Chapter 34 Cover His Traces

1610 Words
Lin Sheng shouted angrily and made himself dizzy. The function of Spirit-Suppressing Powder was to isolate cultivators from spiritual Qi outside, temporarily weaken the Bloodline in their bodies, and reduce cultivators' magic power. And such dirty means could only be effective for cultivators at the Blood Refining stage! Unfortunately, Lin Sheng happened to be at this stage! A black flying knife cut through the dense drizzle and rushed towards Lin Sheng's chest like a ghost flashing in the dark. Lin Sheng shouted, and a middle-grade flying sword struck the flying knife in the distance. When Lin Sheng's flying sword just hit the flying knife, a flying sword dashed to his neck immediately. Lin Sheng snorted, and suddenly unfolded a handkerchief. The handkerchief wrapped the flying sword and brought it in another direction. It was another middle-grade magic weapon. His gradually weakened magic power could hardly be enough for him to use the two middle-grade magic weapons. At this time, a cold wind suddenly struck the back of his head. Lin Sheng, who had no time to respond, was finally knocked unconscious on the ground. His only thought before he passed out was that the man who controlled the three magic weapons at the same time must be at the peak of the ninth level of Blood Refining. But he didn't know that Lu Ping was actually controlling the fourth magic weapon. The Spirit-Suppressing Powder in the jade bottle kept spraying in the air. At the same time, Lu Ping was also performing Breeze Skill and making the breeze slowly blow at him! Lu Ping tried his best to suppress his inner excitement and performed a Disguise Skill on his face expressionlessly. He slowly walked forward and picked up Lin Sheng's storage bag and the spiritual stone bag that Lin Sheng was going to hand over. Then he took the jade bottle and poured a few mouthfuls of liquid that was concocted from Spirit-Suppressing Powder into Lin Sheng's mouth so that Lin Sheng would not wake up until tomorrow afternoon, and only the day after tomorrow could he fully recover his strength. Without even checking the two storage bags, Lu Ping directly poured everything in them into his own storage bag and then destroyed the two storage bags directly. Lu Ping came to the mine and saw several miners already waiting at the entrance. Without saying a word, he directly threatened them to give him the spiritual stones dug out in the past ten days. Then he checked other places on the island and took away all the spiritual grains produced by the only two or three spirit fields that were only one acre. He found a low-grade Spirit-Gathering Futon in Lin Sheng's cultivation room. It was a good thing, which was actually a kind of magic tray of a magic pattern. If cultivators needed to have long-term cultivation, it could help them gather and absorb spiritual Qi and speed up cultivation. He wouldn't even exchange this futon for a high-grade magic weapon! Lu Ping secretly exclaimed that Lin Sheng was really rich, but he looked calmer and calmer, thinking that there were still other places he hadn't checked. Out of Huangyu Island, Lu Ping drove his boat to the southwest quickly. After about thirty miles, he turned to the east and went to his Huangli Island. Before turning his direction, Lu Ping suddenly remembered something. He took off the uniform of the disciple of the Xuan Spirit Sect and burned them. Then he jumped into the sea and washed himself up. After that, he put all the items in his storage bags except the spiritual stones into one storage bag, hid the storage bag in a reef, and marked it. Then he hurried back to Huangli Island and lived his regular pastoral life as if nothing had happened. Seven days later, Lu Ping finally saw the Immortal Senior who came to investigate. The Immortal Senior who came to Huangli Island was Immortal Senior Shang who assigned tasks to them before. Lu Ping hurried forward to greet Immortal Senior Shang and asked, "What can I do for you, Immortal Senior Shang?" Immortal Senior Shang looked at Lu Ping's calm and curious look and thought he was not probably pretending, but he still sternly asked, "Where were you seven nights ago?" Lu Ping was "startled" and hurriedly said "with a confused look", "Seven nights ago? I was on the island! Well, Immortal Senior Shang, did I do anything wrong?" Immortal Senior Shang looked at Lu Ping's frightened and anxious look, pretended to have defused his anger, and said, "Well, the Xuan Spirit Sect harasses our disciples more and more frequently these days. Have you found any trace of them here?" Lu