Throw This Thing Off The Cliff!

1561 Words
'' Go get her here!'' he said to Jessica. '' Did I just hear him right, telling that slut to wrap her filthy hands around me? Wasn't cheating on me with this piece of trash enough? She must not lay those hands on me!'' I rose my head, looking away from the bleeding leg, and my lips were getting pale, exposing how weak I was becoming internally. Jessica walked towards me, with only a pant on, and nothing more on her bare chest, just her boobs flapping downwards. Her boobs wasn't left out exposed as well. She then grab my hands, with a fake smile on her lips '' Come here you lazy ass'' she tired pulling me from the floor. '' Let go of me right now'' I spoke boldly never mind if Ander was present in the room. '' Shut up your mouth, your voice irritates me! '' she snapped picked up a piece of her bra, and stuffing it up in my mouth'' Ewe Ewe. '' What?!'' I twist my lips, throwing off the dirty bra in my mouth to the ground. I gave her a hot slap, whose sound was echoing in the room after some seconds. '' Cassy!!!'' Anderson roared in the room, his eyes were nothing less than the bloodshot eyes. '' How dare you, you have crossed the line'' he dragged my hair, as if he was deliberately trying to remove every strands in my scalp. '' Ahh!'' I moaned in pain, it felt like he was scraping my skull off. The more he drags it the more I lose my strength and feel like giving up. '' You are not in pain yet'' he scoffed bringing a silver thing which seem as though it was a knife. Suddenly he began tearing my clothes off, my bra and pants weren't left out. Jessica joined him yanking me to the bed. '' Let me go! Let me go you b***h'' she grin at me, I could see mockery written all over her face. '' Bring me the bra!'' He commanded Jessica, as she smirked picking it off the floor. She handed it over to Ander. He stretched the bra to my face, then he grinned. '' What is he doing?'' thoughts swirling in my head. '' Grab her hands'' he said to Jessica as she obeyed pulling my two hands backwards. He wrapped the bra around my mouths and pin it behind. Gosh, I couldn't believe my eyes. '' Ander what are you doing?'' I screamed and battled with the bra in my mouth. '' Get me the ropes'' he requested, as it was lying on the chair some distance away. Ander tugged the white rope from her, he grabbed my hands, tying the ropes around me on both hands, afterwards pinning it to the bed. '' Ander, what are you doing?'' I screamed, flinging my legs. Tossing the white shirt off his masculine chest, the veins on his shoulder, rooted out and his face rough, as he became heated. '' Spread your legs '' he spoke with is aroused voice, I could sense the heat within, his desires burning through his eyes, the eyes almost bursting into flames, the s****l hormones seem as though running through the entire veins in his body. I pulled myself closer to the bed flame, but that was the end, no where to run to, I can't loosen my hands. He yanked me against his torso as he crawled unto me on the bed. He dragged out the bed sheet, as though it was disrupting him. '' No Ander, no__'' I shook my head, my whole hair was already in a mess, scattered all over my face, some where sticking to my face from the sweat dotted on my head. He grabbed my breasts with his hand as hard as a rock, he squeezed it to make me groan, tormenting my whole soul. Ander picked the other breast, which was both heavy in his hands, my breasts were as full as a nursing mother, as if it was loaded with breast milk, but no it was a natural size of breast, one thing I was also blessed with apart from facial beauty. ''This feels so good and soft'' he grins, looking the pains in my eyes as he squeeze them harder. Soon he crawled his horrible hands from my breast down to my torso, trailing down to my abdomen where I am very sensitive. He stroke the hairs around my core making my blood get heated in my vessels. He went down to my private part, rubbing his hands in it. '' I could feel you, so wet down there'' he grins, taking two fingers into me. '' gods! he is driving me crazy'' he began, stroking it hard into it. '' Ander, don't do this to me!'' I groan as he inserted one more fingers making it three, he increased the speed as well. It is disgusting, having him torment me sexually this way, he has no right, he is no longer my mate, he has no damn right touching me. '' Ander!'' I groaned shaking my legs, I wasn't feeling any kind of pleasure from this act, the only energy emitting from me was pain, anger, feeling irritated by this devil digging his hands into me. He then removed his hands, forcing them into my mouth '' Ah!'' I said screaming in a dreadful way, spitting it to his face. My saliva along with the juice he inserted in my mouth splashed all over his face. Wiping it off with a finger, his anger were so much visible in his eyes, he suddenly stood up, pulling his pants off his waist, throwing it to the ground. He began slapping my face, slapping both cheeks for making me pay, for spiting on his face. '' Suck my d**k now! suck it like your life depends on it!'' He growled stuffing his huge rock into my month, he threw the bra to the ground as well. I could finally speak and breath well after he took that s**t off. And untie me. '' Ander, I'm not doing that! You can punish as you want, but don't not touch me! You have no right Ander'' my tongue became sharp with the little strength I gathered to speak, I could feel my body shaking from weakness. I spoke obstinately waking his inner beast from it's slumber. '' I have the right to do anything I want! I'm the Alpha!'' he roared! hitting his sweaty broad chest. '' Suck it or regret ever living!'' He yelled again. Since he had captured me here, he has prevented me from eating, I haven't had anything to eat since that day, not even water to keep my throat from going sore. If not for the water Nora stole for me I'm sure I've must have died, the time is ticking now. That day I had lied to her that I was given food by Mr Smith, I didn't want her to worry about me anymore. She could put herself into trouble, if Ander should find out she was here I doubt he was going to spare her life. I couldn't bear to see Nora suffer because of me, I can't bear to see any tears in her eyes, the reason I had to lie to her, that I was not hungry, in my words I told her '' I ate a while ago'' which was a big fat lie. I've been starved for three days, I had no much strength to live, I battled with him forcing the d**k into my mouths. I went back to his words, which he said '' Suck it, or regret ever living'' as the words bubbled in my head. '' I certainly regret ever living, you made sure of that Ander'' I felt the hot tears running down my cheek. This was not just the tears of the suffering and the pains right now, No. I am going to miss Nora, I might fail Nora, I might fail to fight back, like I have promised. I might fail to keep her promise. This tears is for the failure I am, for not keeping my words. '' Ander__'' I say slowly as my eyes shut down slowly, my heart beat was regressing, my pulse was slowing down. My eyes shut down a bit, only tears was flowing down like a stream. '' I will remember this pain Anderson Damien, good bye'' my eyes went closed, as my body went frozen and stiff. '' What!!!'' he was stunned by the cold body on his hands. '' You have never ceased to surprise me! You are just the weakling you actually are!'' He said brutally not feeling even a bit remorse, for the pains and suffering he caused. '' Guards!!!'' He roared , shaking the whole mansion with his trembling voice. In no second everyone ran out of their hiding. Nora also masked as the maid, getting shook my the chaos rumbling in the house. '' Throw this thing off the cliff'' he commanded. '' Cassy?!'' She screamed within her, almost exposing herself with her reaction. '' No! No way, it can't be Cassy. Cassy can't die, she had promised me to fight this through. She had assured me she was fine!
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