Chapter 14

1563 Words

Chapter 14 OH, SH*T! Maggie Did you ever have this crazy-ass dream where your world crashes down on you? Well, it wasn’t a dream, but a freaking nightmare. When I say a nightmare, I mean when the doorbell rang. We were sleeping when someone rang the doorbell. Jace came downstairs to answer it, and his eyes widened. “Uncle Nate and Aunt Pat!” They stood there, looking none too happy. Jace behaved as a loving nephew would. He slammed the door on their faces and ran upstairs. Our door flew open. “Get up! Your folks are here!” I fell out of bed, as did Nash, too, after Jace startled us. Nixon and Kat received the same treatment. They landed on the floor with a thud. “Dude, what the hell?” Nixon asked. “Your folks are here, you tool!” “s**t!” We hurried and got dressed, then ran dow

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