A few pointers

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Lilu continued to practice for a bit more, knowing it would be tricky for just anyone to copy her magic she decided to try the Stun Bullet that combined Lightning and Energy magic. She asked Alice if she could show her the scry. To Lilus amazement it was fairly similar to both the lightning claw and energy bullet spell, almost combining the two together. Instead of a circle, this time it was more of a triangle shape for the main body. It still had the cross hairs, but there were 4 little lightning bolts in each quarter of the inner shape. Lilu slowly created the mana path in front of her, concentrating on forming her intent into a flickering electrified bullet while using her finger to create the path in the air. When she was done, instead of simply pointing her finger like a g*n and saying bang, the activation included the swipe of the claw, with "fire" as the final word. When she was done with the path she took her dainty hand and swiped it across the mana path which then centered itself around her finger. Lilu smiled knowing she had successfully created the stun bullet. However, instead of shooting it, she  dispelled the mana path by releasing her hand from the shape and letting go of her intent. Even though it would be difficult for someone to copy her magic, it could still be done, and she didnt want to make it easy on people. A girl has to keep her secrets right? Lilu noticed the sun was slowly starting to set, and decided she was done for the day. She looked over hearing that other man still practicing away. She was a little impressed with his tenacity. She stepped out of her barrier and watched him for a bit. "It wouldnt be bad if I gave him a little help right?" she thought, thinking she should reward him for his hard work, but she wanted to be sure about this man first. "Hey You!" she called out. The man stopped his mana path and looked over at her. He seemed to get a little taken aback and seemed to be a little scared of her after the way he had watched her treat the other men copying her magic. He figured she was about to lambast him aswell and tried to go back to attempting the spell. "Dont ignore me! come on, I just want to talk!" Lilu shouted out. The man paled seeing she wasnt going to go away if he kept his mouth shut "Sorry Miss, I dont really feel like getting bullied anymore...." and tried to ignore her again. Lilu was a little angered by this, here she was trying to help him and he was rejecting her! She puffed up her cheeks and her arms shook a little "Fine I wont help you then!" she said and turned to leave. The man hearing this quickly stopped realizing she wasnt trying to bully him and walked over to the edge of his barrier "Wait wait please..... I really could use some help....." he trailed off "If I cant make a good showing at the Trials, I wont be able to get in, this is my last attempt!" Lilu stopped and turned back around hearing him, she walked back over to the edge of the barrier and asked "What do you mean last attempt?" she asked. He sighed and looked at her "I have been denied twice already, If I get denied again I will forever be unable to enter the Academy....." his head hung low a little. "please dont think ill of me, but when I saw your spell I couldnt help but think that with a spell like that I would almost certainly get in!" Lilu pondered a moment "Why is it so important for you to get in? arent there other academies to go to? couldnt you just go to one of those?" The man sighed and looked up at her with a little sadness in his eyes. "My family all went to this Academy, I am the only one who hasnt managed to get in. My parents told me if I cant make it into the academy, they will disown me and kick me out of the family as an embarrassment." Lilu was a bit taken aback by this, would someones family really be that cruel? "They wouldnt really disown you right?" she asked talking with the young man. His face turned a bit grim "They would, I am the fifth son and thirteenth child, my standing is pretty low. My brothers all tease me, and my sisters treat me like one of the servants...." Lilu had a bemused look on her pretty face. "Seems hes from a wealthy family who has servants, but even paradise has its storm clouds!" she thought, Alice giggled in her head at this just like a little sister. "I see.... so then really your whole life depends on this.... no wonder you are practicing so hard!" Lilu replies. "I have decided, you dont seem like a bad person, so I will give you some pointers." The mans face seems to brighten at this "Really?! Thank you so much! I am Juan Pablo Montoya! If you can help me get this spell I will be in your debt!" Lilu smiled at his sincerity, and appreciated the fact that not once did he looked at her body, instead focusing on her face. "Liluminai Aurora Casteel, you can Call me Lilu" His face brightened again "Thank you again Sister Lilu!" Lilu stepped into her barrier and before she could do anything else he walked up to her, took her hand and shook it energetically. She eeped at the sudden contact and pulled her hand away "Ok ok, dont get too familiar, I am just going to give you some pointers!" He blushed a little and stepped back "I am in your care" he says watching her with eagerness. Lilu thought for a moment about the things Alice told her regarding learning to cast this spell. "How is your proficiency with the basic lightning claw spell?" she asks. Juan blinked a little "I dont have any, I usually only cast ranged spells...." he replied. Lilu blinked in astonishment at this, he bright blue pools seemed surprised "Well that is your first problem! you need to be proficient with the basic spell if you ever hope to cast the modified version!" she then pointed at him "Lets start there, Cast the basic spell 100 times until you can cast it  just about in your sleep!" A little bit of time went by, and it only took Juan 57 tries till he could cast the basic spell without much effort. Lilu smiled and said "Good! now, lets work on the modified version" and she motioned him over "Now watch me again" Lilu slowly drew the mana path in the air in front of her. Once she was done she left it sitting there for him to study, and