Chapter 16 Hunting

1697 Words
Lu Ping needed to pass through a forest on his way back to the academy. After he entered it, he took out a Magic Figure from his storage bag and pasted it on himself. Then his figure flashed and disappeared. What he used was an Invisibility Magic Figure. The simplest Invisibility Magic Figures that cultivators at the Blood Refining stage made could only make people invisible, but if cultivators at the Blood Dissolving stage were here, they could find Lu Ping in an instant. Even skillful cultivators at the Blood Refining stage could find Lu Ping's trail through the traces. After a while, the figures of two cultivators came through the shelter of rocks and trees. They were hiding carefully, and their speed was extremely high. In the blink of an eye, they came to the woods where Lu Ping was. They stopped. One of them was the sturdy cultivator Lu Ping had just met in the market. The other was as skinny as a bamboo pole. The skinny and tall cultivator looked to the left and right and then said, "He stopped here and then disappeared. I guess he has found us and erased his traces on the way." The sturdy cultivator said with a fierce look, "He's young but smart. I've inquired about him. His Magic Figures in the market are quite famous. I intended to capture him to draw Magic Figures for us and asked him about the situation of True Spirit Sect, but he slipped away." The skinny and tall cultivator frowned and said with a displeased look, "Stop saying that. We are just hired to inquire about things. If we don't need someone proficient in making Magic Figures, how can we try to capture the disciples of the True Spirit Sect? Our "Tongxiu League" can't afford to offend the disciples of True Spirit Sect." The sturdy cultivator laughed awkwardly and stopped talking. The skinny and tall cultivator carefully looked at the traces around them and said uncertainly, "Maybe that man hasn't left but is just hiding in the woods with an Invisibility Magic Figure." The sturdy cultivator said with a disapproving look, "Even if he's nearby, he is just a little cultivator who is at the eighth level of Blood Refining and has only cultivated for a few years. We are cultivators at the eighth level and the ninth level of Blood Refining who has gone through fire and water. How can he attack us rashly?" As soon as the sturdy cultivator finished speaking, he felt a wave of spiritual Qi behind him. In horror, he looked back and saw a big seal rising into the air. It grew a dozen times bigger and then rushed to the sturdy cultivator at lightning speed. A big word was engraved on the bottom of the seal, "Landslide"! The skinny and tall cultivator shouted "damn it" inwardly, and quickly attacked Lu Ping who had shown up with a high-grade Magic Figure. He performed a magic spell with his hand and muttered something to get his "Burst Flame" ready. At the same time, a flying sword magic weapon flew out of his storage bag, and he injected a steady stream of spiritual strength into it. He pointed to Lu Ping with the tip of the sword, as if he was going to kill Lu Ping with one stroke. In this way, he might divert Lu Ping's attention and help the sturdy cultivator out. A red light flashed on Lu Ping, and a highest-grade Blood Magic Figure turned into a "Vajra Shield" and appeared before him, while another highest-grade Magic Figure turned into three sharp swords and then dashed towards the sturdy cultivator. Lu Ping had decided to kill one of them first! The sturdy cultivator indeed went through fire and water all year round. Although he was suddenly attacked under his carelessness, he still took out a bottle-shaped magic weapon. A huge wave rushed out from it and dashed towards "Landslide". However, to his surprise, "Landslide" still broke through the huge wave. With a loud "Clang", the bottle-shaped magic weapon was struck to fly. Being affected by this, the sturdy cultivator vomited blood and was seriously injured. The three sharp swords came, cutting through the air. The sturdy cultivator had to ignore his disordered magic power, taking out a high-grade Magic Figure and pasting it on himself. The Magic Figure turned into a wooden wall and stood in front of the sturdy cultivator. At the same time, he took out stick-shaped magic steel. Before he could use it, the wooden wall in front of him had been pierced by sharp swords. The three sharp swords didn't stop there but dashed towards the sturdy cultivator directly. The sturdy cultivator suddenly turned pale and exclaimed, "It's a highest-grade Blood Magic Figure!" He waved his long stick and shattered two of the sharp swords, but the third one pierced his heart under his shocked gaze. When Lu Ping still chose to attack the sturdy cultivator regardless of the skinny and tall cultivator's