Chapter 35 Get Rid of the Endless Dream

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Mu Yunfei saw that a pair of red lips moved close to him shyly and slowly. This... Nana closed her eyes and didn't notice that Mu Yunfei had woken up. "Is she going to give me artificial respiration?" Seeing Nana's red lips approaching, Mu Yunfei didn't dodge and just quietly stared at this girl who was like an artwork well designed by the creator. His heart beat faster when he felt a warmth on his lips. Mu Yunfei looked calm on the surface, but he was flustered inside. He was a boy who never had a girlfriend in the past eighteen years, and it was difficult for him to resist... At this time, his lips moved involuntarily. Then... Nana got up in an instant and retreated, with a blush on her fair-skinned face. " awake?" She said with a tone of shyness and surprise, yet there was more joy from the bottom of her heart. Mu Yunfei hadn't come to his senses from his feelings. He nodded and blushed. Mirror watched the two aside and turned around unexpectedly. It looked into the distance and seemed to prove with its action that it didn't look at things which didn't conform to the rites. Mu Yunfei stood up slowly. Under the strong recovery capability of Golden Bloodline, his wounds had recovered. Glancing at Nana next to him and thinking of what happened just now, he was awkward but still felt happy in secret. "Nana, thank you." Nana remained silent and just looked at this man, yet she felt thrilled. She shook her head slowly and stepped forward. With the soft body in his arms, Mu Yunfei felt that he was the happiest man in the universe even though they were in the endless dream. They parted with each other slowly and looked at each other, with only the other party in the eyes. A low roar appeared next to them, and Mu Yunfei finally noticed that there was a demon beast standing aside. Then he got alert and hid Nana behind him to protect her. Nana gently grabbed his hand and said, "Yunfei, it is not an enemy but my summoned beast in the dream. Its name is Mirror. It's just that it didn't know if you were an enemy, so..." It turned out that what Dalla said was true. This summoned beast in the dream really had a mistress, who was Nana next to him. He should be happy for this matter, yet he couldn't get happy anyway. When he imagined that the girl he loved had a ferocious beast and every time he wanted to get close to her... he felt it was horrible. However, Mirror considered Mu Yunfei's feelings and didn't launch another attack. It just sat there blankly and stared at them, barking in a low voice. It seemed to be curious about what they were doing. The difference was so great. Was it a trained lovely Tibetan mastiff? Nevertheless, it was not the time to think about this. He grabbed Nana's hand and said, "I seem to have found the way to leave here. We can leave now." There was indescribable expectancy in his flat words. Looking at Mu Yunfei's confident expression, Nana nodded. She trusted him, forever. She waved at Mirror and said, "Mirror, you need to be well-behaved and stay in the Dreamland Universe. When we are free, we will summon you and hang out with you." Staring at this lovely demon beast, Nana was unwilling to part with it. But thinking that with the internal elixir in her body, she could contact it at any time. She was relieved then. She turned around and saw Mu Yunfei's handsome face with a temperament free from vulgarity. Especially his eyes became deeper and dark blue, like the sea, even though it had been pure black. Perhaps it was because she observed him carefully or he had made a breakthrough. "Open!" With no delay, Mu Yunfei exerted Dalla's Dream Power and shouted. At the moment, he had just comprehended Dream Power a little, so he had to rely on Dalla. Everything around became illusory, and the black undercurrent surging in the sky disappeared slowly and hid in the sky. The shadow before his eyes became vague gradually, and he felt dizzy all of a sudden. In the large hall under the Thunder Sea. When the strong dizzy feeling disappeared, the two came back to the real world. Before their eyes, it was the scene in the large hall under the Thunder Sea. The person standing aside was the queen of the Thunder Sea, a powerful woman at the Top Stage of Golden Bloodline, Lei Xueming. Different from before, they were still lying on the floor, but they were hand in hand. Was this the chain reaction of the dream and reality? They got up slowly and bowed to Lei Xueming, "Your Majesty, thanks for saving us." It was not difficult to imagine that it must be this queen who took actions to save their lives. Otherwise, they must have died long ago and become dust in the world. Looking at the queen in front of them, Mu Yunfei respected her more, yet when he thought that because of this thing, Lei Xueming might have a conflict with the Thunder Planet and even be expelled from this planet, he felt guilty from time to time. Lei Xueming looked at them and couldn't help but laugh. "God helps those in love." After hearing that, Mu Yunfei and Nana finally found that they were still hand in hand, so they loosened their hands immediately and looked at the other party's ruddy cheeks, feeling it laughable. "Since both of you are fine, how about going back with me to the Thunder God Palace to discuss the major issue of the future alliance?" Lei Xueming continued. Mu Yunfei was stunned as he hadn't expected that the queen would offer to help them discuss the alliance. After the accident, obviously, this queen had offended Mengyun and her brother Lei Ze. He looked at Lei Xueming, with his questioning eyes, but he didn't know where to start. Lei Xueming seemed to have noticed what Mu Yunfei was worried about, and she smiled. "Don't worry. With my actual strength, Lei Ze won't do anything to me or you two." Her words were simple seemingly, yet she gave them a feeling that they had to believe her. Everything originated from actual strength. Indeed, at least now, it appeared that Lei Ze didn't dare to turn against Lei Xueming openly. After all, she was at the Top Stage of Golden Bloodline, and she was like a strategic weapon on the battlefield. "Just now my subordinate reported to me that the two mysterious men had left the Thunder God Palace and even the Thunder Planet. It is a good opportunity for you to discuss the alliance now." Indeed, after Lei Xueming showed her powerful strength, with her support, it was a favorable situation for them. With no delay, the three flew away from the Thunder Sea. "Your Majesty, can I ask how long we have been in a coma?" When they went to the Thunder God Palace, Nana asked in confusion. She had a feeling that they seemed to be in the endless dream for two days. "Two hours," Lei Xueming replied. "What?" Mu Yunfei asked in surprise, and Nana also looked astonished. Two hours? Why did they feel that two days had passed? "What's wrong?" "It's nothing." They tried to keep the information about the Dreamland Universe to themselves. After all, not everybody had the strange adventure and knew the existence of the parallel universe. They glanced at each other and saw the inconceivability in the other party's eyes. "Bloke." Suddenly a voice appeared in his brain. It was Dalla, yet this time she didn't call him Yunfei but Bloke. It seemed that she was a big sister. Mu Yunfei had no objection to this form of address. After all, the key was that she could answer his questions in time. In the normal daily life, he was a curve wrecker, while in the Elemental Star Galaxy, he was totally a student who fell behind. "Dalla," Yunfei responded softly in his brain. "In the Dreamland Universe, the time is different from that in the real world. An hour in reality is equal to a day in the Dreamland World, which is a reason why the Dreamland Universe is powerful. You will know it before long," Dalla explained unhurriedly. Mu Yunfei nodded in secret and gave this "encyclopedia" a thumbs-up sign involuntarily. When he walked in the chaotic galaxy, it was difficult for him without a reliable manual. Fortunately, he had such a "plug-in". With this "plug-in" in his head, he could manage difficulties in this world. After Mu Yunfei had the right to use Dalla's Dream Power, his strength was close to the standard of the Medium Stage of Golden Bloodline, which meant that, with his current strength, he could compete with the master of the Thunder God Palace, Lei Ze. Moreover, he had the support of this great master at the Top Stage. Looking at the Thunder God Palace in the distance, Mu Yunfei relaxed gradually. He had experienced too much during this task. He didn't know what challenge was waiting for him...
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