Chapter 63 Young Master Xing He

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Nana and Bei Linfeng hurriedly dodged aside, while the black figure showed up in front of them. The person before their eyes was a young man at the same age as them. He looked handsome with a tall and big figure. His sturdy body was full of explosivity power and showed the manly beauty. When the two guards who had fallen on the ground saw the young man come here, their eyes lit up. Obviously, their savior had come. "Who are you? How dare you beat our guards?" The young man asked, gazing at the three. He was clear about the two guards' capabilities, but they seemed to have no power to fight back in front of the three, so he was more alert to them. "Young Master Xing He, please save us. They wanted to break into our mansion and even injured us." Before Mu Yunfei and his companions answered, the guards who offended first complained. They got up slowly and walked to the young man lamely. "Young Master Xing He? Is he a descendant of the direct line in the Xing family? Isn't the young master named Xing Jie? Is this his younger brother?" Mu Yunfei thought. Obviously Xing He believed the two guards' words and protected them behind him. Then he glared at the three and said, "You are so bold as to act wildly in front of the gate of the Xing family's mansion." His tone was despotic evidently. Mu Yunfei furrowed his brows slightly. He could see clearly that this young master Xing He confused right and wrong and protected his servants. "Young Master Xing He, we came to visit your family on behalf of the Elemental Star Headquarters and hope that we can see your family master to discuss a matter of fundamental importance, but your guards kept us out and said that they would compete with us and report to the master only after we won..." Mu Yunfei told the whole story frankly with sincerity. He should be polite to anybody at first, which was taught by his parents since his childhood. As expected, after Xing He heard Mu Yunfei's explanation, his face softened. As a young master in the Xing family, he could distinguish who told the truth and who told a lie after comparing the statements of the two parties. However, the guards in his family had been beaten, so he had to get back at the three, and couldn't let them in so easily. Then he said slowly, "Logically, our Xing family won't receive anybody who represents any force, but it isn't absolute. You have defeated the two. If you can win me, I will personally take you to see my father. This time, it's your turn." While speaking, he pointed to Mu Yunfei. He had seen Bei Linfeng and Nana fighting in the distance just now. He felt that the two were powerful, while this man just stood far away without joining the fight. Under the situation, there were only two possibilities. He was quite powerful and disdained to fight, or he was weak and would lose as long as he fought. Obviously Xing He believed that it was the second possibility because he didn't feel strong Bloodline Power from Mu Yunfei during the whole period. Therefore, he challenged Mu Yunfei in order to save the Xing family's face which had been lost just now. "What? Don't you dare to?" Seeing that Mu Yunfei didn't answer in a hurry, Xing He asked sarcastically. "It appears that this is the weakest among the three as expected, and I am the strongest among us three, so even if the winning rate is not one hundred percent, it will be close." At this thought, Xing He showed a smile on his face. Yes, although Xing He was young, he had inherited the powerful gene of Bloodline Power of the family, and he was in the Initial Term of Grade 3 at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline, equal to the people in the Initial Term of the Medium Stage of Golden Bloodline. That was why he was so confident. The strong muscles all over his body might explode at any time seemingly. Xing He looked at Mu Yunfei and waited for his response. Staring at Xing He, Mu Yunfei could feel the strong Bloodline Power released from this man's body first, and at this moment, he had estimated the other party's strength. The man could suppress him with Bloodline Power, yet Mu Yunfei was surprised for only a moment, and then he returned calm. "He is equal to a person at the Medium Stage of Golden Bloodline, but so what? Am I just at the Primary Stage of Golden Bloodline?" He thought. "Okay, I will compete with you," Mu Yunfei replied. The scene looked familiar, but compared with the fight against Coldblooded Queen, Nana and Bei Linfeng looked relieved. However, they didn't know that in that battle, Coldblooded Queen Zoria didn't show all her strength. The two walked backward respectively to stay away from each other. When Xing He turned around again, the explosivity momentum was hidden in his body. From this point, it could be seen that he was not impetuous, and this competition wouldn't be so simple. Mu Yunfei stood there, with the light of the Bloodline Sword flashing indistinctly around his body. Although he should have five skills, two of them were still sealed, and the other three were mainly to show the speed and to defend. It meant that Mu Yunfei's main attacking ability was from the Bloodline Sword for now, and he was more like a warrior with a ritual article. When Xing He saw the faint sword shadow around Mu Yunfei's body, surprise flashed in his eyes, yet he soon returned calm. A long sword also showed up in his hand. Obviously, it was a ritual article. The sword flashed with faint cyan light and fairy breath. There was no too much gaudy light, but it looked solid. The explosivity momentum erupted from his body again and rushed to Mu Yunfei to attack him. It was Explosion Zone! This kind of momentum was peculiar to the direct bloodline of the Xing family, with a supreme ability to promote the fighting capacity, and the attacking ability in the zone could increase by fifty percent. The ordinary promoting ability couldn't compare with it. With momentum rushing to the sky, Xing He dashed to Mu Yunfei and waved the ritual article in his hand, shouting, "Torridness!" Mu Yunfei just felt that hot waves burst out of Xing He's body and tried to attack him. Xing He was like a fireball now. Mu Yunfei started the extreme speed immediately, and everything before his eyes slowed down. With light flashing, the Bloodline Sword showed up in his hand. The ice nature was certainly the most suitable to cope with the fire nature. The bluish golden light was dominant on the Bloodline Sword gradually under Mu Yunfei's control, and an extremely cold breath was released from the sword, resisting Xing He. Ice Chop was launched, and several wisps of bluish golden light came out to chop. Although the speed was not high, there was momentum which seemed able to freeze heaven and earth, which blocked all Xing He's ways to dodge. It seemed to have become a game of killing. When Xing He saw the blue light as the Bloodline Sword was waved in Mu Yunfei's hand, he clearly felt that the ritual article in his hand trembled indistinctly. It seemed to fear the Bloodline Sword, and even the cyan light on the blade dimmed. Xing He didn't have time to consider more. He started Explosion Zone entirely and promoted his momentum to the peak. Torridness' light circled around his body and resisted Ice Chop. It was necessary to say that Xing He's explosion was effective. Although Ice Chop was powerful, it was not so powerful as to defeat an all-out blow of a person whose strength was equal to the Medium Stage of Golden Bloodline. Torridness released by Xing He around him was gradually swallowed by the coldness Ice Chop had brought. Even so, it resisted Mu Yunfei's attack. Xing He's eyes were full of shock now. He hadn't expected that Mu Yunfei who had no momentum could launch such a powerful attack. But was this the end of the story? Of course, the answer was no. When Xing He finally resisted Ice Chop, Mu Yunfei moved. Void Breaker was started and Mu Yunfei showed up behind Xing He in an instant. He raised the Bloodline Sword in his hand and used the same method that was exerted to cope with Lei Ze. At this time, the Bloodline Sword turned to purplish golden from bluish golden, with the horrible and violent thunder nature around. It made the air around have slight explosive sounds. Thundery Chop was launched, and it was Mu Yunfei's most powerful single attack for now. A wisp of purple electricity shot out, going to cut Xing He's back, with the light blade which was much quicker than Ice Chop. This time, Mu Yunfei controlled the power slightly. In his opinion, if he attacked with all strength, he would definitely injure the opponent seriously, and it would be not helpful to the alliance in the future. Even so, he still thought that this attack was enough to make Xing He unable to fight back. When Thundery Chop was about to hit Xing He, Mu Yunfei saw the faint smile on Xing He's lips unexpectedly. Next second, dazzling light burst out on Xing He's back. This...
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