Get Your Lazy Ass Here!

1640 Words
" W-what are you doing here now?" I stuttered asking him, as I slide my legs backwards. '' What?'' he squats in front of me, catching my neck with his hard hands, as strong as a rock. '' W-what do you want now?'' I said with my shaking lips, and my heart heaving up and down. '' This__'' he swayed his eyes to my chest, tearing the white singlet on me. '' Huh?'' My eyes widened in shock. '' Please'' I started moving my ass backwards, but to what extent would I move to? I'm f*****g tired of this wooden chair behind me. '' Ander I still don't understand, why you want to f**k the girl you rejected'' I said speaking boldly to his face. '' Argh,__ '' he howls then a sounding slap followed after that. '' If you dare ask me any question again, you will regret ever breathing this air'' he grit his teeth. I let the tears drop, then raise my head to his face '' I regret breathing this air with you'' I spat at him. My words began to increase the fuel in his anger, I could perceive his dark aura. '' You!'' he jerked a handful of my hair and raised my face to his. '' Do not bring my beast out'' he yelled to my face, throwing my neck with a force with my hair tied to his hands. '' Ander__ '' tears suddenly gathered in my eyes. '' Ander what did I really do to deserve this treatment? the broken bond still hurts a lot. I could feel my soul tearing apart every day, it's like a lion tearing the flesh of its prey.'' I pleaded with so much pain visible in my eyes. '' Haha-- I can't see you suffering yet'' he grinned, then walked out the room, the same way he came in. I noticed Nora was peeping through the little hole in the door, she was watching Anderson as he displayed. '' Why are you crying?'' I frowned at Nora, sucking in the tears. '' Cassy, you are not fine! I'm afraid, I don't know what lies ahead'' she spoke her broken voice. '' Shiiiii-- You shouldn't cry babe. I am fine trust me'' I quickly wipe my tears, to portray a neutral face. '' Oh shut the trap, how can you play pretense around me, I know you are not fine'' she pulled me into a hug, I felt her tears streaming down on my back, so warm comforting me from this place that is almost freezing my heart. My lips turned paled already, and my body as white as snow. '' My poor Cassy, she looks so emaciated, and sick. I doubt she has eaten for days'' Nora spoken within herself, I could only see tears bursting off her eyes. '' Now tell me why you are crying again?'' I frowned shaking my head. '' Cassy, you look so emaciated now'' she said in her broken voice, trying to wipe the undried tears from her cheek. '' Okay, okay that's fine. Forget about this, can you answer all my questions now?'' I asked. '' Cassy, would you let that go? What is important right now is your safety, you are captured here like a slave'' I soon realised the situation I am into, I tried not to get over whelmed by what's happening, but Nora is just making it a habit of renewing the pains from the injuries on me. After listening to her, I went quiet out of the blue. ''Casey, what's wrong? Why the long face all of a sudden?'' Nora stayed quiet and thought carefully of what she has just said to me. '' C'mon babe, don't think it that way? I'm only concerned about you can't you see?'' She held my shoulder taking a deep breath to calmly explain herself. '' You don't need to explain Nora, I perfectly understand. You did nothing, it-it's just that I have bad luck'' I spoke in a cracked voice, and my eyes were being swallowed by tears. '' No babe, don't say that you are never unlucky, Ander is just a devil. C'mon let's stop this argument and think of how we can take you away from here '' she shook her head in confusion. '' What do we do Nora? How do we escape from here?'' I asked, looking deeply into her eyes if this mission would be possible. ''I__'' I'm sure she wanted to say something crucial. Then we heard a footstep again. '' Huh?'' We both stared at each other at once, widening our eyes. '' Nora put on your mask quickly'' I whispered yelled before the person appeared in front of the room. '' You!'' he pointed at Nora, she shivered at the tone of his voice. '' Have they found out who she is? Have they seen her? Oh please God don't let this happen'' I shut my eyes close. '' What are you still doing here? Are you not done with her wounds?'' Each time I hear this man's voice I feel goosebumps on my skin, feel hell disgusted. '' I just finished'' she lowered her head as she replied. '' Then get out of here, no one is allowed to see her again'' he said, as he pushed Nora outdoor, and slammed the door behind them, I also heard the creaking sound locking the door. Leaving me in the gross darkness again. '' Cassy__'' she whispered my name, I could recognize the tone of her voice. Pains, anger, and hatred were all I perceived from the tone. I couldn't cry enough, my face flooded with this salty liquid from my eyes. '' Cassy can't be there alone, what do I do?'' Nora pasted around the kitchen, dressed exactly like the maids in the house. '' Nora, think__ think please'' she tightened her eyes. '' Hey there, isn't the breakfast ready?'' Mr Smith said with his croaky voice. '' Oh my God food!'' She loosened her fist took a deep breath and switched back to the role of a maid. '' Yes, some minutes please she bowed her head. Then he walked out of the kitchen. The room was cozy and dense as she stepped into it, with the tray in her hands. Every guard took an exclusive seat at the dinner table, some things that she didn't find funny at all was what they were gisting and laughing about but Alpha Ander seemed absent from the hall. Where could he be? With the swayed of her left side-eyes, caught sight of a lady walking towards the lobby, where you can reach the stairs when seeking for Ander's room. I can tell from her dressing she was up to pleasing the beast up there. Nora lost her focus, as soon as she met face to face with her, which made her lose track of the cup she was pouring the tea into. '' s**t! What do you think you are doing? You just spill the hot tea on me'' the young man screamed. But Nora seems like she has turned deaf completely. The man was losing his patience, suddenly he hit her hard on her ass, making her come back to her senses. '' Jezz did you just hit my ass?'' She frowned at him, while others started making her the laughing stock. '' One more complaint from you, you will lose your pant off your f*****g waist'' Mr smith replied, as the rest began to grin. Anger bubbled up in her face, she would have reacted but too risky to do so, they would find out who she is. Nora shut her eyes, sighted out and finished up with serving the breakfast. I was awakened by the sound of the door, letting a little light bursting into the room, which was almost blinding me temporarily. "Who are you?" I blinked my eyes, trying to stabilize my sight back. The person remained silent, I looked clearly after my pupil was getting use to the light intensity. '' What are you doing here Smith!'' I yelled, with the anger and pain crowding my face. It's as if he made a vow silent, he walked behind me and untie me, he then jerked my hands as if twisting it against his strong arm. '' Where are you taking me to?'' his silence was throwing me into confusion. '' Just shut up and follow me'' he yelled finally at me. How could I shut up and behave dumb as he taking me forcefully away? First he dragged me into this dark and lonely room, now where could he be taking me to? '' Take her down here!'' that horrible and disgusting voice echoed in the room, as Smith threw me to the floor as soon as he brought me here. '' Ahh!'' my leg twisted to the ground, I felt the excruciating pain, it was the injury who got wounded again, f**k! Suddenly blood started oozing off it. '' Get your lazy ass here!'' Ander shouted at me lying painfully on the floor, how can I stand up from here? When my legs couldn't seem to move, no matter the force I apply to get off my feet, I would feel the pain as it I was being burnt with a iron that was recently brought out of the hot flame. I raised my head up a bit, why couldn't I noticed earlier that I was not the only female in the room? Exactly Jessica sat nude in the bed. '' Andre I am in pain, I can't stand up my leg is bleeding'' I sort of said in a way that I thought would actually have a soft spot for me. But the next thing he did was not called for.
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