then after a bit she activated the spell. "Just like this, take a good look at the one I made, and try and picture it in your mind while you cast the spell." she held the claw up letting him study it, and then after a bit she dispelled it. "Now you try" Juan nodded at her and closed his eyes picturing the claw she had just displayed. After a moment, they opened again and he began to create the mana path in the air. Slowly at first, and then picking up speed towards the end. As he tried to rush the last little bit in excitement, he accidentally warped one of the paths. As he went to activate it, the path blow up in front of him with a loud PUHHHHH noise. He turned his blackened face towards Lilu who couldnt help but stifle a giggle at his appearance. Lilu slowly regained her calm, still giggling some "try not to rush it, take your time, there isnt anyone running at you trying to rip your head off!" Juan tried again, and again, each time ending in failure. Lilu hmmd and thought to Alice "it looks like he is doing it right, is there something I am missing here?" Alice replied quickly "He doesnt have the mana capacity to create the fully enlarged claw sis, even if he practiced for another year he still wouldnt get it...." Lilu sighed at this information and thought for a bit musing to Juan "Your form is right, but I think you are lacking a little bit of mana to be able to cast this spell" Juan seemed to be a little bit dismayed at that and replied "I see, thanks for helping anyways.... I guess I will have to try and figure another way out to impress the judges...." Lilu was a little sad at this, she actually did hope she could help him. Then she had an idea "What if we tone the spell down a little so you can cast it?" Juan looked up at her shocked "You can do that?!" Lilu nodded "Yeah of course, its pretty simple, dont you know how to modify a spell?" Juan shook his head "No .... Modifying a spell is a high tier skill... wait are you saying you modified this spell yourself?!" almost shouting at the end there. Lilu quickly realized this was a bit more impressive than she originally thought, and then quickly threw her hand over his mouth. "Shhhhhhhh dont tell anyone! it might cause problems for me if people learn I can do it..." Juans big brown eyes stared at Lilu in awe.. he simply nodded to her. Lilu smiled back "Now, lets see how we can weaken it." she said and then thought to Alice "Do I need to make it smaller or less intense?" Alice replied to her "Less intense should do it, the size isnt the greatest strain on the mana, its the force of the lightning that make the claws." Lilu agreed and then looked at Juan, then looked around, then Looked at Juan again. "Ok I am going to teach you how to manipulate the spell path, if you show anyone else how, or tell them who taught you, I will find you and make your life hell! do you understand?!" Juan simply nodded again, still in awe of this little blonde girl in front of him. Lilu smiled at that "Ok so heres the basic jist of it, the size of the path, the thickness of the path, and then shape of the element symbol all give the spell different characteristics" she said while drawing the scry in the air. This time making the main path a little thinner with her intent. She also continued "by thinning out the main scry, and lessening the element in the center, it should decrease consumption so you can cast the spell" she said while finishing the path with a standard lightning bolt instead of her extra zaggy bolt she used to create her version of the spell. Lilu was actually a little amazed at herself for understanding and being able to convey this much information to someone else, its like the knowledge was just there. She seemed to forget that she had a few skills at level 10 which gave her the innate knowledge and experience of 10 full years of work for each skill. When she finished the path she let it linger so he could see it, then she activated it with a swipe of her hand. When she did, a similarly large lightning claw formed on her finger. Thought this one seemed to have fewer bolts of electricity running through it, and didnt seem to be anywhere near as intense as her version. It was still rather imposing. She showed it to Juan, and after a bit dispelled it. "Ok now your turn" she says. Juan nodded, he didnt quite get what she was saying at first, but as she explained and scryed the spell, he began to get the jist of it comparing this new version to her original version. After a few tries, he was finally able to cast this lesser version of the giant lightning claw spell. He just about jumped for joy when he got it, holding his 1 claw up in front of himself triumphantly! "Thank you again Lilu!!! with this spell I should definitely be able to get into the Academy!" Lilu smiled at him, and nodded "You are welcome, I am glad I could help, just remember, dont tell anyone where you learned it...." Juan nodded his head vigurously, "I wont tell a soul! you have saved my life!" Lilu continued her smile and then was a little curious, he had not once looked at her body, almost as if he wasnt even interested. She asked him "So, this entire time, I noticed you didnt once try and look at my body, not that I am complaining, but usually most men cant help but glance a time or two! whats up with that?" Juan seemed to blush a little at her and lowered his gaze "It isnt that I dont think you are pretty Lilu.... But I am how do you say..... Not interested in women?" This simple phrase smacked Lilu right upside the back of her head, of course! no straight man could resist looking at her, even if she didnt want them to! "So you are gay then?" she asked. Juan simply nodded. The sun was finally fully setting in the sky, only a little bit of orange and pink light radiated from the horizon with the moon and stars becoming visible on the other. Lilu and Juan were about to part ways when the serene sunset was ruined by a loud voice yelling at the top of his lungs "THERE IS THE b***h RIGHT THERE!!!! THAT IS THE ONE WHO HUMILIATED ME!" When they both looked in the direction of the loud man, they saw the guy Lilu had kicked pointing at them with a group of 10 guys behind him.
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