Can't Wait

1413 Words

Waking up in the morning I met Xavier sleeping beside me. '' When did he return? Last night?'' I questioned within me. Then I noticed his hands were wrapped around my waist. You thought I would ignore right? But no you are wrong, I shoved his hands off me immediately. Slapping his hands off my waist surely interrupted his sleep. '' Good morning babe'' he raised his face trying to dilate his eyes while drowsiness fought to win. Before he could clear his vision I took off from the bed, bragging my towel from the closet, then stormed into the bathroom, without responding to me. '' Jezz is she this angry? Well, what do I expect?'' Xavier spoke out loud to himself, as he pulled out his legs from the blanket, then slid his legs into the his footwear below the bed. Xavier sauntered to the kit

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