Chapter One-4

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Don’t be absurd. They don’t want to hurt me. They are just playing with me. I can tell that. This is serious sport to them. I can tell that from the look in Ellen’s eyes and her smile. She wants me to adapt to her thing. All that stuff about me dressing badly and having stupid boyfriends is pretty true, I suppose. Then Patty thought about the real truth, the reality that had been running around in her mind since she woke up in chains. She needed to face the fact that she was a closet submissive. She knew this. She had known it for most of her life. She had always secretly enjoyed being bound and imagining that someone was controlling her. She had also known that this kind of fantasy was extremely common among both men and women and that most people just repressed the desire to be dominated. Philosophically, she also knew and believed that this human characteristic was what often got people in trouble. As they subconsciously sought domination, humans accepted or put into place leaders, governments and laws that they realized, perhaps only much later, were repressive. This had happened throughout history and Patty had, while a history major in college, written her master’s thesis about the historical inclination of mankind to set up governments which controlled every move and thought. She had postulated then that perhaps this error was governed by man’s innate need to be dominated, accompanied by the fact that there were also humans who desperately wanted to dominate others. Her history teachers had accepted the paper and commented that it was an interesting theory, but that some of her conclusions were hard to support. Her professors had said that although there was little supporting evidence, the phenomenon certainly existed. Yet, few groups had ever admitted that they either sought domination or accepted it, historical facts to the contrary. In other words, most people would not admit to being essentially submissive, no matter what the facts showed. What usually happened, Patty knew, was that those who exercised control to the extreme were eventually recognized as dangerous to society and revolutions and wars had been fought to free the oppressed people under them. “Freedom from chains,” the historical catchphrase for revolutionaries, had a deeper meaning than most people would ever understand, she thought. As a history buff, Patty had years ago realized, however, that the real solution to this societal problem was that early recognition of the evolutionary trends of dominance was difficult to carry out since most people were inclined to ignore such issues until they became entrenched. Consider the office environment, she had thought. Everyone pretty much knew that Frank and Ellen, F&E Enterprises, were more than casually involved in S&M. But no one really cared as long as it didn’t affect them personally. Now, here, in the cellar, Patty knew it had gotten personal and it was apparently too late for her to do anything about it. Certainly, she had argued, in modern history, people who were intelligent and aware nevertheless avoided confrontations with dominant and controlling governments, rationalizing that it wasn’t so bad and that everything would come out fine in the end. Dozens of societies, such as the Germans and Japanese of the 1930’s and the African peoples of the twentieth century had all learned the hard way that allowing too much control to a very few dominant characters was always going to result in crippled societies and draconian measures of suppression. She had written that the first signs of repression were usually masked from all but a few astute members of the society because the draconian measures were instituted slowly and often presented to the population as in the interests of public safety and national security. Patty fantasized now, hanging from her chains, that she was an incarcerated political prisoner in a dungeon. This idea thrilled her and she ruminated further and knew that she wasn’t going to change any more than society would stop electing or appointing tyrants. To carry on her fantasy, she was probably going to continue to b***h and complain about the treatment that Ellen and Frank were subjecting her too, but she would also continue to seek more and more of it.
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