Chapter 72 The Internal Elixir

1593 Words
To be frank, the Bloodline Sword really deserved to be of God Level, as such great power could still burst out of it even though Mu Yunfei's Bloodline Power was close to be drained. It shot out at lightning speed with purplish golden light and rushed directly to the spiritual snake's heart. However, as a demon beast also at the peak of Blue Rank, how would the spiritual snake stand still and allow itself to be killed without putting up a fight? The snake trembled and stood up with a weird posture, escaping from the Bloodline Sword which tried to chop it in the front. Because Mu Yunfei's Bloodline Power was drained, he couldn't launch the second attack. The Bloodline Sword came back to him slowly and spun. He was exhausted and could hardly resist it. The other three struggled hard in battles as well obviously. It meant that nobody would come to help him for now, so he was in a passive situation. Mu Yunfei maintained the extreme speed which was not fast anymore depending on his last Bloodline Power and avoided the spiritual snake's attacks again and again. At the same time, he quickly considered how to cope with it, but as a result, he had no solution. He called Dalla in his brain, yet she seemed to have disappeared and didn't reply, as if she had disappeared from his brain like the golden light. When he was thinking about how to handle it, the spiritual snake suddenly stopped attacking. It bent over and stuck its tongue in and out, staring at Mu Yunfei, as if provoking. "Did you feel guilty and give up evil ways, returning to the right path?" Mu Yunfei thought with unspoken criticism. However, obviously, not every creature had a conscience or the awareness of giving up evil ways. As expected, next second, pink dense fog was out of the spiritual snake's mouth all of a sudden and enveloped it, spreading around continuously at a surprisingly high speed. It seemed that it could spread hundreds of miles away without the air flow. And the snake chose a perfect time. It happened that Mu Yunfei rose to the sky to avoid the attack of its tail and couldn't change his posture. The pink dense fog came to him in an instant. He knew that such a color must be highly poisonous even without thinking, but at this time. Mu Yunfei could do nothing to avoid it. Mu Yunfei exerted the last Bloodline Power and formed a layer of golden ice crystal barrier around himself, which was the only defense that he could do for now. As his energy had been used up, he felt dizzy, while the pink dense fog approached him at this time. However, when the pink dense fog was about to get close to his body, there was dark red light appearing next to him all of a sudden. It was threatening but really isolated the pink dense fog outside, which couldn't even continue to spread to the battlefield on the other side behind. At the moment, Mu Yunfei fell on the ground from midair slowly and felt shocked. He felt the dark red light's source and suddenly found that it was out of his storage capsule, while the only thing that might release such a light inside was the internal elixir of the blood sucking mantis. With light flashing, Mu Yunfei took the internal elixir out of the storage capsule, to see rich dark red light burst out of the internal elixir, and it was much stronger than it had been when it just showed up, with thick terrifying breath. Mu Yunfei looked at the internal elixir blankly and didn't understand it, but anyway, this internal elixir could prevent him from being threatened by the horrible pink dense fog. He turned around and looked at the spiritual snake's indistinct figure not far away through the pink dense fog. The spiritual snake didn't launch an attack in a hurry. In its big vertical pupils, there was an expression with a doubt about the dark red light. It was quite familiar with this breath, from the blood sucking mantis which had injured it seriously and driven it away from here. The horrible breath which could swallow everything seemingly made the spiritual snake's soul tremble, and it didn't dare to launch another attack for a moment. The pink dense fog spread quickly, but it was difficult to scatter. Mu Yunfei suppressed the fog in front of him, so a pink natural barrier for defense was built between him and the spiritual snake. It gave him some time to regain Blood Power. Looking at the dark red internal elixir in his hand again, Mu Yunfei found that he could feel strong reluctance from it, and it was still the breath which wanted to destroy everything and despised heaven and earth. Because this powerful breath showed up, it isolated the pink dense fog outside and scared the spiritual snake, making it remain still. Even so, with the breath of reluctance being released, the internal elixir started to tremble and become unstable. Mu Yunfei had to grasp it before he could fix it with difficulty. In the beginning, he could control it depending on his strength, but the breath in the internal elixir seemed to become stronger as it absorbed and swallowed the pink dense fog around continuously, and it might explode at any time. It made Mu Yunfei's body also tremble constantly. "Has this internal elixir become a demon?" Mu Yunfei thought. He knew little about the internal elixir and just put it away under Dalla's instruction, so he was confused about such a situation. He couldn't figure out a practical way except grabbing this internal elixir desperately and trembling with it continuously. Why didn't he let it go? If he loosened his hand and let the internal elixir go, as it was missing, the pink dense fog could swallow him at once. Was he unwilling to give up this internal elixir? Of course not. He didn't even know what the internal elixir's function was. He was unwilling to lose his life. As the internal elixir swallowed everything around, the pink dense fog became thinner, but it made the internal elixir become more difficult to control. It took Mu Yunfei up to the sky and spun in the air nonstop. Mu Yunfei just felt that the bones all over his body seemed to fall apart. As the internal elixir trembled constantly, he was shaky and unsteady, moaning in pain repeatedly. Suddenly, the internal elixir seemed to have absorbed to a certain extent and a huge force came in an instant, making the internal elixir out of Mu Yunfei's hand. "No!" Mu Yunfei shrieked. Next second, the internal elixir rushed towards Mu Yunfei as he thought that it would disappear from his sight. It came at lightning speed, still with the momentum which could destroy heaven and earth. It came to him in the blink of an eye, with strong dark red light and penetrated the part between his eyebrows. Then it disappeared. Mu Yunfei was petrified. He just felt that his brain had been critically hit for thousands of times, and everything in the brain seemed to have collapsed at that moment. His faint golden brain was intruded by the dark red color gradually. It seemed that he was fallen to hell from paradise in an instant. The strong breath that the internal elixir carried about was released around Mu Yunfei and scattered the pink dense fog next to him. The dark red light covered him and hung in the sky, like a demon god looking down at all creatures, which could frighten everybody. His clear eyes became blood red and the Bloodline Sword which circled around him showed dark red light indistinctly, with depressing breath covering the spiritual snake which was stagnant not far away. If the ritual article's soul of the sacred shield of brightness Brilliance could see the dark red light on the Bloodline Sword, he would surely find that such dark red light was what he had seen in the shield and could make him surrender in the aspects of grade and strength, yet he was engaged in a fierce battle obviously, so he didn't pay attention to what was happening to Mu Yunfei. The breath on Mu Yunfei didn't stop rising, and the dark red light became like real, covering him. He just felt that his body was filled with power, while it was not from Bloodline Power but was a kind of magical strength. He could feel it clearly and it seemed mysterious. The tremble and collapse in Mu Yunfei's brain made him lose his consciousness gradually and he fell asleep for a short period, while in the spiritual snake's eyes, he still stood erect in the air, like a demon god falling. The light was vague, and everything before his eyes disappeared in front of him. He regained his consciousness and showed up in a chaotic space, a chaotic universe where everything hadn't been created yet seemingly. "Where is it?" Mu Yunfei talked to himself. He walked forward slowly and felt the space around with no life or light, getting scared. Mu Yunfei had experienced showing up in a different space suddenly for several times, so he shouted directly, "Dalla!" Nobody answered. "Dalla, are you here? Where am I?" He raised his voice and continued to shout. There was still no answer, and it was surprisingly silent around. Everything was in chaos.
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