Chapter 12 Breakthrough

1453 Words
Lu Ping was not in the mood to exclaim about Leng Qian's magic weapon. At the time, he only felt great pressure and danger. He even noticed that the presiding Immortal Senior on the edge of the ring was already prepared to rescue him. In a hurry, Lu Ping took out his bronze mirror and injected his spiritual strength into it as if he was going to drain his spiritual strength. He threw out two top-grade Blood Magic Figures to attack Leng Qian, trying to pose obstacles to her. "Clang." "Puff." After several loud noises, Lu Ping's bronze mirror was almost struck to fly by the hammer, and he seemed to be hit by a heavy object in his chest, retreating to the edge of the ring. Fortunately, Lu Ping's several Magic Figures attracted Leng Qian's attention. Leng Qian failed to launch her second attack after she launched the first one. Otherwise, even if Lu Ping could withstand her attacks, he would be beaten down the ring. Looking up, Lu Ping was shocked. A shield-like magic weapon was suspending in front of Leng Qian and blocking his magic methods that were changed from the several Blood Magic Figures. As expected, she had two magic weapons. Although Lu Ping had long guessed that Leng Qian might have two magic weapons, he took a chance on it and didn't believe it until Leng Qian took her second magic weapon out. The match had been underway for a long time. Lu Ping had consumed a lot of spiritual strength. However, the contestants were not allowed to take elixirs to restore spiritual strength, otherwise, he could fight against her with his magic weapon. Seeing that his attacks were in vain, Lu Ping concentrated on continuously injecting his remaining spiritual strength into the bronze mirror to block Leng Qian's magic weapon. "Clang." After another noise, Lu Ping once again blocked Leng Qian's attack. At the same time, the blood in his body flowed rapidly, absorbing the spiritual Qi around him, He used it to supplement the spiritual strength in his bloodline. Although it was a drop in the bucket, it was better than nothing. Seeing that Lu Ping stopped attacking her but was only defending with his magic weapon, Leng Qian waved her sword and charged at Lu Ping again. Lu Ping permitted himself a wry smile and rushed to one side to dodge her attack in dismay. For a moment, the hammer in the sky kept hitting down, and Lu Ping rushed to the left and right to dodge Leng Qian's sword like a pathetic hamster. The crowd laughed at first, but after seeing that Lu Ping had blocked Leng Qian's magic weapon three times in a row and avoided Leng Qian's sword, they gradually stopped laughing. Was this man really at the seventh level of Blood Refining? After such a longtime match, how could he have enough spiritual strength to use his magic weapon three times in a row? His spiritual strength was quite rich! This match had been underway for an hour, more and more people gathered below the ring. Only Lu Ping and Leng Qian hadn't finished their match. Lu Ping was very upset. He was never so awkward in any match. Besides, it was a beautiful woman who made him so awkward in front of thousands of people. How embarrassing it was! The longer Lu Ping held on, the more reluctant he was to be defeated and the more upset he got. He could only speed up the circulation of his bloodline, accelerate the absorption of the spiritual Qi around him, and activate every blood vessel to scrape every trace of spiritual strength in his body. At the time, Lu Ping's heartbeat was stunningly fast. Leng Qian was about to launch her fourth attack with her magic weapon, and the bronze mirror floating above Lu Ping's head was already teetering. Lu Ping still refused to admit defeat but seized the time to inject every trace of spiritual strength into the bronze mirror. In a loud bang, the bronze mirror fell to the ground and the hammer bounded back! Lu Ping blocked Leng Qian's attack with his bronze mirror! The crowd exclaimed secretly and were breathless with tension for Lu Ping. Unconsciously, they were impressed by Lu Ping's bravery and persistence, forgetting that most of them came here for Leng Qian. Unfortunately, Lu Ping's magic weapon fell to the ground, which meant that his spiritual strength had been exhausted. The crowd sighed loudly. "Eh!" Suddenly, a few voices of surprise and disbelief came from the central ring. The crowd looked back at the central ring, and then followed the gazes of the Immortal Seniors to Lu Ping. At the time, Lu Ping was looking at Leng Qian with wide-opened eyes. His bronze mirror on the ground floated upward again tremblingly and slowly. If the people below the ring had reached the Blood Dissolving stage and gained Divine Mentality Coercion, they would find that a whirlpool of spiritual strength had appeared around Lu Ping. Traces of spiritual strength flew into the whirlpool from all around and were absorbed by Lu Ping. He made an instant cultivation breakthrough in the match. Lu Ping only felt his heartbeat suddenly slow down, but every beat was strong and vigorous. His blood vessels suddenly became wider and thicker. Countless capillaries extended out, sent spiritual strength to all parts of his body where spiritual strength hadn't reached, and then stored the spiritual strength he absorbed in his bloodline to refine his bloodline, skin, and bones. The dried-up spiritual strength in his bloodline was filled up little by little. Leng Qian didn't know how to describe her mood. She admitted that she was impressed by this man's unyielding attitude, but he still had to lose. She had no other choices, nor did he! Her cold expression became colder. The hammer in the air was pounding down again. In the crowd's exclamation, the bronze mirror that had just ascended more than thirty-three centimeters suddenly jumped very high like a spring that was pressed to the end abruptly. It blocked the hammer again. Before the crowd could react to this scene, they saw a small seal flying out of Lu Ping's arms. Suddenly, it grew a dozen times bigger and rushed to Leng Qian. Leng Qian's expression changed. She didn't expect that Lu Ping would make a cultivation breakthrough. To her surprise, his counterattack was so fierce and he had another magic weapon. This magic weapon "Landslide" was so powerful that it shattered her "Xuanwu Shield" with just one blow. Moreover, when she saw Lu Ping took out "Landslide", three high-grade Blood Magic Figures flew out of his hands to her. Leng Qian's magic power at the time was also exhausted because of keeping using magic weapons, especially after she withstood the blow of "Landslide". "Landslide" carried the power of medium-grade magic weapons. Leng Qian looked in pain. How could Lu Ping have such a magic weapon? In a hurry, Leng Qian tried her best to send out a Sword Qi and smashed one of the Magic Figures from Lu Ping, but she was no longer able to stop the other two. The presiding Immortal Senior blocked the other two Magic Figures, and Leng Qian looked ahead with a dumbfounded look. At the time, Lu Ping slumped to the ground and began to consolidate his cultivation. She was defeated like this? Their attacks and defenses were stunningly quick and dizzying. The audience below the ring quietly watched what happened. Until then, they fell into a sensation. Lu Ping turned the tables! They were surprised but felt that the result was reasonable, so they accepted it with peace of mind, and lofty sentiments filled their hearts in an instant. Never giving up was the most important in a match. It was the real mentality of the strong! When the crowd looked at the ring again, Leng Qian had already stepped down in dismay. Several figures rushed up to the ring. It was Yao Yong, Du Feng, and Shi Lingling. They surrounded Lu Ping shoulder to shoulder to protect him from being interrupted. As soon as they looked up, they found that Immortal Senior Liu had already stood on the ring. On the central ring, Zhenren Xuan Yong said with emotion, "If all our disciples have such spirit, our sect will be prosperous soon." Zhenren Xuan Su next to him said, "That girl is also persistent. She did a good job!" Xuan Ce said, "There were dozens of matches in these two days. They were not the only ones who did a good job!" The three people looked at each other and then laughed heartily!
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