Chapter 11- Period, pregnancy and boys

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I burst out with laughter after seeing my sister's face see a tampon properly. 'It's not funny'! Ciara blurted out, her face red as a tomato. Mum comes through her bedroom door, seeing what all the commotion is about, and when she sees a tampon in Ciara's hand, she also starts to laugh. 'Honestly, Ciara. You need to pay more attention and stop thinking about whatever you're thinking about'. My Mum complains at Ciara, still laughing. 'I have a lot of things on my mind'. She tells us almost back to her old self and not feeling as if she's dying. 'Boys and my future mate'. Ciara replies, which makes both me and Mum stop our laughing fit. Ciara, is thinking about boys and her future mate already? Then again, when I first met HIM, I was the same. 'You shouldn't be thinking about boys at your age, Ciara'. My Mum said worriedly but Ciara, like always tuned that out and decided to go for the pad instead. 'Honestly, Ciara. Take it from me, I loved Cade when I was little and look what he's done'. I tell her and this makes her rethink. For an eleven-year-old she-wolf, she's like a teenager. 'Then, how come you're pregnant'? Ciara asks, knowing that this topic pisses me off. 'Ciara'? Ciara turns to my mother and, for the first time for her, my Mum's wolf is coming over to discipline her pup and to protect her second born. *'That's enough, Ciara'*. Ciara had never seen or heard Mum's wolf before. Mum had always wanted to keep her from appearing unless it was necessary, but apparently this was. Ciara trembles and puts her head down in submission over mother. *'That's what I thought'*. 'Now, let's talk about pregnancy, if you want to learn about it so badly'? This terrifies Ciara, but when this conversation was happening, Clara walks in and gives me a hug. I swear I still have a terrible bladder when anyone hugs or scares me. I hug Clara back though and when she hears my mum lecturing Ciara about pregnancy, boy and more, I decide to take her out of the room since I know she'll learn about this when it's her turn. Downstairs, I see Dad and Chase making dinner for everyone. 'Hey Dad, Chase. What are we having for dinner'? I ask, still thinking that I 'll be told that I wasn't allowed dinner but instead my Dad turns around and responds with, 'Your favorite, Toad in the hole'. He tells me with the biggest smile on his face. Toad in the hole was always my favorite, even when I was poorly I would always ask for this, but it stopped as soon as I became an Omega. I hugged my dad and gave him the ultrasound photo which I forgot that I hadn't shown since I got back. Chase also has a look and I can see a hint of fear in his eyes. is he worried about me and the baby? After Mum's long lecture to Ciara about everything, I get an apology from her and I hug her to let her know it's okay. We all eat dinner at the table and during the meal, my Dad gets a message from the Alpha, John Philips. John is the father to Rory and husband to Mary. They have five sons but I only know the youngest, Rory. 'Rory will become the next Alpha to the pack tomorrow'! My Dad tells us excitedly, Dad had taught Rory how to fight and protect himself, along with John and other pack members and other Alphas from different packs. 'That's wonderful news. That young man has grown a lot'. After what happened at college, he went to another pack to learn the next step of being an Alpha. All of us were excited and proud of him. He wasn't the lazy person I knew when he and Cade were still friends. I guess I should never doubt Rory. Come to think of it, I keep dreaming about me and Rory being a family. Could I become Luna? Night had approached very quickly and after getting washed and brushing my teeth, I was finally ready for bed. Tomorrow is Rory's celebration to being the next Alpha, I knew what that meant. Shopping!
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