Chapter 21: Reality check

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The butler of the miller manor was summoned by David. He came running, usually he'd walk but he already knew they were not in good terms after dinner was delayed for reasons beyond his intervention. Story for another day, it was the butler’s judgement day and he saw the look in David's eyes. Not close to sonly, friendly or brotherly. Worry set in and his heart dropped in his belly as he stood by his side his arms to the front. "I'm going to ask you just once Clive, did you by any chance hug my daughter in this house?" "Yes sir, I... " "Shut up!" He banged on the table scaring the living hell out of them, "keep your filthy hands away from her or I'll throw you out of this house!" Disappointment registered on Rose and Luca's faces, on the bright side he had gotten what he deserved, yelled at in front of all the workers, embarrassed, beaten and battered emotionally which left him shaking. A sneaky tear escaped his lachrymal glands and landed on his wrinkled cheeks. He was quick to wipe it away. Surprisingly he smiled. "Are you seriously smiling right now?" David asked devasted. "He doesn't respect you" Rose pointed out the obvious. "Pervert, don't you dare creep around Ivy or I'll beat you up" Lucas chose to defend her closest family. "Her mother would be proud of you David" the butler said and clapped, "kudos, you've finally turned into what she was afraid of before she passed away. The fact that you think I can creep around Audrey makes me fear how much you’ve changed. When this kid was born I held her in my arms even before you did, and I told her you were held up in the airport, how happy you were whenever you were because it surely wasn’t the airport" A trip down memory lane calmed down the tension. In the middle of all that turmoil the butler was telling a story that even Audrey didn't know. A Truthful story that hurt. Her dad was never around when she was born. Turned out since day one she didn’t matter that much. "What's the point..." "Shut up Rose!" The butler commanded, she looked at David for some help but he was too embarrassed to raise his gaze, "You made it the next day, held her in your arms and watched her all night. This kid made you who you are. Instead of working for someone else you chose to be your own boss so you can see her whenever you wanted. And it was tough, we worked so hard, took pay cuts..." "I'm sorry" It was working. The speech was like a powerful kind of incantation, a spell by Constantine or the popes exorcist that was kicking out the evil spirits in him. "I'm not done David, right now am talking to you like a father. You almost gave up but her smile and your goal for her better future kept you going. I love this kid like my own" he looked at Audrey, wiping away tears of joy that left her body feeling relieved a good man was not going to suffer because of her, "I've changed her diapers, washed her and carried her on my lap, fed her and drove her to school, such a sweet kid. She'd kiss my cheek before running to class every morning and before getting in the car. You’ve never been to my home, Audrey has slept there and played with my kids, they all love her as much as I do. She'd make me smile when I was down, having a bad day. And on this day, you choose to accuse me of meaning harm to a kid I've literally raised and I would still do it even without being on your payroll? Son, of all things you've done and said to me, this one hurts the most. It breaks my heart" The old man walked away slowly leaving a pin drop silence, even before he got far Audrey ran after him and hugged him, cried in his arms and he stroked her back, kissed her hair. Trying so hard not to cry. David had just been hit by an emotional tornado. His heart wept with them as all the beautiful memories of his family came back. Rose and his son were confused just how fast their leverage had melted in thin air. "You're stronger than you think, than your mum. Hang in there, kid" "Don't leave". "I'm not going anywhere until you're big enough. He knows it, he'd have to kill me to get me out of here. Go enjoy your meal kid. I'm sorry I was a coward too" "You, a coward?" "Yes, she asked me not to be picking you from school and I obliged. Who drives you home?" David's burning bush like glare rested on Rose. She looked like she wanted the ground to swallow her. His eyes were bloodshot, red hot like pepper. "My friends, I'm okay. Goodnight" "Goodnight kid. Remember" "To be like the eagle" Audrey walked back to the silent table. She finished up her meal as the rest of them watched, took a glass of water and belched returning it on the table with a slight bang. "Thank you, dad, you almost fired the only person in this house who knows when is my birthday and who actually cares about me. Mum would be so proud of what you've become. Keep up, you’re killing it with this parenting thing" David sadly looked at his daughter. He wanted