Chapter 28 A Feast Where Treachery Was Planned

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"Why did you agree to join the feast? Haven't you found that?" After they returned to the bedroom prepared for them, Nana asked. She could surely notice that Lei Ze and his son were unusual, so she asked Mu Yunfei as soon as they came into the room. "Of course, I have noticed that there must be a trap," Mu Yunfei looked at Nana's anxious eyes and said unhurriedly. "It appears that the situation is unfavorable to us to a large extent now and the people who suggest seeking refuge with the Wind Planet and Fire Planet have made a lot of efforts on it. "But I agreed because I wanted to try my best to find the truth. No matter what will happen, I should try every means to fight for the alliance and make it successful," Mu Yunfei said with certainty. He knew that the alliance would be meaningful to the Soil Planet and himself. However, he didn't know that Lei Ze and his son and even all people in the Thunder God Palace changed their minds not because the people who suggested seeking refuge with the Wind Planet and Fire Planet gained the upper hand but... "I suddenly realize a problem," Mu Yunfei looked at the room and said abruptly. "We are in one room?" "It's simple. You sleep on the couch," Nana responded without hesitation and then threw herself onto the bed. "..." Next day When Mu Yunfei and Nana came out of the room, they saw many maids walk to the inner hall with delicacies in their hands. Obviously, they were prepared for the family feast tonight. There was a need to say that the leader of the Thunder Planet and the host of the palace Lei Ze was ostentatious and would hold a really swanky feast. It was almost time for dinner, so the two followed these people and went to the inner hall where Lei Ze and his family were. In the inner hall of the Thunder God Palace Different from yesterday, it was not like the Thunder Planet with great pressure and violence, and it was soft, which made people free from worry and feel relieved. Seeing that Mu Yunfei and Nana came, Lei Yi in the distance had coldness flashing in his eyes, but soon he skillfully concealed it. He walked with a smile to the two and it was still affected... Perhaps a smile was once an extravagant hope for the father and son. "Yunfei, Nana, you have come." Lei Yi nodded at them as a salute. Mu Yunfei could still notice that Lei Yi deeply disdained the form of address and etiquette in his heart although he tried his best to conceal it. Mu Yunfei nodded and responded, "Lei Yi, nice to see you." At the moment, he looked at the people attending the family feast. Suddenly he saw a person who had beautiful black eyebrows and bright eyes with a little anger. Wasn't it Lei Xueming? What was she doing here? Didn't she say that she should watch the Thunder Sea? Many questions came into his mind. At this time, Lei Xueming was looking at him, too, with usual light in her eyes seemingly. She seemed to have something to say to him, but she just shook her head slightly, as if implying something. Obviously, her presence shocked Mu Yunfei. Was this queen bought over by Lei Ze, too? No way. Yesterday... Lei Ze waved at the two guests in the distance. "Thanks for coming. Please be seated." While speaking, he reached out his hand to invite them politely. Mu Yunfei was still surprised at Lei Xueming's sudden arrival. He sat down and didn't say more. Then he just observed everything coldly. Eight people attended the family feast this time, including him and Nana. Lei Ze was sitting at the head of the table, and Lei Xueming and another lady sat on both sides of him. A man was standing behind Lei Xueming, and he was the man who had attacked Mu Yunfei that day, at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline. The other lady must be Lei Yi's mother, and Lei Yi was sitting next to her. Mu Yunfei and Nana sat next to Lei Xueming. There was another man in the hall whose identity was unknown. The man dressed in black clothes sat next to Lei Yi and gazed at Mu Yunfei and his companion coldly. He didn't change because of the gentle atmosphere, as if staying out of it. Mu Yunfei could feel an inexplicable pressure from that man, which indistinctly showed the smell of death seemingly. This man was not simple. When the dishes were put in front of everybody, Lei Ze got up and introduced them to each other. "I will introduce you to each other. This is the princess of our Thunder Planet, Lei Xueming." "..." Soon he introduced that man. When Lei Ze introduced that man, Mu Yunfei noticed Lei Ze's awe and respect in his tone. He didn't pretend, and it was because he was in awe of powerful strength. "This is a respected guest of our Thunder Planet..." While speaking, Lei Ze paused for a moment and seemed to find nice words. "He is a great master and can protect our planet. As for his name, I am sorry that I can't reveal it." He ran his eyes over all people and seemed to check if there was somebody who would have objections. This man was nobody but the one following Mengyun, the number one killer in the Dreamland World, Canmeng. The only purpose of his presence was to ensure that Mu Yunfei and his companion were trapped, and then he would wait for Mengyun to come and kill them. Obviously, Mengyun didn't trust Lei Ze, and the only reason why he sent Canmeng was that he could guarantee complete success even if Lei Ze failed. However, Canmeng didn't think so. He hadn't expected that Lei Xueming would be here. He was at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline. With the peculiar dream abilities, he was more powerful than many people at the Medium Stage of Golden Bloodline when fighting, but he was much inferior to those at the Top Stage of Golden Bloodline. So far, Lei Xueming didn't take unusual actions. Since she was not his enemy, she could be his friend, and he'd better not offend her. This was what he was thinking about. The purpose of his trip was just to kill Mu Yunfei and finish his job. At the moment, when Canmeng looked around, Mu Yunfei stared at him. Their eyes met, and coldness collided. "Ahem." Seeing that it was embarrassing, Lei Ze said in a hurry, "Since you can attend my family feast, all of you are respected by me. You can have open hearts. Let's get hammered tonight!" After speaking, even he thought that he was hypocritical. This was a feast where treachery was planned. He certainly felt guilty when he cheated others, but for the Thunder Planet, he chose to endure it. It was in a stalemate till... "Yunfei, come on. Since you are my elder brother Lei Ze's friend, you are my friend. I propose a toast to you," Lei Xueming said with a smile while looking at Mu Yunfei with the wine cup in her hand. It could be seen that she also tried to conceal something. "Your Highness!" Mu Yunfei got up and returned a salute, saying respectfully. On one hand, he did this to cooperate with Lei Xueming in a play, and on the other hand, he showed respect to this queen. At this time, he saw that Lei Xueming's lips moved a bit, and a voice came into his ears. "A sacred ritual article was born in the Thunder Sea yesterday. The huge scared power leaked and repaired the seabed which was not fully sealed, so I was released from the Thunder Sea. In fact, I need to thank you." Mu Yunfei didn't know how to pass a secret message in this way, and it seemed that only the ones at her stage could do that. He nodded at Lei Xueming slightly and signaled that she was welcome. "You need to be careful. Everything is abnormal. Although I have no idea how Lei Ze knew this man in black when I was not here, I can be sure that you can't deal with him as he is powerful." She sent a secret message once more and looked at Mu Yunfei, with worry flashing in her eyes. Right, everything was abnormal. He had thought that this man in black was a great master staying secluded on the Thunder Planet, but it appeared that he didn't belong here as even the queen didn't know him. Mu Yunfei looked at the man again and got alert involuntarily. Who on earth was he? At this moment, the soft light suddenly dimmed and everything around seemed to be covered with black fog. He saw that the man in black got up slowly.
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