attack, the skinny and tall cultivator already had a foreboding, but it was too late to stop it and he had no time to think much. The "Burst Flame" in his hand turned into a fireball and flew to Lu Ping. The sturdy cultivator's cry for help came, and the skinny and tall cultivator's heart sank, but the flying sword magic weapon in his hand followed closely behind the fireball and charged at Lu Ping. After the "Vajra Shield" transformed by Lu Ping's highest-grade Magic Figure was hit by the skinny and tall cultivator's high-grade Magic Figure, it was hit by the "Burst Flame" of Shu Realm. As expected, it was slowly shattered. Then, a bronze mirror grew a dozen times bigger, and with a loud bang, it firmly resisted the flying sword magic weapon. Just in a moment, the sturdy cultivator died. Lu Ping and the skinny and tall cultivator fell into a stalemate. The hunter and the prey had switched their identities. The skinny and tall cultivator stared at Lu Ping with fierce eyes, as if he was going to swallow Lu Ping alive. He said, "You are young, but you are so sly and cruel!" Lu Ping said with a smile, "If I'm not, I would be the one lying on the ground!" "Good, good!" The skinny and tall cultivator was a little scared. After all, they were at the place where True Spirit Sect was located. Lu Ping was not a weak opponent. His intention to kill Lu Ping was slowly dispelled, and he wanted to retreat. So, he said, "I've seen your superb skills. Our 'Tongxiu League' will get even with you!" After that, he was about to leave. "Perish the thought. Don't think it will be that easy!" Lu Ping shouted, and the magic steel in his hand dashed towards the skinny and tall cultivator. The skinny and tall cultivator didn't flinch. He resisted Lu Ping's attack with the magic steel in his hand while scolding, "Brat, even if you have two magic weapons, you can't stop me from leaving, let alone you are only at the eighth level!" Lu Ping didn't answer, but took out "Landslide" and threw it at the skinny and tall cultivator. The skinny and tall cultivator cursed inwardly, and his flying sword magic weapon also flew into the air to resist "Landslide". "Landslide" was powerful and heavy but it consumed a lot of magic power. Although the flying sword was weaker than it, it was more flexible. Moreover, the skinny and tall cultivator's cultivation was at the ninth level of Blood Refining, so he could manage to resist Lu Ping's "Landslide". After fighting for a while, the skinny and tall cultivator had decided to retreat. This man from True Spirit Sect had strong magic power and could contend with him who was at the ninth level with his cultivation at the eighth level. Moreover, the place where they were was near True Spirit Sect. If any cultivator of True Spirit Sect passed by here, he would be done for. The more the skinny and tall cultivator thought about it, the more he wanted to retreat. He tried to leave several times, but Lu Ping seemed to have known exactly what he was thinking and was like waiting for cultivators of True Spirit Sect to pass by. It seemed that he couldn't retreat unscathed. The skinny and tall cultivator was decisive. After he made up his mind, dozens of Magic Figures flew out of his storage bag, including the high, medium, and low-grade ones, and they all dashed towards Lu Ping in a hurry. Lu Ping reacted in confusion, pasted two highest-grade Blood Magic Figures on himself, and dodged those Magic Figures one after another. Then he barely resisted the attack of the skinny and tall cultivator. Lu Ping looked up and saw that the skinny and tall cultivator was quickly retreating in the direction he came. He turned a highest-grade Magic Figure into a mass of thin needles and threw them at the skinny and tall cultivator's back. The skinny and tall cultivator threw out a magic method to resist it without stopping. Even if he was injured, he had to leave here. A few fine needles that were not blocked by the magic method stabbed into the back of the skinny and tall cultivator. The skinny and tall cultivator let out a muffled grunt, stumbled, and then ran faster towards the direction he came. Lu Ping looked at him who was running farther and farther, and snorted inwardly, "You think you can get out of here?" A boat suddenly appeared under his feet. It was the fleeing magic weapon Lu Ping got in the Grand Competition. His magic power surged in secret, and the boat sent out a white light. Then the distance between Lu Ping and the skinny and tall cultivator was shortened in half. The skinny and tall cultivator was cursing Lu Ping silently. Suddenly he felt a gust of wind behind his head. He looked back and saw a big seal covering the sky above his head and pressing down on him.
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