Chapter 71 The Tearing Bear?

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Zoria came to the huge bear in an instant. The bear was several meters tall, and the hair on its skin all over the body was like steel thorns. Its eyes widened and it opened its big b****y mouth, showing the sharp teeth which had been sharpened seemingly. The bear reached out its paws, aiming at Zoria. However, next second, Zoria who stood in front of it suddenly became illusory. She started the ghostly steps and dodged the bear's paws under the extremely critical situation. The strong force of inertia made the huge bear's paws dash to the ground, and its great strength made the ground go down several meters below the surface. What would happen if it attacked a person could be imagined. Zoria exerted the ghostly steps and floated around the huge bear. She hung her hands on both sides of her body and the ghostly edges were pulled, leaving sparkles on the ground. She tried to find the weakness of this huge bear like steel. In fact, not all the demon beasts had been driven away by the blood sucking mantis, and some of them were powerful, wanting to expand their territories. Obviously, this huge bear was one of them. Although it hadn't reached Red Rank, it was at the peak of Blue Rank, which was quite powerful among the demon beasts. At the moment, it didn't fear at all when looked at Zoria who circled around it. It roared angrily and put down the front legs even though it walked with two rear legs earlier. It made a posture of pouncing, and the target was nobody but Nana and Bei Linfeng, the two assisting fighters. As a demon beast which was about to reach Red Rank, it was of high intelligence. It could feel that these two people's Bloodline Power was almost drained, and once it chose to attack them, it could make Zoria around it show up. This was a wise plan. Logically, it was effective. In its eyes, when it attacked the two, Zoria would surely be forced to show up and resist its attack head-on. If it happened, it meant that the bear would win this battle. It suddenly put forth strength on its rear legs. This huge bear with a mountain-like shape rose and raised its paws, trying to punch Nana and Bei Linfeng. However, it was beyond the huge bear's expectation. Zoria circling around it still hid in the air and didn't plan to show up and save the two. In her opinion, the contract just demanded her to protect Mu Yunfei, not the two people who had nothing to do with her, so she didn't care about them but still tried to find the huge body's weakness. Zoria didn't want to help Nana and Bei Linfeng, and they had never expected that Coldblooded Queen would protect them. Nana exerted the last Bloodline Power and covered them with a layer of ice crystal barrier, while Bei Linfeng reduced the brightness defense zone to gather it around the two. The sacred shield of brightness was raised and blocked in front of them. Golden light burst out of the sacred shield of brightness gradually, and the ritual article's soul, Brilliance, showed up in front of them the next second. With the shield in his hand, Bei Linfeng suddenly felt a kind of unprecedented power, and the vitality between heaven and earth around poured into the sacred shield of brightness endlessly. At the moment, it was resplendent with bright golden light. The sound of collision appeared next second, and the strong percussive force made Bei Linfeng and Nana fly more than ten meters away, but they blocked the attack indeed. Except that Bei Linfeng's arms go numb, there was nothing wrong with them. "Little Fatty, shouldn't you say thanks to me?" Brilliance showed up again and looked at Bei Linfeng, saying complacently. Bei Linfeng was saved and hurriedly said flatteringly with a big smile, "Sir, you are so awesome. You can even resist such a horrible attack!" Although he praised the old man, Nana thought that he was quite affected, and she knew that it was insincere even if she didn't need to think, but next... "Aha, I knew it. The person I chose must be able to understand my abilities. I also admire you for having such a ritual article's soul like me. You are awesome, too. Aha..." Brilliance seemed to appreciate Bei Linfeng's words and burst into laughter unexpectedly. The two were so crazy, which made Nana speechless. The huge bear felt doubtful as it didn't hit the target, but it felt more furious than confused, as if its terrifying power which could destroy heaven and earth was questioned. It didn't stop for long but rushed forward, still aiming at Nana and Bei Linfeng. This time, the hair on its skin like steel thorns bristled with great momentum. It pounced on the two with much more power than the last attack. However, when it exerted all its strength, something else would happen. It would reveal its weakness. When the huge bear's all hair bristled, Zoria in the air found a detail that could hardly be distinguished by others. There was a row of soft hair on the back neck of the huge bear unexpectedly. Although it was merely a short row, it was totally different from the hair around like steel thorns, which was the weakness of the huge bear. Shortly, a chance showed up in front of her momently. Zoria started the ghostly steps and appeared horizontally in a flash. Next second, she stood behind the huge bear and crossed the ghostly edges in front of her, with frightful dark black light. She tried to chop the huge bear's back neck. The huge bear seemed to feel the strong sense of crisis from behind and suddenly stopped rushing forward. However, next second, something that shocked all people present happened, and even Nana who knew well about demon beasts couldn't find a reason for now to explain the scene before their eyes. When Zoria's ghostly edges were about to be inserted into the huge bear's back neck, the soft hair which sank suddenly rose and then another head emerged from inside. The head was covered with hair like steel thorns which was the same as the huge bear's head, and it resisted Zoria's attack. The huge impact made the two move several steps backward. Obviously, it ended in a draw, which was under the condition that Zoria launched a surprise attack. When the smoke dust around produced by the collision scattered slowly, the scene before their eyes made them feel sick. The huge bear stood there, and the new head emerged on its back neck was split and another huge bear came out of its body. Moreover, its body was still like a mountain and didn't become smaller because it was split. What ability was this? Nana searched in her brain desperately but still gained nothing. The demon beast seemed to have mutated, attacking in two directions respectively next second. Zoria was fine. With her ghostly steps and strong Bloodline Power, she dodged, twisted and jumped continuously under the huge bear's attacks, avoiding the punches again and again, and they were fighting fiercely. On the other side, Nana and Bei Linfeng were not so lucky, as they faced the meront of the huge bear. After the collisions, they found that this meront not only looked like the huge bear in the shape, but also had similar strength. They couldn't exert the flexible steps like Zoria did, so they could only depend on the defense of the sacred shield of brightness and hold on constrainedly. Every time the huge bear pounded with its claws, it would make the sacred shield of brightness flash with golden light, and Bei Linfeng feel numb on his arms. The ritual article's soul, Brilliance, showed up next to the two now, with golden light bursting out, and he input the power into the sacred shield of brightness endlessly, which prevented the two from taking up a disadvantageous position. The demon beasts around had been seriously wounded or dead or had escaped from the collisions of powerful energy. Besides them fighting, the only one in a battle was Mu Yunfei, who was fighting against the spiritual snake. Mu Yunfei had the Bloodline Sword in his hand and dodged repeatedly under the spiritual snake's attacks. Because he had little Bloodline Power left, he could do nothing but try to start the extreme speed simply and find the snake's weakness. Different from the huge bear's, the spiritual snake's weakness was easy to find and must be its heart, next to the part nine inches away from its head. After dodging and jumping several times, Mu Yunfei found it. With light flashing, he started Void Breaker and the extreme speed at the same time in a tricky position. The Bloodline Sword left his hand and shot out to the snake's heart, with dazzling purplish golden light.
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