Chapter Fifteen - Survived

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Aramis Bronx Davina After I killed those poor camels, I felt sorry because those creatures didn't do anything aside from giving those murderers a ride. "Ahh! It hurts!" Noleen cried because of the pain, so Dahlia muttered sorry while taking out some clothes in their bags. "Calm down, don't move too much," Loane scolded them, so they pipe down while biting their lips to contain their wails. Olivia has the worst case because the arrow was pierced directly into her chest. She's barely breathing. I can't believe I'm seeing this horrendous sight right in front of me. There are no medicines or bandages here, if the good doctor is here to help, then this wouldn't be a problem at all. Why is this happening right in front of me? "E-Everyone, put pressure on the wounds of the wounded," I ordered while biting my lower lip. They all just obliged while crawling behind my back to avoid getting hit by something. Even though the enemies were slightly far from us, I can tell that they wondered how the camels were killed. The middle woman, who's probably a noble, raised her black bow with sharp arrows. I grabbed some swords and started running swiftly towards them. Not this time noble! I won't let you hurt anyone again! Before she could even fire another one, I firmly jumped, took some knives on my waist, and targeted her bow. It's surprising to see that my throw can reach that far. She looked furious upon noticing I disarmed her, "Stop! You already hurt someone!" I shouted while running, so they all stopped after hearing my voice. My eyes observed those two girls and they just had these expensive-looking swords placed on their waist. My feet halted after reaching their front. "You hurt four of our mates!" I exclaimed while glaring at them. They looked at me for a moment before laughing. What the hell? Why are they laughing? "Oh? If it isn't the bedridden warrioress, I'm surprised that you made it this far," one of them commented with bright blonde hair while checking their camels that were killed by my knives. "I was hoping that you would be dead for now, what's getting you so worked up?" the other with brunette hair color asked, which made me grip my hands. Why do these girls want me dead? They don't even know me! "You're hurting my friends with your arrow!" I pointed at the oasis and saw that Loane was prepared for whatever they were plotting. "What's the harm in that? This is survival, we were just cautious and fired those we think are a threat," she reasoned out, so I glared at her. "What kind of logic is that?! What is the threat of seeing someone standing in the middle of the desert!" I exclaimed, so they all just laughed. "As I said, this is survival! If they died because of that then they're not worth it to pass the second round!" what she said boiled my blood, so my hands gripped that sword hidden on the holder. I don't understand why they have to kill someone because of this quest. All of us have a chance to live once someone takes interest in taking them. This isn't survival, this is a murder game! How can the King uphold these kinds of challenges? He's really a Devil in disguise! "We only have to survive the beast and harms of these desert islands, it wasn't stated that we have to fight each other!" I added, so they just shook their heads at me. "What if we want to? We have to eliminate a lot of warrioress for us to proceed peacefully in the second round," she sneered, which made me glare at her as I gripped the edge of my sword. "Are you going to attack us? Huh, that's definitely how peasants like you would react," they laughed at what that brunette girl stated, but I just shook my head at her. I heard some horses galloping and neighing on the other side of the desert, the Conestoga wagons. My eyes peered at those nobles, they're wearing shiny warm clothes like they haven't had a hard time staying in a desert. My hands let go of the sword before turning my back on them, there's no point in arguing with these small-minded people. "This will kill you on the next rounds, caring about someone isn't what's important here, you need to survive and kill to be on top," she pushed, which made me laugh before turning at them. "That would be great then, if I ever got a chance to face you three, I'll promise to finish it quickly for you," I slyly smirked, she looked furious that she jumped and grabbed her bow and pointed it at me. "Halt! That is enough ladies," Captain Herald stepped in between us with his black horse. The brunette girl lowered her bow before glaring at me, so I just smirked. "Before I scold you three later, we'll fetch up the remaining survivors all around the desert islands," he said and whistled to call two Conestoga wagons. "Captain, can I request to prioritize my wounded mates first?" I raised my hand, the nobles immediately complained. "No! We should be the one who should head back first!" the brunette girl argued, so Captain Herald just glared at them. "We have to talk later you three, you killed the merchant that was about to visit our Kingdom and stole his things, the King wasn't delighted with the news," Captain informed us like he's just trying to control his anger. The noble warrioress stopped before glaring at me, they looked ashamed at what they did, the Captain just looked at me intently before nodding. So that explains why they have camels with them, how can they easily do that towards someone innocent? "I'll consider your request Lady Davina, but you have to be careful, we might take a long time fetching everyone at once and some of you might encounter something that isn't included in the challenge," he informed me, so I just nodded before running to the oasis. "You warrioress found an oasis?" Captain Herald looked shocked while riding with his