Chapter 1-Birthday and College

800 Words
The birds sing in the early frosty, wintery morning of the 1st of December. The smell of pancakes and bacon awakens me from my restless night as today is my birthday. I excitedly jump out of bed to my own washroom where I take my hottest ever bath to relax, at least I hope it does. After washing my hair and shaving where it needs shaving, I put on my favourite clothes, a black shirt with a cat logo with demin shorts that are tight against the middle of my thighs. "Good morning, sweetheart" said my mother, greeting me with her warm smile and gentle hug. My mother has always cared for me, even though my ranking is omega, the lowest of all, you might as well say I'm like a pup. My father looks up after taking a sip of his coffee and grunts at me to acknowledge my existence. "Morning Mum and Dad". I say trying not to let this spoil my day. "Happy Birthday Nyx, I can't believe I've had you as my little girl for 20 years". My mother tearfully says as she loads my plate up with three batches of pancakes and two pieces of bacon, handing it over to me along with apple juice. "Thank you mum, but you'll always have me" I said cheerfully whilst feeling the glare of my mother in the corner of my temple. "An omega like you shouldn't eat much, you don't fight nor do you need the food, I mean look at you"! My father yelled at me. My father has always deemed me as overweight or not needing food, as I don't do anything other than get my ass beaten by stronger pack members. "That's enough dear, let's at least make her feel special on her 20th". At this point, I had lost my appetite after eating one piece of bacon and two slices of pancakes. I headed upstairs to brush my teeth but I couldn't fight the urge to lift up my top in the mirror and look at my ribbed-like abdomen. Fat he says? Am I really that fat? I had always loved my father when I was little, but when I was ranked as an omega he had turned from loving to hurtful. He had never injured me, unlike the other pack members, but I still kept clear of his temper and let my mother calm him down. "Nyx, get your ass in my room, now"! I could hear my brother saying down the end of the hallway in his room. Guess I've done something wrong, like always. As I entered the landing, my brother, Chase, flung his heavy wooden door open and charged at me. "Have you been in my f*****g room again"? he asks me with his fist clenched and teeth grinding against each other. I opened my mouth but only a thud was heard. I had landed against the wall, Chase had pushed me without hearing what I was going to say. "Whatever, I have no time for this". What a great birthday so far. 10 minutes later and I had got to college, tasting copper in my mouth. I took my water bottle out to have a drink. Even though I was scroungy I never did P.E in school nor in college. P.E was mostly for high ranking members such as alphas, betas, gamers, scouts and warriors, but not omegas. At least at college, I'm not the only omega. I enter the main entrance getting weird glances from future alphas from other packs along with their friends. Chase was also glaring daggers at me. What did I do wrong? Had I interrupted something like last time? I decided to keep on walking to my locker to get my text books out for first period until I smelt this amazing, mouth-watering scent. It was the smell of pine needles and rain. When I turned to find the scent, I was taken out of my anchor by another omega. "Happy birthday Nyx"! shouted my best friend who I knew from preschool. I gave her the most massive hug I had ever given her. "Thank you, Tanya". I say still giving her the biggest hug. "So anything interesting before you came into college"? she asks, knowing my background with my dad and siblings. "Just the same as usual, the grunts, glares and beatings". I said, telling her honestly. She could only give me a look that meant I'm sorry, but I'm glad it's not me. "Also I think I smelt my mate". I said excitedly to Tanya and this made her eyes bulge with excitement. "No way! Did you see him? Has he marked you"? she starts asking me excitedly, which makes my head spin with the constant questions that it turns black.
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