Ping shook his head and said, "No. It is always peaceful and calm on the island. I haven't found any trace of them." Immortal Senior Shang tried several times in succession to sound Lu Ping out, but he didn't find any problems. Finally, he relaxed and dispelled his misgivings, "Do you know Lin Sheng on Huangyu Island? Seven days ago, he was knocked unconscious by the disciples of the Xuan Spirit Sect and was robbed of everything on him. It's a great shame!" This time, Immortal Senior Shang was really angry. The Lin family was on friendly terms with him. This time, he gave Lin Sheng a favor and assigned him to the island with the richest resources. However, he made such a big mistake. His Lin family became a laughing stock, and Immortal Senior Shang was also disgraced. Lin Sheng didn't even notice that the Spirit-Suppressing Powder was blown into his mouth. Why didn't he die? If he died, at least the disciples of the True Spirit Sect would fume with indignation! Immortal Senior Shang thought that the experts at the Blood Dissolving stage of the Lin family invited him to track the perpetrator. Because too many traces had been covered up in the rainy day and it was six days later after the incident when he looked into this matter, he lost the clues after he chased in the direction of the Xuan Spirit Sect for dozens of miles. Thinking of these things, Immortal Senior Shang was really furious. Forget it, in the future, he'd better distance himself from the Lin family to avoid being laughed at. Immortal Senior Shang's teeth itched with hatred when he thought of the strange atmosphere on Xuanqi Island these days. Only Zhenren Qu didn't take this matter seriously. When he knew what happened, he laughed for fifteen minutes. His laughter was even heard in the three-mile area around Xuanqi Island. Lu Ping didn't know that Immortal Senior Shang had thought so many things in an instant. He said with a stunned look, "He, he was robbed?" Immortal Senior Shang looked at the amused expression on Lu Ping's face and felt more embarrassed. In such cases, the victims would all be killed, but the other party just robbed Lin Sheng. Maybe Lin Sheng should have just died. In the end, Immortal Senior Shang casually told Lu Ping to be safe and be careful of the Xuan Spirit Sect and so on, and then left here hurriedly. When Lu Ping felt that the Root Early Warning Magic Figure in his sleeve couldn't sense Immortal Senior Shang anymore, he finally couldn't help bursting into laughter. Although Lu Ping's laughter didn't spread as far as that of Zhenren Qu, it also made the nearby Islanders feel puzzled. It was time to take another three-month vacation. Lu Ping returned to Xuanqi Island. Only then did he know that after he knocked Lin Sheng unconscious that day, Lin Sheng woke up the next day and restored his magic power on the third day. But Lu Ping robbed Lin Sheng of everything and didn't even leave a single spiritual stone to him. Lin Sheng had the magic power of the ninth level of Blood Refining, but he had no magic weapons and Magic Figures to fly across the sea! Although there was the magic method, Water Walk, they were on the sea. Huangyu Island was more than 60 miles away from Xuanqi Island. Water Walk could be used to cross the river, but it couldn't be used to cross the sea. Lin Sheng, who was anxious to report the situation to Xuanqi Island, had no choice but to order the fishermen on the island to take him to Xuanqi Island with a fishing boat. However, bad things came in threes. Those days were the season of violent storms. The fishing boat lost its direction in the night and drifted on the sea for four days under the influence of wind and waves. Until the higher authorities on Xuanqi Island found that Lin Sheng was three days overdue to turn in the spiritual stones of Huangyu Island, they realized that something had happened to him. Another day had passed when the Immortal Senior at the Blood Dissolving stage who was sent to Huangyu Island came back. What he brought back were Lin Sheng who had been drifting on the sea for four days and a funny and dumbfounding story. What happened later was just as Lu Ping guessed. In the end, the story still got out. Lin Sheng immediately became a standing joke on Xuanqi Island. After that, the Lin family was furious and sent out experts at the Blood Dissolving stage and invited Immortal Senior Shang to track down the perpetrator, but they found no clue at all. In the end, they put the blame on the Xuan Spirit Sect, and the investigation was also brought to a dead end.
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