Chapter 33 Stealing Spiritual Stones

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After the cultivator who temporarily stationed the island for Lu Ping arrived, Lu Ping hurriedly returned to Xuanqi Island. He handed over 200 kg of spiritual grains and reported the situation of Huangli Island to an Immortal Senior at the Blood Dissolving stage. Then his official business was completed. After that, he visited Immortal Senior Liu and asked him for advice on some difficult problems in cultivation. Immortal Senior Liu answered these questions in detail, which made Lu Ping very grateful. Immortal Senior Liu was a very decent person and was fair to every disciple. As long as you worked hard and made progress, he would give you some unexpected rewards. Although the rewards might be small, they could surprise you. He knew when to provide you with the most appropriate help. Probably with the secret protection of Immortal Senior Liu, Lu Ping's strength could rank third in the seventh team. Otherwise, how could Lu Ping pin down Li Cheng who came from a cultivators' family as an orphan? Lu Ping then talked about what happened in the past three months with several other disciples of the seventh team who returned from their islands and then went to get the subsidy from the sect with them. Lu Ping got the subsidy of 180 spiritual stones for three months, and 10 kg of spiritual grain seeds. Although he wouldn't use these spiritual grain seeds, he didn't want to reject and waste them. Then, one-third of the three-day holiday was over. The next day, they were sent to Dikun Island, the nearest medium-sized Island, to buy cultivation supplies. Lu Ping could only spend some more spiritual stones to get himself back to True Spirit Academy so that he could buy elixirs at the Elixirs Selling Pavilion. Fortunately, several other disciples also needed to go back to True Spirit Academy to deal with things. They shared the expense, so Lu Ping didn't spend many spiritual stones. Lu Ping bought elixirs, spiritual spring water, yellow spell papers, spiritual ink, and so on. He sold various kinds of the Magic Figures he made and then hurried back to Xuanqi Island. After a night's rest, they said goodbye to each other and returned to their islands one by one on the third day. As soon as he came back, the Spirit-Seeking Mouse, Bao, came out of somewhere. It climbed up to his hand along his trouser leg, and then kept squeaking as if it had performed deeds of important merit. Lu Ping was overjoyed, took out a spiritual beast elixir made by spiritual grains from his spiritual beast bag to reward Bao, and then said, "You've found the land where spiritual Qi gathers? Take me there!" After Bao finished taking the elixir, it nodded quickly, and then jumped out of Lu Ping's hand and ran outside. Lu Ping followed Bao all the way to the east of Huangli Island. He couldn't help but wonder that most of the spiritual fields on the island were under the small hill of the island, and five of them were in the mountain forest in the west. The east of the island was developed early. If there were spiritual fields, they would have been discovered long ago. Lu Ping's doubt was dispelled when he arrived at the destination. It is because of the early development of the eastern side, where irrigation is easy and the fields are more productive, that the area is full of mud all year round. In the past, the Immortal Seniors stationed on the island always thought that this place was developed the earliest and had been surveyed. Moreover, they could not throw off their airs and come to this rotten mud pond, so this land where spiritual Qi gathered hadn't been found for so long. Lu Ping carefully inspected this land and found that a 0.2-acre-sized spiritual field could be developed here. According to the usual practice, he didn't need to report to his leadership about this spiritual field until his three-year mission ended, which meant that before he left, this spiritual field was his own private spiritual field. In great joy, Lu Ping found a remaining blood-increasing elixir from his storage bag. It was an elixir suitable for cultivators at the fourth or fifth level of Blood Refining. He threw it to Bao. Bao didn't have any spiritual intelligence at all. Seeing that it was a reward from its owner, it grabbed it and bit it directly. When Lu Ping reacted, he only managed to take away half of the elixir from Bao's mouth. After eating the other half of it, Bao threw itself into the muddy pond with a bubble and fell into a coma. Putting Bao's tragic