Chapter 13 Rewards

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At the place where the second level disciples of the seventh team lived, in a darkroom, Lu Ping suddenly opened his eyes. He reached out his finger, and a tongue of flame appeared above it. He flicked it to a lamp, and then the dark, humble room was lit instantly. The room was not big and was about three meters by three meters. Its furnishings were very simple, and there were only a few essential items for daily life. This shows that Lu Ping's daily activities were mainly cultivating hard. Half a month had passed since the Grand Competition was over, and Lu Ping's cultivation at the eighth level of Blood Refining had been completely consolidated. Looking back on what happened in the Grand Competition, Lu Ping still had a lingering fear. On that day, Lu Ping was lucky enough to make a cultivation breakthrough at the last moment and resist Leng Qian's attack. Then he quickly took out his magic weapon "Landslide", and finally defeated Leng Qian with several high-grade Blood Magic Figures. However, Lu Ping's newly accumulated spiritual strength was also exhausted. Without the guidance of spiritual strength, his new cultivation was facing immediate collapse like buildings without cement. Once his cultivation collapsed, he would fall back to the seventh level. If it was serious, he would be seriously injured and would not recover for several years. That was why Lu Ping, without even looking at the result, slumped to the ground and tried his best to run magic spells after he launched his final attack. Fortunately, it was not too late. Immortal Senior Liu gave him a precious highest-grade wound healing elixir and protected his cultivation from collapse. The next day, Lu Ping could no longer take part in the Grand Competition on the central ring, so he had to retire. In the next half month, Lu Ping began confinement in cultivation in his residence, recovered from his injury, and kept consolidating his cultivation. He was deeply afraid that his breakthrough would leave him with some internal injuries which would affect his future cultivation, so he carefully checked his body with magic power several times and repeatedly made sure that he was not affected. Half a month later, when Lu Ping finished his confinement, his cultivation was stabilized, and his foundation was also consolidated again. Lu Ping only managed to enter the top sixteen this time. It was a pity, but on the second thought, he originally didn't even have the chance to defeat Leng Qian. However, he got the rewards for the top sixteen, so he should be satisfied. Thinking of the rewards, Lu Ping felt excited and took off a small and delicate blue cloth bag from his waist. This was a storage bag. Lu Ping had seen such a thing on Li Sheng and Leng Qian in the Grand Competition. A space was arranged in the small cloth bag. It was convenient and could contain a lot of things. Lu Ping liked it very much. He planned to buy one in the market after the Grand Competition. To his surprise, the rewards he got in the Grand Competition were sent to him in such a small storage bag. This saved him some spiritual stones. Lu Ping injected his spiritual strength into the storage bag. The storage bag could be used after spiritual strength was injected into it. If its owner had reached the Blood Dissolving stage, he could draw magic patterns on it with Divine Mentality Coercion. Then only the owner could use it. At the time, Lu Ping could only use the storage bag most simply. "Clattering", Lu Ping poured out the rewards he got from the Grand Competition in front of himself. Disciples who were at the late stage of Blood Refining and participated in the Grand Competition would get twenty spiritual stones. The top sixty-four would get forty spiritual stones, and the top thirty-two would get twenty elixirs. After Lu Ping entered the eighth level of Blood Refining, the blood purifying elixirs he used before began to produce little effect. He had to replace them with fine blood elixirs that contained richer spiritual strength and were better suited for cultivators at the eighth level. As for the rewards for entering the top sixteen, Lu Ping specially asked for a magic weapon for fleeing. He already had a magic weapon "Landslide" seal for offense, and a bronze mirror for defense, and only lacked a magic weapon for fleeing. Lu Ping always felt that there was a reason for the sect's suddenly increasing the rewards, but the sect hadn't told the reason to them. He became wary and had a misgiving about it. He didn't believe in the rumor that "The disciples of the academy made great efforts in cultivation and achieved gratifying results, so the sect deliberately increased the rewards." It had been rumored that the disciples of the True Spirit Sect had made faster progress in cultivation than other sects' disciples in recent decades and that they were gradually becoming stronger. However, even if it was true, they were only a little stronger than the disciples of other sects, which was far from enough to make the sect increase the rewards greatly. Lu Ping couldn't figure out the reason behind it. At the time, all he could do was to make use of every opportunity to increase his strength. As for what he would pay for accepting these rewards, Lu Ping couldn't spare a thought for it. This time, the seventh team made great achievements, which brought a huge profit to Immortal Senior Liu. After Lu Ping failed to enter the top sixteen, Yao Yong and Du Feng entered the top eight and got the blood dissolving elixirs as rewards. After that, Du Feng encountered a disciple who had reached the peak of the ninth level of Blood Refining. After using a low-grade defensive magic weapon and a medium-grade magic weapon, Du Feng was unfortunately defeated. Yao Yong defeated Lin Sheng, one of the "Five Talents" from the first team, and entered the top four, but failed to go further. At this point, all the disciples of the seventh team got their results in the Grand Competition. Although Immortal Senior Liu regretted that Yao Yong did not enter the final and Lu Ping defaulted in the competition for the top sixteen to enter the top eight, the seventh team still ranked third among the twenty teams and won eighty medium-grade spiritual stones in the bet. After deducting the cost, twenty medium-grade spiritual stones, Immortal Senior Liu won sixty medium-grade spiritual stones. They were equivalent to 6,000 low-grade spiritual stones, which was a great fortune for a cultivator who was at the Blood Dissolving stage. Immortal Senior Liu was in a good mood. After Lu Ping's confinement in cultivation, he gave a three-day lecture about cultivation tips to all the cultivators of the seventh team who had been promoted to the third level disciples on the cultivation platform. The disciples of the seventh team gained a lot. This morning, after Lu Ping finished his cultivation with the others, he was stopped by Immortal Senior Liu. His cultivation had reached the eighth level of Blood Refining. Following the rules, Immortal Senior Liu should give him personal coaching for three days. But because Lu Ping needed to recover from his injuries and consolidate his cultivation, he hadn't had time to receive personal coaching. At the time, Lu Ping had recovered. Even if Immortal Senior Liu didn't mention the personal coaching, he was looking forward to it. The seventh team would be promoted to the third level disciples' team in the second half of the year, and Immortal Senior Liu was still the leading Immortal Seniors. This time, the seventh team performed well. Some of the disciples might be transferred to other teams which had fewer disciples who had been promoted, but it was only a small number of them, and those disciples wouldn't be the ones at the late stage of Blood Refining. If they were, Immortal Senior Liu would be out of his mind. Lu Ping was still the tenth senior disciple, but he had been regarded as the third-best after Yao Yong and Du Feng by the disciples of the team. In their eyes, even Shi Lingling was not able to compete with him. Shi Lingling didn't say anything about it. After all, Lu Ping made a sensation in the academy by defeating Leng Qian, whose cultivation was two levels higher than his. It was said that Lu Ping was praised by the Zhenrens of the Alchemy stage who were present at that time. Even if some people were very bitter about that, they would not challenge Lu Ping at that time. However, during Lu Ping's convalescence, Zhang Zicheng challenged Li Cheng, defeated him, and became the 11th disciple. Shi Lingling also defeated the third disciple. At the time, there were "Four Elites", "Five Talents" and "Seven Braves" among the second level disciples of True Spirit Academy. They were in the top sixteen in the Grand Competition. Lu Ping was one of the "Seven Braves", which surprised him for a while.
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