to say something but words abandoned him, so, he watched her walk away confidently. All he saw was his beautiful young girl, six years old playing around the living room, making him smile. He left the dining room for the study room. They all knew what that meant, he was going to find himself. "What just happened?" Ivy asked. "Looks like David is angry at himself" "At you guys for being mean to his daughter" "Don't you judge us Ivy!" Rose shouted, the confidence and authority in her voice was not there, fear. It was all fear of the rude awakening, Audrey talked back to her own father, "I need to fix this" "How?" Asked Lucas curiously, "As long as that old man is here you can't change his mind. He'd just come up with a story that will leave David crying and who knows he might actually throw us out" "He can't do that. Not to that extent he loves me, I think am going to tell her about her shopping spree during school hours" "Audrey went shopping?" "Yes, saw her with my own eyes" "Guys, a father has just been reminded of how much he has neglected his daughter and you think going to tell him about skipping school is going to help?" Mother and son duo nodded. Ivy just laughed at what she considered as their stupidity shaking her head. They were as dumb as she thought they were. "What's that supposed to mean? You aren't that innocent after all, you called her a pig" "I was high, that's not the point..." "You have a better idea smart ass?" "Yes Aunty, apologize to Audrey and hope she will put in a good word for you when David is ready to talk to her" It was their turn to laugh. One thing they couldn't imagine is begging, leave alone, of all people, Audrey Miller for forgiveness. That was impossible. "That's the stupidest thing I've heard today" Lucas said amid laughter. "Well, you technically moved in her home and not the other way around" The smiley face was wiped by a look of remembrance, he had heard that one somewhere. From one of his friends that he ignored and they dumped him, was second time the charm? Time to accept reality? No. As long as his mother was married to him he had as much right to be in that house as she had. "I think you're still high Ivy, we're not going to apologize to her fat ass. I got this don't worry, mama has this bagged" "Fair enough, I'm going to bed. And sorry for smoking in your house aunty Rose" she kissed her cheek, "it won't happen again " "Saw that smile I'll kick you out to the SQ both if it does" "Sorry mum. But you were once a teenager" "Who didn't smoke and drink in my parents’ house. Now go do your homework" "Good luck with David" "He is your father" "Step-father" She just growled angrily as he left. Thank God David was not there to see them argue about it. She just thought since that fat saint of a daughter he had referred to her as mother and to Lucas as brother without adding step, it was cool if they matched her energy. Rose had a tough task ahead, one that needed a lot of thinking through before knocking on that door, he was angry at her partly and himself and probably the world. She gently walked to the study room, stopping to think through what she as going to say from the beginning to the end and possible reactions. It wasn't the first time they were in that situation. "Can I come in?" She asked after knocking. David was seated on the floor in his pajamas and a cotton grey T-shirt. A bottle of Jameson Irish whiskey in his hands, opened. He didn't need to pour it in a glass or something. Also, on the floor was a soaking wet picture frame of his family, his wife and daughter looking happy and lovely. Audrey was about six in that picture, slim with cute hair and eyes glowing like diamonds in the sun. He could almost feel that vibe on the day the picture was taken and re-live the moment. "Hi" Rose sat by his side, she frowned when she saw that picture. Looked like her hard work of trying to sperate him from his old family wasn't working. She had incinerated and teared to shreds every possible reminder of his family she landed her hands on. So mean, thank God she couldn't get rid of the digital version of it in the cloud and most importantly in their hearts. Then you wonder if they were really friends with his dead wife. The world as we know it is full of chameleons, real chameleons and also, the bunch of opportunistic assholes we call friends. "Just go away, I don't want to talk to anyone right now" "I know. But it's me babe” she said massaging his back. He angrily grabbed her arm, Rose was too calm because he knew he was harmless. No matter how angry he got, he could still keep his cool. "It's me David, calm down. I'm here for you" "Where were you when I was neglecting my own daughter?" He asked rudely and swung back to his feet, "Don't follow me, I need some time alone" She saw it in his eyes, he was dead serious about it. Had he finally got the gift of sight? Like the physical eyes, kind of sight?
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