Chapter 36 You Need to Show Your Strength If You Want to Ally with Me

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Soon, the outline of the Thunder God Palace became clearer gradually, and the three fell in front of the palace. There were still two guards at the gate, yet they were different people from before. The guards were at the Medium Stage of Red Bloodline. In the five-element planets, there were many great masters with Red Bloodline in the other planets except the Soil Planet that is under the suppression of the planes. The guards were allocated obviously because of what happened just now. Even so, it was just a comfort. In front of the real great masters, they were merely nobodies, like mole crickets and ants. Of course, the guards noticed Mu Yunfei and Nana, but... They also noticed the powerful woman at the Top Stage of Golden Bloodline, the queen of the Thunder Sea in the Thunder Planet, Lei Xueming. If only Mu Yunfei and Nana came, the guards thought that they could stop them a while, yet they firmly believed that they didn't have any chances of winning in front of this queen. The two guards saluted them respectfully and didn't stop them. Everybody wanted to stay alive. There were differences in the Thunder God Palace. The busy people who came and went in the palace didn't show up in front of others anymore. It was cheerless and oppressive around. When they walked in, Mu Yunfei felt more oppressive. He followed Lei Xueming but meanwhile pondered over the details about the alliance. Under the cheerless atmosphere, it seemed that this path was quite long. After a long time, the light of the inner hall showed up gradually. Lei Ze was still in the large hall. Different from last time, he put on a straight face, and purple electricity surrounded under his dark skin. It seemed that he might explode at any time. His eyes were filled with anger, and he tried hard to restrain his fury. Lei Yi stood not far away from Lei Ze. He looked at his father, still with cold light flashing in his eyes, and he seemed to be planning something in secret. The hall returned clean as always. It could hardly be found that there was a fight between two top powerful people earlier, except that there was a human-shaped hole in the wall not far away. The three walked over gradually and showed up in front of Lei Ze and his son. When Lei Ze saw them, the anger in his eyes didn't reduce, and it seemed to imply that if his eyes could kill people, the three had died for thousands of times. "Xueming, why?" Lei Ze questioned coldly, with wrath which could hardly be concealed in his tone. "Because I object to playing the bully," Lei Xueming also answered coldly. When she did something, she never considered anything else except justice. She just wanted to do it for the right path in which she persisted in her heart. Lei Ze didn't continue. Although he was the master of the Thunder God Palace and the top leader of the Thunder Planet since long ago, he didn't dare to do anything to his sister because he still felt guilty and because of her horrible strength. "Why did you bring them here?" He changed the subject and looked at the two people behind her. Feeling Lei Ze's eyes with thunder light flashing, Mu Yunfei stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, I came for the alliance again. Do you still have the sincerity?" He was neither humble nor pushy and spoke unhurriedly. "Oh?" Lei Ze was stunned. He hadn't expected that he intended to harm this teenage boy, but the latter still came and insisted on allying with him, which made him highly praise Mu Yunfei's persistence. "Did I mishear? Did you come to ally with me, not to get back at me?" Lei Ze asked in doubt. Mu Yunfei smiled. Of course, he bore a grudge against Lei Ze, and he almost had died here because of this matter, yet he chose to endure it in order to make an alliance successfully. As long as he endured it, everything would go smoothly. Or after the great war, he could take revenge, and he didn't need to care about how long he would wait. He nodded and said, "I came to make an alliance, not to get back at you." He said sincerely, and looked steadily at Lei Ze. He thought that his sincerity could move this old crafty man, but... "You can ally with me, but I need to see if you have the strength." Electricity light burst out of Lei Ze's eyes, and he looked at Mu Yunfei, showing his breath that could blot out the sky and cover up the earth. He was at the Medium Stage of Golden Bloodline and just promoted his condition to the peak, staring at Mu Yunfei coldly. "Fight against me. If you win, I will agree with you. Otherwise, leave here and wait till the Soil Planet is destroyed." It was necessary to say that