Chapter 20: Blame the Genes

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The dinner table at the Klein's was lively and complete. Maryse had to intervene and help drag Mason downstairs to have dinner with his father and his business friends. It was actually not an easy feat to achieve and a few promises had to be made, deals under the table were struck just to show the guests how united they were and Mason was playing along perfectly, giving a performance worth of an Oscar award. His charisma was taking the center stage of the table when it came to trending topics, business topics that dealt with rise and fall of the dollar left him numb, not that he didn't know much about them but they were just not interesting. "A fine boy you have here Mike" the first gentleman said. "That's my kid, he is amazing right?" "Fun to hang out with" the other one said, "you should come along with him when you visit. My son could really use someone like him, little man is always grumpy" Well, that's something Mike could relate. He was also surprised why Mason of all days was way cooler though he knew it had something to do Maryse calling the shots, another reason he married her. "He’ll be happy to come right bud?" "You got it dad" Mason said happily, he turned his gaze to the guest, "your son, how old is he?" "Fifteen but he is a prick" Mike smiled at that, it faded when Maryse gave him that side eye that was angry enough to zip him up. "That's where you guys get it wrong" "Brace yourselves up, here comes a lesson in parenting, from a kid" Maryse teased sending the table in a frenzy of laughter. "I think the only reason we're having problems is because you parents don't want to listen to us" "Kid's got a point though" "You dig? Come on bring it in" he sent a fist bomb flying towards the guest, the looks on his parents face didn't scare him and the guest didn't care too, "that's my man right there" "Mason, manners" Maryse couldn't take it anymore. Her son was going overboard with that deal they made. "No, it's okay. We're just having fun like two longtime buddies, you got one great kid here" "Thanks man, unfortunately I have to go. Homework and stuff sucks to be a student" he left his seat taking a glass of water with him, "can't wait to meet your kid sir, you know we're the next generation we should keep this friendship and business going for generations to come" "So young and yet so wise, I'll introduce you guys" "Bye everyone" He ran off in his khaki shorts and a grey T-shirt, black socks up to his knees and a pair of slides on his feet. Moments later Maryse followed him upstairs and when she knocked the door Mason approached her with his arms in the air. "Wait!" She froze, "before you yell at me for lacking manners, I just want to say I'm sorry it shouldn't have happened I got caught in the moment..." She hugged him tight. "Ooh" he said surprised and hugged her back, "is this the calm before the storm or what?" "Hell no, you did well out there am proud of you. Am sure Mike too" "That's a hard bargain" "He is. You know how many family dinners I've been to and saw my fellow parent's get embarrassed by how dumb their kids are?" "Thanks for the compliment but don't call other parent's kids dumb. That hurts" "Sorry, you're some kind of kids protector now?" "You can put it like that. So, do we have a deal?" "Yes, you can host a party as long as nothing breaks, people don't fight and police don't storm the compound" "And?" "Your dad won't be around for two days he is leaving for a business trip don't worry as for me I'm going for a company vacation...not a chance to misbehave and leave girls stranded at the gate" she said staring through him with her penetrative eyes. Mason was scratching the nape of his neck biting down on his teeth and avoiding eye contact, he was guilty as charged. "You found her there?" "Yes, I had to ask one of the guards to drive her home. That's so inhumane of you" "We had a fallout" "Nonetheless, you don't do that to a girl. Imagine if that was Maeve, or me. Imagine of your dad was like that..." "You guys wouldn't be married and I wouldn't exist" "Exactly" she poked his head, "call the girl and apologize" Maryse went arms akimbo. What she was asking was easy. Once in a while he could get off his high horse...only when she intervened...But in this case there was a slight problem. "Are you dumb or something? No son of mine will treat girls like garbage" Oh, she should have known what that great son of hers was doing to one beautiful innocent soul. "Tomorrow?" He said grinning while still scratching his scalp, it had gotten itchy. "Now! And don't you grin at me. I'm not your girlfriend" He Wondered, what was that their psychology teacher was talking about Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson? He remembered something about his mum being his first ever girlfriend. "That won't be possible because..." "Take your phone" "I don't have her phone number" "Jesus Christ son, what