Chapter 15 Full-Time

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The third level disciples seldom cultivated in the academy. Most of them had to travel to increase their knowledge, look for opportunities, and complete the tasks the sect gave them. Even if the disciples hadn't reached the eighth level of Blood Refining, they had to receive tasks from the sect, accumulate rewards, and make plans for their future cultivation after cultivating for a year. This was also the reason why few third level disciples could be seen in the academy except when they came back for the year-end Grand Competition. True Spirit Sect had a long history. The seniors knew well that it was difficult to train elites in a safe and comfortable environment, so they allowed the disciples to strive by themselves freely. Those with real strength would survive in the end. After all, the inheritance of the sect needed the elites to carry on. In this half-year, after being lectured by Immortal Senior Liu, Lu Ping had been preparing for his travel in addition to cultivating hard. After his cultivation reached the eighth level, he was better at making Magic Figures. At the time, low-grade Magic Figures seldom appeared in the Magic Figures he made. Most of what he made were middle and high-grade ones. Sometimes, he could even make a highest-grade Magic Figure. Moreover, he had turned all the Blood Magic Figures he saved to the highest-grade ones. In the Grand Competition, Lu Ping insisted on not using the few highest-grade Magic Figures he had but kept them as a trump card. If he used them, it was hard to keep his superb skill of making Magic Figures from others. The power of the highest-grade Blood Magic Figures was almost the same as that of common magic methods of cultivators at the early Blood Dissolving stage. If other people knew that, they might encourage him to specialize in making Magic Figures. However, that was not Lu Ping's aspiration. Lu Ping didn't take part in the competition for the top eight, otherwise, he would have taken out this trump card. However, the reward for the top eight was a blood dissolving elixir. It didn't matter if he had to play his trump card before he got the blood dissolving elixir. However, Lu Ping defaulted in the competition for the top eight, so he could only comfort himself in this way. Blood dissolving elixir! Lu Ping had been thinking about it! Lu Ping was better at making Magic Figures, which meant that he could earn more spiritual stones. However, he had replaced his elixirs with fine blood elixirs which had better effect, so he naturally spent more spiritual stones. Although he got the rewards from the Grand Competition, and the welfare for the disciples at the eighth level of Blood Refining increased, spiritual stones in Lu Ping's storage bag only increased slightly. The improvement of Lu Ping's cultivation was gratifying. In half a year, his cultivation improved steadily. However, it was impossible for him to enter the ninth level in a short time like he entered the eighth level from the seventh level. After all, Lu Ping's accumulation at the sixth level of Blood Refining was extremely rich back then. The end of the month was the market day again. Lu Ping, wearing a mask, set up a stall to sell Magic Figures in the market. His Magic Figures were already a little famous in the market. In addition, in the last half-year, Lu Ping began to save the highest-grade Magic Figures for his use, so he took out much more high-grade Magic Figures to sell. A lot of cultivators were attracted by them, and they were often sold out as soon as he put them on the stall. Sure enough, as soon as Lu Ping put them on the stall, several cultivators came up and wanted to buy them. At this time, from the east of the market, a 30-year-old sturdy man came directly to Lu Ping. After he reached the stall, he squatted down and picked up a few high-grade Magic Figures. Looking at them, he said, "Bro, you are very good at making Magic Figures." After that, he just looked at Lu Ping without telling him whether he was going to buy them or not. Looking at him, Lu Ping didn't deny that these Magic Figures were his work. He sold Magic Figures in the market every month. Naturally, he couldn't hide that from those observant and conscientious people. He calmly said, "Thank you, Sir. Do you want to buy some of them?" The sturdy man said with a chuckle, "Bro, I want to buy all your Magic Figures. What do you say?" Lu Ping was stunned and said, "Sure, you can take all of them away at a price of..." Seeing that Lu Ping didn't understand what he meant, the sturdy man hurriedly interrupted, "Sorry, I didn't make it clear. I mean, I want to invite you to be a full-time Magic Figure Maker of 'Tongxiu League'. In future, you only make Magic Figures for our league. Don't worry. We will give you enough spiritual stones. What do you think?" Lu Ping didn't expect that such a thing would happen to him. True Spirit Sect had a long history and great strength. The markets around it had become gathering places for all kinds of individual cultivators. Good and bad individual cultivators were mixed up and formed gangs. Lu Ping had seen such a thing before, but it was the first time it happened to him. However, if full-time Magic Figure Makers joined a decent group, they would be respected and earn a lot of money. If he joined some indecent gangs, he would be controlled by them. Then he would be the slave and even be murdered and robbed of his secret skills of making Magic Figures. Lu Ping, as a promising disciple of True Spirit Academy, naturally didn't have the idea to be an individual cultivator. He refused and said, "I'm sorry, Sir. I'm afraid I can't join your league for the time being." The sturdy man's expression changed, and he asked, "Why? Do you think our 'Tongxiu League' is not worthy of you? In our 'Tongxiu League', there are eighteen individual cultivators, all of whom are above the eighth level of Blood Refining, and our leader is an expert at the Blood Dissolving stage." He was like warning and threatening Lu Ping. Lu Ping had even seen the Zhenrens at the Alchemy stage. How could he be interested in what he said? He said in a cold tone, "I'm sorry. I'm a disciple of the True Spirit Sect. I don't want to join your league." Lu Ping didn't want to get into trouble, so he could only mention True Spirit Sect to scare the sturdy man off. As expected, as soon as the sturdy man heard that Lu Ping was a disciple of True Spirit Sect, his expression became stiff, and he said awkwardly, "You are a disciple of such a big sect? Naturally, you won't be interested in our league. I'm sorry to intrude on you like this." Then he turned and left. Lu Ping didn't take it to heart but continued to sell the rest of his Magic Figures. He bought elixirs and some cultivation supplies with the spiritual stones he earned. Then, he walked around the market and bought some sundries. Recently, disciples of the higher level of Blood Refining were going to hold a small trade fair. Lu Ping became famous lately and was invited to it. He was very interested in the fair, so he accepted the invitation. Lately, he had been saving spiritual stones in case he couldn't pay for the things he took a fancy to in the trade fair though he didn't think he was very likely to meet things he liked there. Lu Ping was a little wary of "Tongxiu League" and asked the cultivators around him about it. The sturdy man came directly to him at that time. Obviously, he had inquired about Lu Ping in advance. However, none of those people had heard about "Tongxiu League". Later, a cultivator told him that "Tongxiu League" came to the market near True Spirit Sect recently. It was said that the individual cultivators of "Tongxiu League" were quite strong among low-level individual cultivators. They were aggressive and militant. Moreover, they hunted supernatural beasts, explored and sought wonders in exchange for cultivation resources. As soon as they came here, they befriended the outer disciples of the True Spirit Sect and quickly gained a firm foothold among the individual cultivators around True Spirit Sect. After wandering around the market and not finding anything that could be of use at the time, Lu Ping left there and headed back towards the academy. Although he already had a fleeing magic weapon, it would consume a lot of spiritual strength if he used it. Lu Ping didn't want to show it off like an upstart. Therefore, he rushed back to the academy with Light Body Skill.
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