Next Mission

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Lilu had no idea she was being watched, or her information had been used for some purpose. She was intently concentrating on practicing with her spells. After she had made the large Lightning claws, She had stopped to admire her handy work, and finally noticed the large group of spectators that had amassed around her range. When she saw their reactions she sort of understood one of the reasons they were starring, but she didnt have the whole picture. She noticed on the range next to her, a young man was constantly looking over, and then trying to mimic the spell she had made with the lightning claws. He had short brown hair spiked up on top of his head, with fair skin and a medium build. He was wearing a short sleeved shirt in blue, and jean pants. His clothing seemed to be unbranded with many signs of wear on them. She watched him attempt the spell one after the other, but for some reason as soon as he finished the mana path, it seemed to start shifting in the air and before he could activate it the path would disperse in a flash of blue lightning singing his hands, hair and face. Lilu thought to Alice, "Why does his scry always seem to become unstable?". Alice giggled in her head "Because, he cant picture the spell in his mind like you can, and his intent is unsure of itself. Basically Sis, He lacks confidence. " Lilu's red lips turned up in an amused smile watching this man try and imitate her spell. A sudden thought came to her mind "Alice, If all he has to do is have the intent and the picture of the spell in his mind when creating it, can anyone create this spell if they know the scry for it?" Alice giggles in her head again "No Silly, they would also have to have enough mana control, mana supply, and enough experience with the base spell. If they did meet allllllllllllll of those items, then they would have to also be able to picture the spell in their mind clear enough to be able to cast it." She thought a bit more about this information just holding those lightning claws at the ready. She noticed her mana was dropping fairly quickly so she dispelled them.  She watched him continue to try over and over again, and then saw a stronger, larger man push his way up to the side of his range and start heckling him "look at you, you cant even do the same spell a girl can do? and you call yourself a man!" a couple of others walked over and started joining in the teasing. "Yeah I bet I could do it in the first 5 tries" "you have been trying so many times! just give it up looser!" Even though Lilu didnt really care if he tried to copy her knowing it would be hard for him to do, she was a little put out by the teasing. She could see his face growing redder with embarrassment, and her attitude towards him slightly change. He didnt once snap back at them, but kept practicing in earnest. After a few more minutes of listening to these monkeys cackling at the man. When she had made up her mind to put them in their place, a familiar "Ting" noise sounded in her head and a panel opened "New Mission: Bully the Bullies Would you like to accept? yes? or no?" She had enough of it, accepting the mission she quickly came up with a plan. To the crowds, and the man trying earnestly astonishment, she shouted out "Ohhhhh booooyyyyys, If you are so sure of yourselves, why dont you show me how good you are! I might even give you a prize!" She grinned sweetly at them, setting the foundation for her plan. All of the men stopped heckling and teasing the man, and he even stopped practicing for a bit, watching things unfold. They quickly ran over to Lilus range and started all clamouring to grab her attention, lecherous and perverted looks in their eyes. They shouted one after the other. "Let me go first!" "No ME!" "Go away, you know I am better she should pick me first!" Finally the man who had started the teasing yelled out "ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!!!! I will go first!" and slowly pushed his way into her area. Lilu smiles sultrily with an evil glint in her eyes. "Victim number one!" she thinks to herself and then huskily says "Well there boy, calm down a little I am not going anywhere. Seeing as you are sooooo sure of yourself, here are my terms. IF you can create just a single claw like mine, I will let you buy me dinner.... But IF you fail, you have to be my dog for the rest of the day! OH and you get 5 tries" Lilu smiled again "Now you being such a big smart man should be easy for you! its just a simple lightning spell" she chided him, goading him into accepting her challenge. Having stepped up and demanding his turn first, he was shocked at her terms, seeming like no matter what happened she still won. But he had his male pride on the line, he couldnt just turn her down in front of all of these people! He was supposed to be the next rising star in the Academy! He was Johan the Magnificent! No one actually calls him this, he had come up with the title himself, and people often groaned when he said it. Johan answered her then in a haughty deep voice "I... Johan the Magnificent accept your challenge! Do you like Dim Sum? Cause I know a great place for us to go when I win!" Lilu rolled her eyes a little bit thinking "god this guy is cocky, I need to knock him down many pegs" then sultrily says "Not so fast big boy, you gotta prove you are worth it first! now go on, try the spell" She stepped back and smiled at him, motioning him to continue. Johan pushes out his chest and then begins his first attempt. His hand moves deftly and a similar pattern to what Lilu created forms in the air. Lilu starts to get a little