do you give to these girls?" "I think that's you and dad's fault. Genes" he winked, she punched him on the shoulder, "ouch!' "Bastard, do your homework" she left the room. "Yes mum" ***** Dinner was underway at the Millers. Unlike the Klein's it was not a fun one with talking and fist bombs. This one was quiet, probably because it also came late due to a technical hitch in the kitchen. The butler couldn't explain it further not when Rose almost chewed off his face in anger and she didn't even let him say a word. All in all, they were finally eating, the tension was neutralized by the sweetness of the chicken and ribs, and salad, the soup she was supposedly going to make for Audrey as special dinner was there too, just not made by her hands. But there was a reason for that silence, Ivy was a guest she had to keep it down, Lucas was angry at his mum for interrupting his fun and at his step-sister for being a fat ugly snitch, impervious to fun and apparently that's what she wanted for everyone around her. This time he was so angry that he didn't even bother to look at her, all his attention was to his plate and he chewed the food as though he had a grudge with it too. Rose was disappointed in her own son for drinking, smoking and playing loud music and more disappointed in her niece for influencing him. On his own Lucas was not capable of that mischief. David was just tired after a day of running up and down, attending board meetings and presentation and also reading and signing reports, approving plans and more CEO stuff. For Audrey, she just couldn't wait to have her fill and sneak away from the dining room the same way she sneaked in. "This is so dull, Ivy, we're so sorry. It's not like us to seat on a table as though there's a funeral" "It's okay Mr. Miller " "Please, call me David. So, how's home?" "It was fine when I left. Happy to be here" "Feel free, you're one of us. If you need anything Lucas can help you or Rose, am also here for you but am like a visitor in my own home can you imagine that" "All C-suite guys are, I understand" There was silence again, the gold coated spoons on the ceramic plates created a rhythm. Rose exhaled sharply and took a glass of wine. David looked at her. "What is it?" "Nothing. I'm good, enjoy your meal" "I know that look. Kids what's up with your mum?" He had his gaze on the very person who was the cause of her foul mood. But still Rose wasn't going to let her son feel the wrath of David so she intervened. "I said am okay David" this time she forced a smile. "The cooks shouldn't worry you I'll have a meeting with the butler" "You should just fire the old man already" Rose's facial muscles twitched, Audrey held her breath, then came the part where everyone was waiting for David's response. And he was going to make them wait, sipped on his glass and took his cutlery, chopping through the juicy muscles of a roasted drumstick. Too bad for him Rose hated being ignored. "You're going to pretend like you haven’t heard me. The old man is the cause of all this" "He remains and that's final. We already talked about this" She took it as an embarrassment in front of their children and her niece. But even worse in front of the employees who already didn't respect her enough, now she could imagine how they were going to look at her and it hurt to feel disrespected by those she considered lesser beings. "Honestly dad he got to go, the other day I found him hugging Audrey inappropriately. I think he is some kind of pervert what do they call it...?" "Pedophile?" Ivy didn't wait for the invite and Rose was a happy woman again, her son was redeeming himself by coming to her aid. There was no way David was getting off that hook because he loved his daughter. "Is this true?" For the first time they noticed Audrey sharing a table with them. "Yes, it was just a hug" "That's how it starts, right?" Lucas was back to his best form. "Yeah, he should understand that Audrey is a teenager now she is not a little baby. I knew there was something wrong with that old man creeping around this house" Rose came through with a rejoinder, David was just looking on. Not sad or happy, Audrey was a mean word away from breaking into tears. They were crucifying the wrong man, again. And this time not for a divine purpose just out of narcissism and being selfish, inhumane and utterly inconsiderate to social norms. "That's outrageous, the butler has seen Audrey grow he can't mean harm to her. You guys are just being paranoid" "Oh, you'd choose him over your own daughter?" Instigated Rose. "What do you want me to do?" "Kick him out!" Mother and son said in unison. Perhaps it is true love is blind. In that split it a second moment, he asked himself, just apart from love and his late wife's request why did he marry her? What had she brought in his life since they got married? Sadly, nothing, and his third eye slightly opened though he remained blind.
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