Chapter 17 The Extreme Power-up Brought by the Silver Dragon Necklace

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In S City Star Branch. Nana was watching the shining silver dragon necklace in her hands right now, a surge of excitement running through her, but she wasn't happy anymore at the thought that Mu Yunfei had spent ten million on it at that time. She borrowed that money from him. Nana shook her head helplessly at the thought. "Forget it. I'll just pay my debt little by little." She thought to herself. The silver dragon necklace was giving off a flickering silver white glow now, looking so mysterious, while the faint cold air it emitted was where its real value lay. However, the cold air of the silver dragon necklace was already leaking by simply lying on the hands. It made the room temperature drop about ten degrees, which was a terrible situation. Although the temperature difference was nothing to Nana, she was also surprised at it. Nana put on the silver dragon necklace slowly. It was so cold! This was Nana's first feeling. Different from when it was held in Nana's hands just now, when the silver dragon necklace touched her neck at this moment, it actually gave off an entirely different air than before. It was a kind of extreme coldness, and even Nana, who had grown up on the Ice Planet since birth, was trembling. What surprised Nana more was that all these changes just started. The vigorous cold air was spouting out from the silver dragon necklace right into Nana's body, hitting the intrinsic cold air brought by her bloodline within her. Although the two were both cold air, they repelled each other, and failed to blend with each other for a long time. Nana was also astonished at this moment. She was sure that the silver dragon necklace was a Red Level ritual article, while she was indeed of Red Bloodline, but how come these two kinds of air repelled each other? The repulsion in her body was growing stronger, as if two giant dragons were rolling within her. However, Nana discovered at this moment that compared to the cold air brought by the silver dragon necklace, the intrinsic cold air in her body was actually growing weaker little by little, about to be engulfed. Feeling the change in her body, Nana couldn't help but get nervous. It never occurred to her that this would be happening, nor did she expect that this simple-looking Red-Level ritual article should contain such mighty power. The extreme coldness sent Nana's body into spasm. She tried to sit there. Now she looked like a total mess, and her pretty face was coated with sweat. To be more exact, it was frozen sweat. Meanwhile, the interior of the room was frosted over by the extreme coldness. The silver dragon necklace kept releasing a vast amount of cold air, while something was changing inside Nana's body. Her intrinsic cold air was almost engulfed during the bitter struggle. However, what shocked her the most was that there was a new skill bar appearing next to the original one brought by her Red Bloodline. This made Nana astonished. She felt it again. It was still inside her body! Yes, just now, under the pressure of the extreme cold air, there should be a new skill bar appearing in her body. What a great opportunity! Just when the last wisp of cold air from the silver dragon necklace blended in with her body, Nana obviously felt that that skill bar in her body broke immediately. The dazzling blue and red light came out of her body, pierced through the walls, and stretched out for one hundred meters. "This is..." Everyone in the castle was shocked by the sudden blue and red light at this moment. They couldn't help but stop and look for the source of the rays of light. Nana took a deep breath and got up from the floor. Now, she only felt that she was reborn, and that her intrinsic cold air also seemed to have been refined. She looked down at the silver dragon necklace on her chest. Its cold air was totally contained inside her body, and the necklace was just giving off a flickering silver white glow. "Nana! Are you alright?" Mu Yunfei's voice suddenly rang out outside the door. The moment he saw the blue and red light, he rushed over here at once, rapped on the door hastily and asked. "I'm alright, Yunfei." Nana answered, "Wait for a moment..." It was now that Nana realized she looked messy. Her clothes were damaged all over due to the extreme coldness. The frozen sweat on her hair was also melting slowly at this moment, soaking her clothes gradually. Nana took a shower, got changed and walked out of the room. Seeing Nana coming out, Mu Yunfei walked up to her immediately and asked, "What happened exactly?" Nana responded slowly, "After I put on the silver dragon necklace just now, things changed unexpectedly. But fortunately, everything is fine." She was still immersed in those wonderful changes. Now Mu Yunfei noticed the silver dragon necklace on Nana's chest. It gave off a flickering silver glow, looking intangibly mysterious. Feeling the changes in Nana, Mu Yunfei couldn't help but be stunned. He had a feeling that the Nana in front of him had turned into a totally different person. Her originally gentle aura became slightly intimidating now, as if she was in the sea of ice. It was exuding continuously, as well as domineeringly! "Nana, you..." "Just now, my bloodline evolved. Now I'm at the top level of Red Bloodline, just a step away from Golden Bloodline. Besides, I just awakened a new ability." Nana explained. Many people would tell others about their abilities with reservation, or even mention nothing of them. However, Nana told Mu Yunfei everything at this moment. Evidently, she had complete confidence in Mu Yunfei. The two of them went to the training field at once. Mu Yunfei was quite curious about Nana's new ability, so he offered to be her training partner. The golden ice crystal barrier was activated. Mu Yunfei looked at Nana before him slowly. "Mu Yunfei, be careful," Nana warned in a meaningful tone. At this point, a minor snowstorm was formed around Nana. In the blink of an eye, it engulfed Mu Yunfei. The severe coldness, along with the snowflakes, infiltrated into Mu Yunfei's blood, and the extreme coldness almost froze his blood. Almost in an instant, Mu Yunfei's ultimate speed and Void Breaker were actually both deactivated. Although the golden ice crystal barrier was the top ability, it still failed to withstand the piercing cold. Mu Yunfei could have activated Resistance Halo to free himself from the constraints easily, but after all, it was the ability of Sacred Bloodline. However, Nana was actually able to suppress his three abilities of Golden Bloodline with her new ability, which was of Red Bloodline. What a powerful ability she just got! The snow storm stopped gradually, and the severe coldness also faded away. Nana's figure appeared in front of Mu Yunfei again. "How's that?" Nana gave a proud smile and asked. "It's quite strong." Mu Yunfei nodded and looked helpless. "I'm afraid of you now. This level of coldness is awful!" "Hahaha, from now on, Sister Na will cover your a*s!" "..." Far away. William was staring at the two of them. He showed a smile slowly. "It seems that they're growing up gradually..." With a flicker of light, a man suddenly appeared beside him. It was exactly Mu Yunfei's father, Mu Zhan! "It's time for him to experience some hardships." He said slowly. "Is it too early?" Willian gave a bitter smile. "The big war is coming soon. There is no time to lose!" "Alright, alright, you're always right." William nodded. Even he, the head of Elemental Star Headquarters, believed in what Mu Zhan said. That was some kind of intimidating ability!
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