worried thinking "Oh s**t, this guy is actually pretty good! damn what do I do if he gets it on the first try?" to her relief, right before he could activate the spell, the mana path went unstable and poofed blowing up in his face. Lilu lets out a loud laugh at this pointing at him as his face is black and his hair is singed "Oh god, talk about letting something blow up in your face? werent you supposed to be able to get such a simple spell on the first try? its just a little lightning spell right?" laughing the whole time. Her eyes changed then, from seduction to contempt "Gah, such a let down, guess your just another all talk boy" and tosses her head to the side letting her pony tail fall behind her shoulder "Well go ahead little lightning, try again, you still have four more attempts!" Johan gritted his teeth at her words, He was sure he had created the scry properly, but something happened right before he could activate the spell! He noticed how Lilus attitude seemed to change, and it made him feel like a fool, "That was just a test run, here comes the real spell!" he says before haughtily trying to draw the mana path again. Just like before, right before he could activate it, it blew up in his face again. He cursed loudly thinking "what the hell am I doing wrong?" Lilu laughed even louder this time "Oh my god, you are so bad at this? have you ever even cast a lightning spell before? sheesh stop wasting my time! if you cant get it on the next try I dont even think I would want you as my dog!" ripping into the bully once more. His face pailed, now with his confidence shaken, when he tried to form the mana path again, it quickly discharged, not even letting him complete it. Lilu scoffed at him and gave him a look of pure disdain "you are a waste of space, you cant even get the scry right! omg you are so worthless, like I thought your arent even worth it to be my dog, you are more like what the dog leaves on the ground outside, Right! you are s**t! just a big steaming pile of s**t! someone should clean you off the ground and throw you away!" she tore into him again, not letting him off in the least, this time as he went to try again she didnt stop.  "I thought its just a little lightning spell? isnt it supposed to be easy? come on s**t! stop stinking up my range, either make the spell or have someone flush you down a toilet!" This time he couldnt even keep his hand steady to properly form the mana path, his embarrassment reaching peak level. His face was red, and he was actually starting to get angry "Did she challenge me just to make fun of me? Who does this b***h think she is!?" he thought angrily to himself. As he went to start the final attempt Lilu dug into him again "Why dont you just stop now, your stink is offending my nose, give one of these other boys a chance to make a fool of themself!" Johan gritted his teeth with anger, this woman was relentless! he slowly tried to calm himself, but some of the other men starting joining in "YEah give up! just give one of us a chance!" "We thought you were better then this! just another big talking caster with no skill!" "YOU SUCK! GO HOME!" "Wow he really sucks at casting, he cant even get the path right!" Lilu grinned at herself internally, but she remembered that they were all the ones bullying the other man. She didnt bother to watch him fail his final attempt and shouted at the rest "Like you people are even ones to talk! I bet you cant do it if you had 10 tries! you are all worthless scum to me! if you have the balls why dont you all step inside and try it at the same time. I dont want to waste any more of my precious time!" She turned back to Johan and smirked at him with disdain, she knew he failed the final attempt by how much black was on his clothing and the little fried bits of hair on his head "Eewwwww you stink, You should call yourself Johan the smelly, or Johan the useless, get out of my sight, I dont want you as my dog, If I took you I would just put you down for being so worthless!" She walked over and kicked him in the butt launching him at the wall of the barrier which he collided with face first with a BAM! After he collided, he then fell through the barrier face first onto the ground. He gritted his teeth and made a first with both hands "THIS b***h!!!! HOW DARE SHE MOCK JOHAN THE MAGNIFICENT!!!!" he screams in his head. Lilu turned back to the crowd and put her hands on her hips in a domineering fashion "Well any of you apes wanna try? I promise I will give you the same treatment!" All of the others stood there, each started looking off in other directions seeming none of them dared to try anymore and incur the harsh words of this evil woman. Lilu smirked again "Well if none of you have the balls, GET LOST! I am done wasting my time with you, I need to get back to practicing!" The only man who was not whistling or shuffling nervously was the man in the barrier next to hers. He had stopped his practice and was watching the events unfolding. While he was a little taken aback by the womans ruthless words, he appreciated what she did. He nodded at her and then began to practice again trying to recreate her spell. After a bit the crowd dispersed. Lilu had scared most of them off, and the few that were thinking about staying to watch decided to leave when they saw this violent woman kicked Johan. For such a small girl she seemed to have some strength in her. All it took was a few menacing glares from Lilu with her bright ice cold blue eyes to send the rest of them away. When the last one had finally left, Lilu heard a familiar Ting and smiled. Mission complete!
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