FIVE | Ours.

2574 Words
POV | Belle An hour had passed with me in Landon's arms. Us picking away at the picnic every chance our lips weren't attached to one another's. Between the bubbles of the champagne and the lights that dangled from above, I couldn't focus on anything but him. The small words we shared only cut off with laughter as we reminisced over the memories we had made. Resting back I glanced up at Landon, him looking towards the sky while he drew small circles along the skin of my arm. Lifting my hand I lightly traced the stubble on his jaw. With a groan he leant into my touch, focusing his eyes on me. "I can't believe you found it.." I whispered. His eyes softened watching as I ran my fingertips along the surface of the silky fabric. With my hand to his cheek I grazed it down his skin before gripping the plain black tee that covered his chest. The question crossed my mind. Why was I in such a beautiful dress, yet he was dressed so plainly. Before I could ask the question his finger was under my chin, tilting my lips to his. "You know I'd do anything for you Princess" He murmured against them. I knew what his words meant, the same thing they always did. I was the one who deserves to feel beautiful, to feel special. A princess who deserved all the pretty gowns and beautiful jewels he could find. Dramatic yes, But that's exactly how Landon made me feel. Like a modern day princess. Me, the dressed up princess, and him, the dressed down prince. These were the cards he was playing right now. But there was something more to this night. With the skin of our lips lightly brushing against one another I shook my head. The motion caused our lips to grip, tugging his mouth open further. The heat of his breath on mine only made me stutter my words. "I-I know, but tonight feels like m-more than just... an anniversary dinner" "Does it now?" He mocked. The challenge was clear in his tone, as his lips curved up into that know it all smirk I knew too well. "You buttering me up for something?" I questioned. "Maybe..." He teased in a whisper reminding me how close the taste of his tongue was. I let out a shaky breath while Landon skimmed his hands down my sides. It was only now as I clenched that I remembered I was completely stuffed. The toys had warmed up so perfectly inside me I had forgotten about them. Landon However, had not. “Such a good girl” he murmured against my skin. The praise fell from his lips as his hand slipped to my front, prodding the silicone nub that rested against my clit. A whimper falling from my lips from the tender touch. My sensitive nub pulsing beneath the pressure, too sensitive after the constant vibrations all day. I was ready to fall apart. As Landons hands slid up my thighs I happily sank against him. Needing friction, pressure, anything to soothe the ache that had returned. With my chin rested on his shoulder I bit my lip, anticipating his next move like a daydream. His fingers avoided my core pushing over my ass and gripping my cheeks. His fingers pressed down against the plug that rested within my ass. A satisfied groan sounded from Landon as he pushed the plug in firmly, ensuring it sunk as deep as possible into my hole. The action made my eyes shoot open with a moan. Before I could even think to push back against his touch I paused. A light flickering in the distance of what looked to be… a house. It was then I realised we were in fact, in someone’s backyard. Placing both hands to his shoulders I focused on the dim glow in the distance. "Landon... where are we?" I asked. Turning his head, he glanced in the direction of where I had focused my attention. He shook his head with a sly grin, chuckling beneath me while kneading my ass in his hands. “You got me so hard Princess that you distracted me from why we’re really here” he groaned, pulling me to him tightly as he stood. I let out a gasp wrapping my legs around his waist as his hands fell to my ass. Him not missing a beat letting his fingers find the plug. Pushing it into me while we approached what I could see now, was a two story Victorian styled home. With my hands tightly around Landons neck I gasped at the structure. Almost breaking my neck as I admired the muted grey shiplap and white skirtings that adorned its exterior. This wasn’t a house. It was a home. One that you could only imagine had kids, a dog and a white picket fence. “You like it?” Landon whispered into my ear bringing me back to reality. “It’s beautiful Landon” I admitted to which his smile only grew. As he placed me onto the white wooden patio I couldn’t help but glance inside the big glass doors. Though the exterior had a Victorian feel to it, the inside looked renovated. The more modern interior only added to its uniqueness. “Are we breaking and entering or did you rent this place?” I questioned. Watching Landon reach around me to the glass French doors I was shocked to see it click open. I relaxed visibly knowing that we weren’t about to break the law. “Mm… the latter, kind of” Landon answered. Turning to me he placed his free hand on the small of my back, the other holding open the door as he ushered me inside. “What do you mean kind of?” I squinted my eyes, curious for his answer. With his back to the door he pulled it shut. The click of the lock being the only sound other than my breath as Landon towered over me with a mischievous grin. “Let’s just say I know the owner” he said with a low tone to his voice. The air around us grew thick, me looking up at him through my lashes as he looked down with a smile. Such a simple action and yet it made my knees go weak. Releasing the handle from his grip Landon stepped closer, closing the space between us so that our chests were pressed against one another. His hand trailing up the skin of my neck before resting it against my cheek. Fisting my hands on his shirt I pushed myself up onto my toes. Connecting our lips before he had a chance to protest. Landon groaned at the connection, his hand falling back to my neck, holding me still while his tongue traced mine. With a groan he gripped my neck tighter, pushing my lips from his despite his now again hard member. “Baby you’re too distracting” he growled. I couldn’t help but giggle watching him fight between whatever he had planned and his very evident bulge. Glancing down I licked my lips, tracing my tongue along the flesh in a teasingly slow manner. Victory filled my chest as another groan fell from Landon. His hand gripping himself through his pants, readjusting his painfully hard length. “You are going to regret teasing me Princess…” he started, tilting my chin up so my eyes could only focus on him “…I promise” I swallowed trying to hide the excitement as I nodded. Knowingly Landon shook his head before proceeding further into the room. I