Chapter 62 Keep Them out

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According to the information offered by the Elemental Star Headquarters, the Xing family's mansion was built near mountains, not in the city. Although the family enjoyed high social status, they seldom got involved in the secular disputes, and they almost stayed secluded. The three came to the foot of the mountain slowly next afternoon. When they saw the mansion of the Xing family with shades of woods, and breeze passing by with fragrance of flowers and grass, they felt happy although they were tired after traveling all day. The path in the woods was quiet and secluded. Although the mansion was built next to mountains, they didn't destroy the environment around greatly but still kept the original peace in the woods. Soon the three saw the front gate of the mansion. What surprised them was that there was a river with a width of ten meters surrounding the mansion. It was bottomless and made people stop after seeing it. It was mainly used to prevent the beasts on mountains but also stopped the people to some extent who came to watch the mansion out of curiosity. They stood next to the river and didn't move on. Even though they could fly for a short while and cross this river with their Bloodline Power, as the envoys who came to make friends with the family on behalf of the Elemental Star Headquarters, what they needed to do first was show respect. Looking at the two guards at the gate of the mansion not far away on the other side of the river, Mu Yunfei called, "Dudes, please tell the master that the Elemental Star Headquarters sent envoys to visit the Xing family." "The Xing family has never received anybody who represents any force. Please go back," One of the guards stated in a flat tone, as if he had said these words for thousands of times. Mu Yunfei was surprised. He could feel that this task was not simple, yet he had never expected that they would be kept out of the gate. They couldn't see anybody but two guards. "Dudes, we came to visit them sincerely. Can you do us a favor and let us see your family master?" Mu Yunfei asked politely again. "Right. We came to visit them with sincerity on behalf of the Elemental Star Headquarters, and you shouldn't keep us out, right?" Bei Linfeng aside echoed. Seeing that the three didn't go but asked repeatedly, the two guards looked at each other and then walked forward to the opposite bank of the river. They looked at the three, with their sharp eyes. The guard who had spoken earlier asked coldly, "You three kids represent the Elemental Star Headquarters? Is there any adult in the Elemental Star Headquarters?" There was sarcasm in his tone. "Right. They just sent three kids to come. Do they look down upon the Xing family or fool anybody? Get out now!" The other guard said. Their words made Bei Linfeng furious who was the most impatient at ordinary times. He shouted at the two, "You are such snobs and look down upon us. If you are capable, let's have a singles match. You will see who are more powerful, us young people or you old dying men?" In fact, the two guards were merely middle-aged men, yet when Bei Linfeng was in a rage, gaffes gushed from his lips. Mu Yunfei hurriedly reached out his hand to stop Bei Linfeng and said apologetically, "I am sorry. My fellow is hot-tempered and wants to finish the task as soon as possible, so he is anxious. Hope that you can understand. I apologize to you for his words." "Don't be hypocritical!" The first guard responded crossly as he was irritated by Bei Linfeng's words obviously. "We should let you kids see the distance between you and the real powerful men. No need to have a singles match. Let's play doubles. Young girl, you look weak, so you don't need to join us. Just watch aside," The second guard expressed, with insincere pity in his tone. Looking at the two, Mu Yunfei had cold light flashing in his eyes. Facing the people who didn't show respect to others, he didn't need to bear with them after being tolerant to them repeatedly. When Mu Yunfei prepared to walk up and resist the opponents, Nana next to him suddenly grabbed his arm. He turned his head and happened to see that Nana showed a beautiful smile and shook her head at him. "Yunfei, just let the fatty and me fight against them." With confidence in her eyes, she walked forward. "I will learn from you by fighting," Nana said with a smile. With her bright eyes, long eyelashes, straight nose and ruddy mouth on her extremely beautiful face under the golden light of the setting sun, she was as gorgeous as a fairy and as pure as an angel, and anybody would want to protect her involuntarily. The two guards on the opposite bank of the river were stunned for a moment but soon stated, "Young girl, don't cry if we hurt you later." While speaking, the two guards flew up and came to this side, standing in front of Nana and Bei Linfeng. "The rule is simple. We won't kill