FOUR | Surprise.

1885 Words
POV Belle For the rest of the day Zoe dragged me around to a few different places. We picked out some jewelry, got our nails done, and visited a few stores that Zoe deemed were required. I had tried to peek over her shoulder a couple times at the list, as I was more than certain a few of the stops were not on it. Such as the eyebrow boutique. Eyebrow threading and tinting didn't seem like something Landon would have written down. I gave up hoping that he didn't die seeing all the extra charges on his card. Though I think he would have assumed nothing less from handing it over to his sister. So, I happily pampered myself alongside her. Ignorance is bliss right? The only thing, the constant vibrations that hummed inside me. Landon did not miss a beat. As soon as we started walking, it would buzz against my clit. As soon as I was sitting too long, I felt the pulsing vibrations inside me. Zoe had given me a few odd looks, as did the nail tech as I squirmed all through the appointment. Trust Landon to leave the vibrations on the entire time. Like I had assumed, he definitely had an idea of what we were doing. And couldn't think of a better time to let damn 'Bob' torture me from the inside out, than the only time I was meant to be sitting still. As Zoe and I stood up to leave, my legs were tingling while my core throbbed. I was tempted to damn near ride the toy out in the chair just to get a release. I was definitely going to need to change my now drenched underwear. The vibrations had come to a stop about an hour ago, I was thankful as Zoe and I pulled up to what she claimed was our final stop. I smiled upon seeing the small boutique that Landon and I had passed through many times before. If there was one thing on that damned list that I could be sure was written down, it was this place. "Bella benvenuta!" I smiled hearing the frail old voice of Mrs. Bianchi. "Mrs. Bianchi, how are you?" I lent in as she placed a light kiss on my check. "Ah bambino mio, you are fortunata. Vieni vieni.." She exclaimed, gripping my hand in hers. Over the time I had known her I had picked up that 'Vieni' Meant come, as she was always dragging me around to see something new she had just got in. Which is what I suspected till I glanced back to see Zoe. Her smiling and following quietly behind with a phone in hand, as if she was recording. I went to ask what was going on until Mrs. Bianchi turned my attention back to her. My heart stopped in my chest as she motioned forward to the delicate fabric that was hung in front of me. "That Boy devo amarti..." Mrs. Bianchi began to ramble though I didn't catch a word. My eyes began to water as I stepped forward, running my hands along the dress making sure it was real. Only looking away as Zoe stepped closer resting her head on my shoulder "He went through every box in their warehouse looking for it. With a few helping hands of course. But, it paid off... he found it" The reason we had been here so many times before... was this very dress. This boutique had been open for years, and was the one place my mum would donate her clothes to. They were known for their upcycled and vintage fashion. Something that drew my mum in when she was the age I am now. Last year after I had come to terms with everything about her passing, I asked Dad if I could go through her clothes. Wanting to find one dress that she had owned. It was the dress she wore in the photo that I kept on my bedside table, her favourite one. And in turn, mine too. Sadly, he explained to me that he had donated it along with her other clothes to this boutique years ago. Since then, whenever we passed by Landon and I would stop in here looking through the racks for it. We had taken the photo in and asked the Bianchi's if they'd seen it. But through the years and many donated clothes they told us it was impossible for them to remember. Despite the chances of actually finding it being slim, Landon never hesitated to drag me in here. My happiness always came first for him, and over time, this little shop became a happy place for us both. "You look just like her Belle" Zoe breaks me from my daydream. I ran my hands down over the silky fabric, admiring the detail of the corseted waist and loose frilled skirt. The thin straps tied atop my shoulders in bows with ribbons that dangled. The dress looked exactly the same. A storm of emotions stirred inside me. Landon found her dress, mum's dress. And now I was finally wearing it. "I can't believe this..." I whispered to myself. I caught both Zoe and Mrs. Bianchi with tears in their eyes as I turned to them "Mrs. Bianchi can I..." I started only for her to dismissively wave her hands. "No, come dici, finders keepers. It's yours bambina" I didn't even have to understand every word to know what she was saying. Landon not only spent god knows how long looking for this dress, but because he did... It was mine. After a few tears and many embraces Zoe and I