experience aside, Lu Ping suddenly felt that there was finally a little surprise in his life, so he happily opened up this muddy pond into a spiritual field, and planted spiritual grains in it and the one-acre-sized spiritual fields. It seemed that the days had suddenly returned to the previous three months. Lu Ping, who had been addicted to hard cultivation, was suddenly interested in doing something else. He thought of Lin Sheng on Huangyu Island! He was sent to plant spiritual grains on Huangli Island because of Lin Sheng. However, Lin Sheng only needed to hire people to dig spiritual stones on Huangyu Island. Without any effort, he could get 300 spiritual stones every month. Lu Ping had detailed map information of this sea area, and he even had killed people on Huangyu Island and occupied it himself. He was naturally familiar with Huangyu Island. This time when he returned to Xuanqi Island, he had already heard from the other disciples that the delivery frequency of spiritual stones on Huangyu Island had changed. The disciples of the Xuan Spirit Sect delivered them once in ten days, but the disciples of the True Spirit Sect would deliver them once a month. Perhaps it was because the Xuan Spirit Sect needed to keep the spiritual mine a secret, but the True Spirit Sect didn't need to do that. Moreover, the Zhenrens at the Alchemy stage were in charge of it, so they naturally didn't worry that anything would go wrong. The end of the month was coming, and it was cloudy on this day. Lu Ping shouted inwardly, "Thank God!" After that, he took out several different objects from his storage bag, including bottles, cans, magic weapons, Magic Figures, and a uniform of outer disciples of the Xuan Spirit Sect. Lu Ping still kept the uniform of disciples of the Xuan Spirit Sect that he used to rob others on Huangyu Island and Huangli Island when they raided Xuanqi Island! It was getting dark. Lu Ping had been lurking on Huangyu Island for a whole day. He had used three Invisibility Magic Figures, but Lin Sheng had been staying in his cultivation room on the island. It seemed that Lu Ping was not the only one who cultivated hard. Lin Sheng was a few months younger than Lu Ping, but he entered the ninth level of Blood Refining two years earlier than Lu Ping. He was probably preparing for entering the Blood Dissolving stage. Just as Lu Ping was thinking about these things, the Root Magic Figure of the highest-grade Early Warning Magic Figure on him shook. Lin Sheng came towards the mine. It was still drizzling in the sky. Lu Ping sighed, "Even God is unwilling to help you!" Through the Magic Figure, Lu Ping knew that Lin Sheng was already less than 100 meters away from him. Lu Ping slowly injected his spiritual strength into the jade bottle. A burst of water mist slowly rose in the jade bottle. Gradually, the water mist rose higher and higher and became denser and denser. It gradually merged with the drizzle and became part of it. With an unfriendly breeze, it slowly drifted in the direction Lin Sheng came. Lin Sheng walked towards the mine. This day was the last day of the month, which was also the day when the miners turned over spiritual stones. Although the spiritual stones would be turned over once a month, Lin Sheng still came to collect spiritual stones every five days to prevent the miners from pocketing them and safeguard those spiritual stones. Lin Sheng, whose cultivation nearly reached the peak of the ninth level, was in a good mood recently. Once he succeeded in entering the Blood Dissolving stage, he could become an inner disciple of the True Spirit Sect. Back then, although he was treated as an inner disciple because of the Grand Competition, he had not reached the Blood Dissolving stage, so he hadn't been a formal inner disciple. Lin Sheng was getting closer and closer to the mine and found that the rain was strange. It was greasy when it fell on him. If he was at the Blood Dissolving stage, the rain would be blocked by his body-protecting magic power before it could fall on him. The wind was also strange. The treetops in the distance were tipping to the west. This was obviously an east wind. Lin Sheng was walking to the northeast. Why was the wind also blowing from the northeast? At this time, Lin Sheng suddenly shuddered and then realized that there was a trace of sweetness in the air he had been breathing. He hadn't noticed it for so long. Someone was trying to sneak up on him! "Who is it? Show yourself!" Lin Sheng shouted angrily!
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