Lei Ze's strength was powerful. Although it was inferior to Lei Xueming's purple electricity in its quality, it had more violent thunder power that others didn't have. Lei Xueming stood aside and didn't say more. She pulled Nana to somewhere far away. This battle was inevitable and couldn't be avoided. Only after Mu Yunfei proved himself with his strength could he convince her brother. After all, it was a decision which would decide the fate of the whole planet. Looking at Lei Ze who released purple electricity all over his body, Mu Yunfei was calm. When he was on the way here, he had prepared for this battle. If he wanted the alliance to be indestructible, he had no choice but to show his strength and prove himself. The light flashed, and the Bloodline Sword was in his hand. The purple and golden breath instantly promoted Mu Yunfei's momentum to a higher level, which was the power of this sacred article and the reason why it was horrible. If he could compete with an ordinary person at the Medium Stage of Golden Bloodline when he used his Bloodline Power and Dalla's Dream Power, then with the Bloodline Sword in his hand, he could fight against a powerful man at the peak of this stage. And Lei Ze had just reached the peak not long ago obviously. Lei Ze was shocked and found that this bloke seemed to be more powerful. In the battle between him and Mengyun two hours ago, Mu Yunfei was not as powerful as now. This... Right, the breath released from Mu Yunfei was not inferior to Lei Ze's. Although Lei Ze was astonished, he still had confidence in his strength. After all, he had the advantage of the bloodline. As thunder light burst out, he started Thunder Dragon. This was an attacking skill that Lei Ze used most frequently and his simplest and most violent way. With no useless movement, a thunder dragon spiraled quickly like lightning and rushed to Mu Yunfei. In the air, the explosive sound of thunder and lightning was deafening and shocked heaven. After he attacked, even Lei Xueming nodded involuntarily. She hadn't expected that her brother's strength had been promoted. With this strength, he seemed to be at the peak of the Medium Stage of Golden Bloodline. Mu Yunfei stood there calmly. Was it fast? Was it quite fast? As he started the extreme speed, everything around slowed down. The thunder dragon seemed to be in the air and wriggled forward slowly. He broke the void with his feet and showed up next to Lei Ze in a flash. The golden ice crystal barrier helped him resist most of the assault from thunder and lightning, and he raised the Bloodline Sword high. As he was merely at the Primary Stage of Golden Bloodline, and he had just comprehended the power of this sacred article a little, he could only show one ability of this sword, Thundery Chop given by thunder and lightning. The purple and golden electricity element covered this Bloodline Sword gradually, and Mu Yunfei spun in the air, gathering his strength to chop down. A wisp of purple and golden sword radiance swallowed and spat, coming to Lei Ze in an instant. The same barrier of thunder and lightning showed up on Lei Ze's body again, but this time, he was not as lucky as he had been last time. He trembled and fell backward. Only in a flash, Mu Yunfei gained the upper hand depending on his combined skills. However, when Lei Ze in the distance got up slowly, Mu Yunfei didn't see his surprise but a smile for no reason. "Aha... Bloke, you are awesome, yet you will stop here today!" Lei Ze roared. Obviously, this master of the Thunder God Palace would play hardball. The violent thunder and lightning were not hidden anymore. Around Lei Ze, a small-scaled thunder area was formed unexpectedly. It seemed that as long as somebody got close to it, he would turn into powder instantly. "Thunder Region!" Lei Ze howled, with horrible killing intent filling his eyes. When Thunder Region was released, it proved that this master had nothing but endless slaughtering intention in his eyes. Lei Xueming got nervous. She hadn't expected that Lei Ze would show this skill. She certainly knew Thunder Region, which was a skill that all people with Golden Bloodline in the Thunder Planet could awaken, and it was the most horrible and violent. Once he used it, he would lose his head to a large extent and even not stop until the opponent was defeated. Because of this, this skill was f*******n for the past generations in the Thunder Planet. But... At the moment, Lei Ze's momentum was promoted to the peak with strong insanity, and he attacked Mu Yunfei. In his eyes, this teenage boy must be defeated. The great energy wave made Mu Yunfei's body stiff. At this time, a voice was heard...
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