left the store. I didn't even care what Landon had planned for this evening. This dress was more than enough. But of course, when it came to Landon, I already knew something worthy of this dress was planned. That, or he was buttering me up for something. The drive was short, but also in a direction I wasn't used to. I was even more confused when Zoe pulled up to what looked like a little overgrown gated area. Stopping the car, she looked me over once. Wiping the tears from my face before applying a small dusting of makeup that was hidden conveniently in her car. "I'll admit, I do think Landon is a love sick puppy. But... I give him props for this one" Her words came with a sweet smile. "Now get out, Ryan should be waiting somewhere in the area that looks like a place you'd get murdered" I followed Zoe's gaze looking over my shoulder. The area was shadowed by leaves from the tall hedges that surrounded it, making the gate almost invisible. Yep, a perfect place for a murderer to hide. "Thanks for pep talk" I mumbled looking back at her with raised brows. We both laughed, sharing one last hug before I stepped out of the car. As I began walking towards the open gate, a little flicker of light could be seen in the distance. Ryans face was now evident to me as I passed under the hegde. "If I don't hear from you I'll assume Ryan was the killer" Zoe yelled. Ryan glanced back at her with a smile. She raised two fingers pointing from her eyes to his as if to say 'I'm watching you' only making him chuckle. He held out his arm for me to hold, guiding me further down the path. Before turning my gaze ahead I noticed Zoe and her car remained in place. I looked at Ryan in question but he seemed to ignore the obviously waiting Zoe. I was more than sure this night wasn't going to be a social gathering. But I also didn't see Ryan's car back there. I'm guessing part of the agreement was Zoe being the designated driver. I wish Ryan luck because if one thing had stayed the same, it was that Zoe's way of dealing with the fact she was still in love with him, was to be a grade 'A' b***h. But instead of wishing him luck, he was leaning down whispering it to me as we approached my final destination. My mouth went dry as my eyes watered. Landon stood in all his glory in front of a similar scene from that of a year ago. The night he asked me to be his ina gazebo under the stars, surrounded by nothing but the dim light of candles. A night he had somehow managed to recreate. Stepping down from what looked like a freshly built structure, he reached out a hand. I happily slid mine into his only for him to spin me around. "Wow..." he gasped. As our eyes met again I couldn't help but blush from the wide grin planted on his face. "You like it?" I mumbled, biting my lip while rubbing the fabric of the skirt between my fingers. Without a word he pulled me to him, placing a gentle kiss to my lips. My heart fluttered in my chest at his warmth. Despite the many kisses we had shared before, Landon still never failed to make everyone feel like my first. As we pulled away He caressed my cheek, running a gentle finger across the skin of my cheek. He was looking at me with one of those famously unreadable expressions. Squinting my eyes at him I went to question his motives only for him to raise a finger to my lips. "Not Yet" He whispered before motioning behind him. It was then I noticed the late night picnic splayed out across the ground of the gazebo. As I took it in, Landon smiled and pulled me closer, his arms surrounding my body as I sunk happily against his chest. The picnic laid out across the wooden structure made me smile. It was adorned with fairy lights and familiar white drapes, decorating the wooden frame. I felt Landon wrap his arms around my waist as I looked on. Him resting his head on my shoulder while I took in the view. "Do you like it Love?" He mumbled against my ear. Biting my lip I nodded, a blush creeping across my skin as he nuzzled into my neck. "It's perfect" I whispered. Pulling away from me but not letting go, Landon guided me closer under the starry lights. Resting himself down against the daybed swarmed with pillows he pulled me to his lap. Leaning forward only to collect the champagne filled glasses before securing me back against him. "Happy one year my love" Landon spoke with a smile as his eyes met mine. I took the offered glass flute, tapping my glass against his whispering over the rim "Happiest year of my life" I watched Landon's face soften as I spoke. Although spoken out of impulse, every word was true. This past year has been a blessing. Not only for our relationship, but for me. I had grown in so many ways, and was lucky enough to have the man I love by my side throughout. With our eyes locked I went to take a sip. Before I could, Landon lifted his hand, stopping my glass. Locking his fingers with mine as he added "...and many more to come"
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