Chapter 12- Alpha Rory

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At 6am in the morning, Mum had woken me up just to go shopping with everyone. Don't we have enough clothes? After getting ready, we were ready to leave the house. We went to NEXT, BOOTS and more shops to get what we needed and also to get a gift for the new Alpha. I decided to go to a shop that I knew he always went to when I used to come here. I went into a perfume and cologne shop. I went through all of the colognes and only one hit my nose; vanilla and strawberries, my favorite. After purchasing the gift and going to the hairdressers, it was time to meet up with the rest and go home. The party wasn't until 9pm which left me plenty of time to go for a walk when we got back. Two hours later, after arriving back home and putting everything in the house, it was time for my stroll. Ruby's old friends were spotted crowding around someone. What the hell? I decided to keep walking, but after hearing a familiar voice, I stopped in my tracks. Trying to stop the girls from gawking, a familiar red-haired girl came from round the corner. I decided to take my leave as I was starting to get a headache from all of the fan girling. Only, who were they surrounding? *Maybe they were surrounding other Alphas from other packs*? **Maybe? But do they have to surround him and make him uncomfortable'? 'Nyx'? I hear a deep man's voice behind me and a shiver goes down my spine, not because I'm scared but because this voice was sexy. I turn around and I see a man who I've never met before, at least I don't think I have. 'It's good to see you, how've you been and the baby'? He knows I'm pregnant. I mean, I know I'm now 2 months pregnant, but how did he know? He giggles after realizing I have no clue who he is. 'It's me, Rory'. After hearing him say his name, I felt my knees weakening. Holy Goddess. The breeze of the wind pushed through us both and I smelled that same scent as the cologne that I got him as a congratulation of becoming the next Alpha. I bowed my head in submission but I guess Rory didn't like this as he lifts my head up by lifting my chin, as if he was going to kiss me. When he touches my skin, I feel tingles spark through me. *Mate*?! Those same words from Laika when I found out Cade was my mate echoed through my head. But second chance mates are rare, right? 'You smell so good, Nyx'. Rory whispers into my ear, making me crave him more. 'So do you'. I replied nervously. The Moon Goddess was really giving me a second chance. Before anything else could happen between me and Rory, a tall man came up next to him and behind me. 'You remember Xander and Ethan, don't you'? No way! His older brothers had come back also. 'Rory, who's this weakling'? Clearly, they don't know anything about respect when it comes to Omegas. Xander and Ethan have always treated me and the other Omegas like we don't have feelings. Honestly, I think it's the other way around. 'Xander, please respect Omegas. They're part of the pack and so is Nyx'. He complains at his brother Xander and scoffs in retaliation. But when he thinks back on the two-seconds-ago conversation, his eyes widen when he remembers my name. 'Holy s**t, Nyx? You've changed and jeez, you're getting fat already'? *Is this dipshit dumb or something*! Laika retorts, being annoyed by Xander. I can tell the pregnancy hormones aren't helping, but she's right, it's not that hard to tell that I'm already showing at two months of my gestation. 'Xander? Rory's right, we shouldn't be horrible to them'. Ethan steps in against Xander, which makes me feel a little better about one of them being back. 'At least when Rory's here, but when he's gone then maybe we can be mean and boss the Omegas around'. Ethan soon said to his brother and before I knew it, I was angry again. Nevermind, I don't want either one of them here. 'Over my dead body. You won't treat any of them like this, especially not Nyx'! Rory scolds his brothers after hearing their plan when he's not around. I decided to leave them to it as I needed to get ready for the congratulation party for Rory. In case, if you were wondering, Xander and Ethan have their own packs. But there's still two more brothers that you haven't met yet.
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