nick came to my side in an instant, followed by the rest of the pack…then to my great delight (sarcasm) came Edward. "Little Jonathan got rejected by a girl?" I growled. "She wasn't anything special really." I tried to sound nonchalant, but my hopes failed with Edward laughing the whole time. I whipped around to face him. "You got a problem, Edward?" He shook his head, clearly trying not to laugh. "Loosen up, Jonathan, there's a first time for everything." Edward's voice made me want to kill him more. "It's 'Jon' not 'Jonathan'. Get it right." Jason spoke this time. "It's the name Claire gave you, its the name were going to call you. Got it?" he had some steel in his voice. That shut me up in a blink. I clenched my fists, trying really hard not to think about Claire. Not right here, not right now. I didn't need this. This place was my territory. "What ever." I stopped walking and watched Amber get into her car across the lot. "Coming?" Taylor called, holding the door open to her car. I shook my head, not looking at her. I saw Brooke approaching me with a big wide smile on her perfect lips. Her hips were swaying from side to side, making my mouth water "Nah, I'll catch up later." I kissed Brooke on the mouth passionately. Before Jason drove away I saw the disappointment on his face. I tried not to let that spoil my night. Too late.
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