Chapter 18 The Alliance?

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After what happened in the training field, Mu Yunfei realized that there seemed to be some defects and flaws in his two abilities, the ultimate speed and Void Breaker. Seemingly, as long as the space around him was blocked, his abilities would be greatly restricted, even fully. It was extremely hard for Mu Yunfei to defeat Nana without activating Resistance Halo. Although he would have won exerting himself, Mu Yunfei still felt that something was missing. Mu Yunfei walked back to his room slowly, lay down on his bed, and tried to find a solution to all these problems. However, what Mu Yunfei didn't know was that, what he was thinking right now would actually save his life for real in the near future. ... Two days later. When Mu Yunfei received the text message sent by Long Ao, he was handing over some management affairs in his own company, DEVIL. As the president of the company, he should have appeared only when important decisions were made. In fact, the executive director could have handled such a daily meeting, but Mu Yunfei was used to doing everything himself. Ever since he had joined Elemental Star World, Mu Yunfei had a clear feeling that it far exceeded his ability. Besides, he was also involved in the task of saving the earth. Therefore, he had to change the way he ran the company. And just because of this, he came to the company today to hand over the various operating matters to the management. "Yes, that's it. I'll leave the operating work to you from now on. Whenever a big decision needs to be made, send me an E-mail." Mu Yunfei stressed again. When the management staff left the meeting room one after another, Mu Yunfei took out his phone slowly. There were actually a dozen unread text messages. Half of them were from Long Ao, while the other half Nana. Most of them read, "There's an important task. In-person discussion required." Having made the arrangements for the company's operating matters, Mu Yunfei was relaxed now, so he just drove to S City Star Branch. He was curious to find out what kind of task made these two contact him so eagerly. A few minutes later, his Ablasta appeared at the entrance of S City Museum. Several weeks ago, Mu Yunfei had been full of doubts about all this, but now he knew very well how to get into the mysterious underground castle. However, all this was known to very few on the earth, yet they were protecting the whole world. Mu Yunfei strode to the operation department, but was greeted with an angry face. "How busy you are! Big Boss!" Nana taunted grumpily, and then threw a punch at Mu Yunfei. Mu Yunfei screamed in pain. "I..." "Alright. Since you've come, let's get straight to today's point." Long Ao's voice rang out. Now, he didn't appear kind or approachable as before, but authoritative and solemn instead. Looking at Long Ao's face, Mu Yunfei could almost figure out the gravity of the task this time. It could even be said that this task might be more difficult than the last one! "You probably already knew that a war is going on among the elemental planets." Long Ao said slowly, his tone full of solemnity. Nana nodded, a suggestion of coldness flashing across her eyes. How couldn't she know that? Her planet had collapsed during this war! "At present, since the Wind Planet and the Fire Planet just captured the Ice Planet, they need some time to rest and recover themselves, which leaves us the opportunity to take a break and make preparations." When he said that, Long Ao glanced at Nana, but what he saw was a pair of firm eyes. Even if she felt bitter about what happened, Nana still believed that she was sure to get revenge. This was what Nana was thinking right now. Long Ao nodded in relief and went on, "However, except for the Wind, Fire, Ice Planet and our planet, the earth, only the Thunder Planet is left among the elemental planets. They have held themselves aloof from the world and remained neutral all the time. It can be said that they are the most peaceful people among the planets." When he said that, Long Ao paused for a moment, shook his head slowly and continued, "But the allied forces of the Wind Planet and the Fire Planet won't let them off just because they keep their nose clean. What those two planets want is to wipe out all the other planets..." Hearing Long Ao's words, Mu Yunfei couldn't help but be shocked. He had thought that the allied forces started the war because the Wind Planet and the Fire Planet had conflicts with the other planets, but he never expected that it was out of their wild ambition. They actually wanted to ruin the whole Elemental Star Galaxy. Such a crazy idea sent a chill down Mu Yunfei's spine. "In such a case, we have no idea who will be their next target. But now it seems that the Thunder Planet will probably be the first one to suffer." Long Ao went on, "Now that the Wind and Fire Planet join forces with each other, neither we nor the Thunder Planet is able to contend against their current strength. Therefore, what we need to do at present is to form an alliance!" "Form an alliance?" At this moment, Mu Yunfei was full of curiosity. Now the earth could only make an alliance with the Thunder Planet. He understood this, but why must Long Ao mention it to the two of them? Long Ao could just have sent one leader of Elemental Star Branch of the earth to the Thunder Planet. Could it be that their task this time was to... Mu Yunfei's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Long Ao. Meanwhile, what Long Ao said proved that his thought was right. "Your task this time is to go to the Thunder Planet and form an alliance with them as the representatives of the earth and the Ice Planet!" Long Ao's tone was filled with indubitability, tinged with his high expectations for the two of them. It was nothing but a kind of self-confidence, and it was not out of bloodlines, but from the bottom of his heart. Long Ao stared at the two and said slowly, "I believe in you two. You will definitely make it..." A surge of warmth welled up within Mu Yunfei at this point. He thought to himself, "So, it feels so wonderful when someone has great faith in you." Mu Yunfei nodded slowly. "Don't worry. We will definitely make it!" Mu Yunfei didn't know where he got the courage, but still said so resolutely. Just at this moment, Mu Yunfei seemed to really understand the responsibility he bore as the one of Golden Bloodline. It was a kind of generosity that he would give everything for the people around him, a kind of decisiveness that he would protect the people at the risk of his life, a bright heart that would never be shrouded in darkness! Mu Yunfei looked at Nana next to him. Although the two of them said nothing now, they had firm faith in themselves... ... In the Palace of Thunder God, the Thunder Planet. "Lei Yi, how's the negotiation with the Wind and Fire Planet going?" At this moment, the man sitting in the middle of the hall asked. He had dark skin and strong muscles all over his body. Meanwhile, claps of thunder could be heard faintly around him. It was the embodiment of his thunder nature, which made him look fierce. This man was exactly the leader of the Thunder Planet, Lei Ze. "Father, the Wind and Fire Planet have agreed to our request, but on one condition." The man called Lei Yi answered respectfully. "Well? What condition?" Lei Ze asked slowly. Actually, he also understood that it was difficult to ask the Wind and Fire Planet to come to terms and give up launching an attack on them. "They have only one condition. When we join them, we have to attack the earth together with them, and destroy the earth!" Lei Yi said coldly. In his opinion, as long as their own planet was saved, it was a smart idea. Once Lei Yi said that, Lei Ze suddenly fell silent. Since the Thunder Planet had remained neutral for ages, they held no grudge against the earth, nor against the Wind and Fire Planet. However, as the case stood, he had to break this rule to save his own planet. It was such an unpalatable and sad thing to do. But Lei Ze had no choice. No matter how much he didn't want to do it, he had to give up something to protect his homeland... Lei Ze met his son's eager and expectant eyes, and nodded slowly... "Tell them. I accept their condition..."
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