Chapter 27 A "Hospitably" Entertainment

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Mu Yunfei returned to the large hall with Lei Xueming. Nana had woken up. At the sight of him, she glanced at him with her questioning eyes. Seeing that Nana was fine, Mu Yunfei was finally relieved. Nana cared about him, and he missed her, too. He shook his head slightly and hinted that he was all right. Then he turned around slowly and said to Lei Xueming, "Your Majesty, thanks for taking care of us these days. If I were free someday, I would visit you again and express my thanks." At the moment, Mu Yunfei just wanted to finish his job as soon as possible. As Lei Xueming said, there was already a different voice in the Thunder Planet. Once the force grew up, it would influence the policies of the planet. He couldn't delay it and should set out urgently. Lei Xueming looked at the teenage boy, with complex feelings. These days, this boy surprised her too many times. And she could even confidently say that if he continued to grow up, he would surely surpass his father Mu Zhan in the future and might even gain the legendary Sacred Bloodline. She nodded slowly and smiled. "I look forward to seeing your performance in the future. Although I can't go there with you, wish you success!" At the bottom of her heart, she still sided with the two and even wanted to ally with the Soil Planet because that man was from the planet anyway. Staring at Mu Yunfei's receding figure, she felt like when she saw that man off that time. She missed him so much and felt so sad. That year, he chose that woman in the Soil Planet and gave her up. Till now, she still felt reluctant and thought that it was a pity, but what could she do... Recalling the past, she sighed silently. After saying goodbye to Lei Xueming, Mu Yunfei grabbed Nana's arm and headed to the top of the palace, breaking out of the air. This time he moved at lightning speed and seemed to hear the sounds of thunder and lightning. Lei Xueming didn't give them a Purple Electric Elixir to resist the Thunder Sea because Mu Yunfei didn't need it now. At the extreme speed of the thunder enhanced version, he took Nana to shuttle in the Thunder Sea rapidly. Because he was highly intimate to thunder and lightning, an isolated space with no thunder and lightning was formed within five meters around him and protected Nana. They were rushing to the sea surface quickly. Mu Yunfei's abilities were promoted, which brought thunder nature to his skills, and his physical strength seemed to enhance after he refined his body in the Thunder Sea. The resistance in the Thunder Sea was extraordinarily strong, but after only several seconds, the two returned to the cliff. Nana looked at Mu Yunfei and felt surprised. She just knew that Mu Yunfei went to the Thunder Sea to refine his body, but she had no idea how he changed. She stared at him blankly and clearly felt his difference. Mu Yunfei was handsome and noble in the past, but now his noble style was hidden and replaced with maturity. His body was surrounded by light purple electricity, although it was violent and destructive, it gave her a unique sense of security. "Why are you looking at my face? Are there words on it?" Mu Yunfei joked. Nana had a blush on her pretty face and turned around. "Let's go. We have to hurry up and go to the Thunder God Palace." She quickly changed the subject to conceal her embarrassment. "Hold tight," Mu Yunfei said casually. "Right. We have a tight schedule," Nana nodded and stressed. Mu Yunfei walked over and patted Nana's head. "I told you to hold tight to me as we will set out. Are you stupid after bumping in the Thunder Sea?" He looked at her and shook his head with disdain. He scratched her head, which could make her heart beat violently, so she felt shy and annoyed. But she still held Mu Yunfei's arm tightly as he said. The purple electricity surrounded them with light flashing, which made the space around twist, and they got started Void Breaker. Even though he could only move to a place that he could see in the past, he would go anywhere within ten thousand meters this time and reach the destination that he was thinking about. When the electricity light appeared again and the space twisted, they were not far away from the Thunder God Palace. Mu Yunfei was also surprised that he had made a breakthrough in abilities to a great extent after refining his body in the Thunder Sea this time. Looking at the Thunder God Palace in front of them, Mu Yunfei nodded in secret as he thought of what he had promised to the three ministers before he left. He must succeed in making an alliance. Electricity light flashed in the air and thunder grumbled repeatedly, as if playing a march for their task. The two walked to the Thunder God Palace slowly. Two guards at the gate saw them come