horse, the Conestoga wagon was just following us from behind. "Y-Yeah, we did," I mumbled, so he just nodded before using his horse to see the situation there himself. "We'll take it from here ladies, we'll see if we can fit you all in one wagon," Captain Herald said while unmounting his horse. I helped Loane carry the wounded inside of the Conestoga wagon and Olivia has the critical situation, "D-Do you think she'll be treated once we get back?" I worriedly asked, so Captain Herald just sighed. "I don't want to get your hopes up, we'll just see once you get back," he stated and we all got busy filling up the wagon with our friends. What does he mean about that? We won't get treated for the wounds we have received? I exhaled a lungful of air while watching some of us whimper in pain, I can't bear to see them like that. Captain Herald told us that we might fit one wagon which made me sigh in relief, all I want is to leave this desert and get my friends treated. The more I stay here, the more I might lose my damn mind and patience, the sun isn't also giving me a damn break. After this, I'll freaking hide in my room and use my phone to connect to the WIFI and play-- Crap! They don't have any WIFI there or any electricity! I just sighed and we all mounted the wagon and bid Captain Herald goodbye, he told us that they'll be looking for survivors. "Aramis, I don't think Olivia can take this," Loane solemnly said, which made me stop before looking below us. The wounded were being laid down on the middle part of the seats, so we fitted though it's a little bit crowded like we're sardines in a can. "She can do it," I bit my lip while holding out Olivia's hand. She's breathing, but her eyes are closed. "Should we remove that arrow on her chest?" Loane worriedly asked, but I just shook my head at her. "No, removing a foreign object that's pierced at your skin and tissues can lead to a lot worse situation, she might lose a lot of blood," I informed her. I didn't realize she was bewildered at what I said, but she just nodded at me. Most of them were hit on their legs or arms, they're having a hard time dealing with the pain they're feeling from those wounds. "Dahlia, how about you? Are you feeling better?" I peered my head at her, so she just smiled and nodded. "I instantly became well after seeing how our mates fell with those arrows, I can't relax at this point," Dahlia mumbled, which made me chuckle despite the situation we are in. The ride had this deafening silence, the weather from the skies was slowly getting cloudy as the mist of the winds were telling us that it's going to rain. An hour has passed and the footman of the Conestoga wagon informed us that we have arrived at the palace, we got busy helping the wounded get out and only witnessed that the castle grounds were full of wounded and dead warrioress. Most of the warrioress that survived were sitting on the corner like they were recollecting their thoughts on what happened. "This is horrible," Dahlia commented before helping us with our mates, so my eyes peered around the corner. "We might see a lot worse than this, so we have to be emotionally prepared," Loane reminded us. I slowly closed my eyes because it is a horrendous sight to see some pale bodies scattered on the grounds, some of them have no signs of life anymore. "Aramis! Dahlia! Loane!" A familiar voice called us and we're suddenly greeted by a warm hug by Thalia. Tears burned my eyes when I realized that she was safe. "Oh boy! I was nervous when I didn't see you guys for several hours," she mumbled before breaking our hugs against each other. My eyes examined her appearance and she had bandages on her arms and legs. I'm glad that she survived this. "I'm so glad that you were safe Thalia, were my apples helpful?" I asked so she nodded exaggeratedly. "Oh yes they did, I survived because of those!" she laughed, but it faded before frowning, "I can't say you guys have fun surviving this first challenge huh?" she glanced at our back and saw those four wounded ladies. "Let's talk more later, but we have to find a witch or healer," Loane suggested, which made me look at her intently.  Witch? Healer? Shouldn't we be looking for a doctor? "Oh come, I'll call her for you, wait here," Thalia ran to look for that healer. I didn't bother asking any questions about why doctors are called witches or healers here. Maybe that's how they call doctors here before? It didn't take Thalia a while and she brought that eerie looking lady, she didn't say anything after she arrived and just tried to tend toward the wounds of the wounded. She had a hard time tending to Olivia's wounds using some weird potions, she muttered something before standing up to face us. "She'll be better after weeks, just hope that she won't be bothered if you ladies have a schedule of another challenge," she said, so we bowed to her to thank her, so she just nodded and left for others. "We don't know when the next challenge is, it could be tomorrow," Loane mumbled, which made me grip my hands as silence surrounded us. "Thank you for calling that healer, Thalia," was the only thing that I could say after that deafening silence, she smiled before patting my back. "Don't worry that much, she'll be fine, okay? For now, you girls need to take a bath, the King will be meeting the survivors later together with some nobles," Thalia informed us, which made me hiss. "Why do I have to? He's not going to meet us here to smell us," I grunted, so Thalia just laughed together with Dahlia because of my statement. "Come on girl, let's just freshen up, you have to calm yourself down," Dahlia sighed before wrapping her arms around my shoulders, "You might jump and attack him again," she whispered, which made me sigh and just obliged. To be continued...
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