Bring Your Arms!

1715 Words

'' Is this your house?'' Mariana asked looking around. '' Yes, why?'' It's cool. '' So why have you brought me here?'' she frowned. '' For your safety'' he replied. '' safety? Why don't you let them take me, I don't see a reason I should be here'' Mariana truly have a sharp tongue. '' So you prefer to stay back there? They will find you and kill you!'' He argued. '' Is it any different from you? Ain't gonna kill me too?'' she looked like a cute puppy blinking her eyes in front of Rosmood, she looks so vogue. '' I told you if I wanted to do that, I would have done it a long time!'' He sneered. '' Then why have you brought me here? Take me home please'' she fluttered her ocean blue eyes pleading. '' Why would you want to go back home after what your father did to you?'' He frowned and sco

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