over and walked forward to welcome them with enthusiasm in a hurry unexpectedly. "Excuse me, are you Mr. Mu Yunfei and Miss Nana?" One of the guards asked respectfully. "Yes, we are," Mu Yunfei answered, but he felt astonished secretly. He had thought that all people on the Thunder Planet were rigid, but he found today that it seemed not true. He thought that he would finish the job smoothly if the one in the palace was like this. Then they walked in with that guard. Beyond Mu Yunfei's expectation, after they walked in, all the people they met occasionally on the way saluted and greeted them. Did even the people on the Thunder Planet know his famous name? The three came into the inner hall soon, where the top leader of the Thunder Planet, Lei Ze was. A man was sitting in the middle of the large hall. He was dark-skinned, with dashing eyebrows and bright eyes, and the electricity light surrounding him was like real. He was Lei Ze, and a teenage boy at the same age as Mu Yunfei stood next to him. Seeing that the two guests walked over, the teenage boy had radiant splendor in his eyes, and nobody knew what he was thinking about. Mu Yunfei guessed that this boy must be Lei Ze's son, Lei Yi. Before coming, he had simply studied the information about Lei Ze and his son. However, at the moment, the father and son had a common point, as both of them were smiling insincerely but politely. Since Mu Yunfei walked from the gate, the Thunder God Palace always made him know more about this planet than his knowledge about it from the Soil Planet. Didn't they say that all people on the Thunder Planet were rigid, dogmatic and serious? Didn't they say that Lei Ze's son Lei Yi was domineering? Why didn't he see that here? He just saw the flattering and insincere smile... Seeing Mu Yunfei and Nana walking over, Lei Ze who was always arrogant got up unexpectedly and greeted them. "You must be the envoys from the Soil Planet and Ice Planet, right? We have got the notice from the Soil Planet and roughly known the purpose of your visit. We approve of the alliance this time, and we look forward to allying with the Soil Planet and Ice..." While speaking, he paused for a moment and then continued, "And the Ice Planet." His tone was friendly, and it was not like what he would do at ordinary times. All people here were out of character today because Lei Ze ordered them strictly. "Entertain Mu Yunfei and Nana hospitably. After the two top powerful men kill them, the Thunder Planet will be protected by the powerful men for a long time in the future. Anybody who disobeys my order will be killed." Nobody would object to getting protection from the powerful men, and nobody would care about the lives of two people unrelated to them. Looking at Lei Ze, Mu Yunfei felt a shiver down his spine involuntarily. What happened? The Soil Planet had informed them in advance? They agreed so easily? He had finished his job so soon? Four questions were on his mind. He stared at Lei Ze blankly and didn't know what to say. "Right, friends, we were expecting to cooperate with you, so we have agreed and decided to invite you to stay in the Thunder God Palace for a few days, to express our warm welcome with the utmost courtesy, as you are respected guests from afar." Lei Yi walked down slowly and talked to the two. If there was an Oskar award here, it must be awarded to the father and son first as they cooperated so perfectly. Mu Yunfei and Nana didn't know well about this planet, so they didn't doubt it at all. Since they were so hospitable, Mu Yunfei and Nana bowed hurriedly. "Thanks a lot." The journey in the Thunder Sea was tiring, and they got exhausted gradually. Although they had Bloodline Power, they were still humans and everybody needed to rest. So they naturally didn't refuse the invitation. Moreover, they had finished the job, so they agreed to have a rest in the Thunder God Palace temporarily. "Two guests," Lei Ze continued, still in a soft tone. "There is a feast of my family tonight. Can I have the honor to have you join it?" Lei Ze asked tentatively. Mengyun gave them the job to trap the two in the room. Even if this plan couldn't work, he had other ways. "Okay. We are glad to," Mu Yunfei answered with a smile, but unusual light flashed in his eyes. Would anybody invite two people they had never seen to join the family feast? No matter how he thought about it, it was dubious. It was too strange... If they didn't say that, perhaps they could really cheat the two guests. But they invited them to the family feast, which was too suspicious. Mu Yunfei agreed because he wanted to see what Lei Ze and his son would do and because he was confident as his strength had been promoted. Mu Yunfei had a presentiment that everything was not as peaceful as it looked...
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