anybody but will fight till one party admits defeat. If you win, we will go in and report to the master. If you lose, you just get out of our sight. It's very simple. Do you understand?" The guard said coldly, still with a bad attitude. "Cut the crap," Bei Linfeng howled. He had flames of fury in his heart and wanted to vent it. Then he didn't say more, with aureole flashing and showing up on his right palm. The air around twisted as the aureole appeared. At the same time, the two in front of them exploded in an instant and their Bloodline Power surged, reaching a horrible speed in an instant unexpectedly. Although it was inferior to Mu Yunfei's extreme speed, their figures couldn't be seen clearly. Mu Yunfei stood in the distance at the moment. When he felt the breath erupting from the two guards, he was astonished involuntarily. Both of them had reached the peak of Grade 2 at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline at least unexpectedly, equal to the peak of the Primary Stage of Golden Bloodline. He had heard that all members in the Xing family owned at least Red Bloodline, but he hadn't expected that two guards at the gate had reached this level. Mu Yunfei was worried about his two partners. Nana was merely of Grade 1 at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline and there was a distance between her and the two guards in Bloodline Power, even though she had been promoted depending on her ritual article, the silver dragon necklace. Although the fatty was at the same level as them in Bloodline Power, he was more skilled in controlling and defense. Their opponents brought stormy waves while moving, which was a skill brought by the wind nature evidently, and they were bloodline warriors with a high speed. Mu Yunfei stared at the battlefield and was prepared to come up and help his two partners at any time. Nana released Ice and Snow Zone in an instant, and the range expanded gradually. It enveloped the two guards and made them slow down a lot, so their figures became clearer. The extreme coldness forced the two guards to consume some Bloodline Power to resist it, which made them show surprise in their eyes. Bei Linfeng took out the sacred shield of brightness and put it on his back. Because Nana's Ice and Snow Zone couldn't distinguish between friends and foes, he had to resist the coldness with the energy released by the sacred shield of brightness, yet he was better than their opponents because the energy of the shield was not from himself but the ritual article's soul, Brilliance. Endless Brightness Power was released from the sacred shield of brightness and dyed Bei Linfeng bright golden, and his fat body looked holy. Giddiness Aureole was started. Two wisps of golden light shot out of the aureole and rushed to the two guards. The two guards were not weak. Seeing that the two wisps of golden light were going to attack them, they turned around and changed their directions in the air forcefully, but what happened next shocked all people present. Golden light suddenly burst out of Bei Linfeng's body, and a skill similar to Zone Power covered everything in an instant. The two aureoles which missed the targets turned back and dashed to the two guards accurately, and everything happened in a flash. When the two guards relaxed their vigilance, they felt dizzy for a short while and fell on the ground with their eyes going blank. Obviously, Giddiness Aureole had taken effect. How would Nana miss such a great chance? She started Ice Crystal Prick, which was triggered as soon as the two fell on the ground, and it had a magical effect. The extreme coldness was difficult to cope with when they didn't have Bloodline Power to resist. Nana served as a foil to Mu Yunfei under his aureole all the time, and his outstanding skills made her unable to give play to all her abilities. The blue ice crystal enveloped the two guards at once. Nana could kill them easily like killing two ants if she wanted to. However, she controlled herself in the end. She had achieved the goal and they were not so sinful as to be sentenced to death. Moreover, she was kind innately, so she slowly raised her hand and withdrew the ice crystal, revealing two guards with red skin who were trembling. "Where is your aggressive momentum?" Bei Linfeng said with sarcasm. He involuntarily wanted to curse the two from the bottom of his heart. The two were quite depressed now. Before they fully showed their abilities, they were defeated by the two kids in front. Although it was partly because they had underestimated the opponents, they looked at the three teenagers with quite different eyes. At this time, a roar suddenly appeared like thunder, shocking heaven and earth. "How dare you! Stay away from the people of our Xing family!" A black figure showed up out of thin air in the sky and came to attack the three, with momentum rushing to the sky.
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