followed behind him slowly, taking in the size of the space. Though it struck me as odd to see it so bare, nothing but a few boxes and a large sofa filled the open plan living room. I ran my hand along the velvety surface, admiring the deep grey of it before stepping into the kitchen. The cabinets were black with white marble countertops, It was broken up by the backsplash of tiles. I admired the brass handles and frosted glass cabinets before spotting Landon watching me from across the room. As I looked up, I again noticed how bare it was. Landon reached out a hand to me as I stepped closer. He could see the question in my eyes, the uncertainty of the home we were wandering through. His simple touch pusing any doubts from my mind as we ventured up the staircase into a long and wide hall. Again the walls and floor were bare from any decor. Sooner or later the question was going to fall from my lips, I knew Landon could tell as he avoided taking me into the many doors we passed. He instead led me to the very last ones. They were tall black french doors with Brass handles. The same design from the kitchen flowed up onto the second level which I loved. We stood in front of the painted wood as I looked to Landon who nodded for me to go in. Letting go of his hand, I reached out. Pressing down on the handle and pushing open the door to reveal what could be described as nothing else, but the master bedroom. Aside from the couch downstairs, the large wooden bed that sat in the centre of the room was the only furniture I had seen. Both looked brand new, as if only just purchased and never used. My curiosity sparked again as I walked closer towards the wooden frame. The room was above average in size. A walk in closet and bathroom off to one side of the room, whilst a large glass door filled the other. It led out to an empty balcony, the view of the candle lit gazebo could be clearly seen still flickering in the distance. This room looked like one straight from a five star hotel. I felt anxious about walking through such a beautiful and new house. "Landon, I don't think we should be here... It looks like your friend hasn't even had a chance to move in yet and we're walking around like it's nothing" I turned to him with worry, biting my lip as he stalked towards me. "You're right.. I haven't.." He shrugs. Reaching out Landon places his hands on my sides, pulling me to him before wrapping his arms around my waist. Placing my hands on his chest I blink up at him, confused by his words. "You haven't what?" I questioned. Without another word Landon reaches down into his jeans. Pulling a key from the pocket he reaches for my hand, placing the warm metal into my palm. I stare down at it as the confusion fades away. This house wasn't one of Landon's friends... It was his. Joy blooms in my chest as the realisation hits. "Landon, is this your house?" I squealed, unable to contain my excitement. For the past year, he had been living with Ryan in what he would refer to as a 'Bachelor Pad' He had brought up many times how he wanted to move out, how he wanted his own space for both him and us. Clutching the key to my chest I smile up at him, only for him to shake his head. With furrowed brows I c**k my head to the side, confused yet again. I open my mouth to speak only for him to shush me as he reaches for my empty hand. "Belle... It's ours, that is if you will move in with me?" Landon spoke as he toyed with my fingers. I looked up at him in disbelief. This house... he didn't just buy it for him, he bought it for us. All those little conversations he had with me about my dream home, the little details down to the brass handles throughout. He was always thinking of me, of us. No this wasn't him asking for my hand in marriage. We were still so young so I wasn't expecting such a thing. But Landon found our home, a place that said this is where I want to live with you. A home big enough for a family, for a pet, for the little white picket fence. This was him saying, let's start our future here. Leaning up on my tippy toes I closed the space between us. Pressing my lips to his in a soft yet heated kiss. Yes, a thousand times yes. That's what this kiss was. Wrapping his arms back around my waist, he lifted me from the ground. Spinning me in a circle as I held the key between us. That was until I gasped remembering one thing, Zoe. Seeing my face Landon set me down on the ground, a worried expression crossing his features to which I waved him off. "No, yes, I want to.. I would love to..." I stumbled on my words. "But?" He questioned, placing a finger under my chin. "But what about Zoe?" His face softened at my words, as if he was expecting the thought to cross my mind. Holding me close he rubbed a gentle thumb along my jaw, calming me as he said the only thing I needed to hear right now. "Zoe's known about this for a few months, she helped me make everything perfect because she knows how much I want to be with you. In our own space, our own home. I can promise you Belle, we have her blessing to do this... for our future" 'For our future' his words made my heart melt. I was completely consumed by him at this moment, my whole body tingling with the love I felt. This was the first step in the direction for us. Eyes watering I nodded my approval before Landon pulled me back for a kiss. After everything we went through to get here, this truly felt like a full circle moment. And this home, our home, was just the icing on the cake to celebrate our relationship, our future and us putting our happiness above all. Feeling complete bliss we pulled away from the kiss, Landons hand caressing my check while our foreheads remained pressed against the other. Nothing but our heavy breaths filling the space between our lips as they curved into smiles. "Is that a yes?" He whispered. The smile on his lips grew already knowing my answer. "Yes.." I whispered back. With a groan of satisfaction Landons hand fell to my throat, gripping it lightly as he guided me back towards the bed. Despite his restriction around my neck I felt a pool of excitement rush through me, with shorts breaths and dark eyes boring into me I licked my lips like earlier. "So is the reason one of the only pieces of furniture here is a bed, was because you anticipated fücking me in our new home?" I felt Landon's hand tighten ever so slightly, a small moan escaping my parted lips only making his smile turn into a wicked grin. "Oh princess... your dirty mouth is going to get you so much trouble" I couldn't help but clench my core at his tone remembering his promise from my earlier taunt. "Not here" was all he said before releasing me from his hold and leaving the room. Like the obedient little slüt I was, I followed him.
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