Chapter 17: The Perfect Dress

1861 Words
Rose had already spotted her but she acted as if she hadn't, Audrey knew it for a fact that she couldn’t hide. There was no way she could ran also. This however left her in confusion, stuck between whether or not to present herself and apologize even before Rose asked what on earth she was doing at a fashion store within school hours. "You seem scared, she didn't see you this place is so big we can run away through the back door and wait for her to leave" "I'm sure she has seen me…I'm already feeling bad for skipping school for the wrong reasons..." "Correction young lady you didn't skip school is games time!" "Last I checked shopping isn't part of the curriculum...I can't hide this from her I'll feel bad" "Now you're making me feel like a bad friend" Tina said sadly, she had given up trying to get her to ran, because that's exactly what she would have done if she were alone or it was her mother. Though she was okay with Audrey's weirdness and lack of touch with the real world and how teens should have behaved, she wasn't okay with her being so uptight sometimes. In that exact moment when slithering through the rows of clothes and going back to their comfy changing room sounded like a great idea but she thought otherwise. "You're not a bad friend" "Because of me I believe you're in trouble with your step-mum, which makes it trouble with your father because am sure she will him" "No, I don't think so. I can't say we're friends but we have this she comes. Wish me luck" "Don't worry, I have a guest room you can live in forever if you get kicked out" "My father doesn't like me much but one thing he can't do is kick me out" "Audrey, hi!" Rose said happily embracing her. She didn't want to make it awkward so she hugged her back lightly, "I didn't expect to find you here and who's this?" Finally, she noticed Tina confidently looking back at her. Most people found her gaze intimidating, Rose was not the first one. It was just who she was. Especially around people she perceived to bring that bad vibe. "Hi, am Tina. Audrey's best friend" Audrey melted with joy, in fact she gasped. Not that she cared but Rose had never asked her about her friends and I bet she didn't even know whether or not her step-daughter had friends. "Ooh, I have heard a lot about you..." "I hope all good" "Essentially, not heard, Audrey barely talks, I've noticed your influence and it's hella good" she winked, it was hard for Tina to understand what that meant but for Audrey it didn't come as a surprise her step-mother was accusing her of being gay. It wasn’t going to be the first time she was accused of being something or someone she wasn't. "Okay" "Before you ask am sorry for not being in school right now" "I wasn't going to ask you that" "Just don't tell dad, he seems to be in his timely pie chart mood" she said with traces of sadness in her voice. Never had she thought her own father, the closest relative and the only parent she had left would treat her like a stranger. “He is just busy…” “Sorry” Tina said with a raised hand as though they were in class and Rose was the teacher, “I beg to differ, people are never that busy. They create time for what they love” “You’re not insinuating…” “Don’t mind her mum” Audrey chuckled secretly pinching Tina as a signal to keep her quiet. This time instead of standing up for her…to some extent Rose was a bully with emotions…she was making things worse for her, “She has no idea how much dad loves me, am the apple of his eye and the center of his universe” Guess who made it even worse? The smile of confusion on Rose’s face was wiped off like birds’ droppings on a windshield, she was just recovering from her step-daughters rumbustious and verbally inconsiderate friend’s accusation only for the daughter to embarrass and try to make a fool out of her. Lucky for Audrey the pages of that reading jaunt on non-verbal cues were literally flipping in her mind and she noticed. Too bad Tina noticed the tension too but she was going to keep quiet this time, hadn’t she caused enough trouble already? “Of course, after you mum” “Oh” Rose cracked a weak smile, clearly, she had a soft spot for praise and staying on top. That one Audrey had just realized, “Thank you. Anyway, what are you doing here?” “Window shopping” both girls said in unison before looking at each other surprised at their own telepathy. To save her ass their stories had to check out. But just between you and I it was impossible, a long shot. There was no way Rose was going to keep quiet about it. In fact, asking her not to tell David was like asking water not to get wet. “Okay, I see. You girls found anything or you need some help from the adults?” “No...” they said in unison again. Now that one was not telepathy. None of the girls wanted her around almost as though her presence was suffocating. It was easier to deal with those plastic pretty dummies wearing those expensive dresses than Rose with her confusing facial expressions. “We’re good on our own” Tina said quickly checking her phone, “Its almost time to head back” she raised her gaze and looked at Audrey who just nodded feeling sick at the pit of her stomach. What had Tina done to her that she lied with confidence? “Okay, if you say so. Audrey you need some more money?” “No, most of these dresses won’t fit me anyway” “Tina, looks like you still have a long way to go changing her sense of fashion. Have fun, bye” Rose waved and turned around. Both girls took sighs of relief. Audrey for holding on that long without throwing up and Tina for controlling the urge to face both mother and daughter and telling them to cut the bullshit. It was obvious even to a blind person that they didn’t have a chemistry as Audrey claimed. She was openly putting up with Rose and Rose did not care about her. A typical parent would have called the school immediately to confirm why their kid was shopping during school hours. Not that she wanted her to do that and land Audrey in trouble but she should have even suggested it. “That was close” “Girl, you have a lot of explaining to do” “About what exactly?” she looked scared as though she was going to run the very next minute. The look of a cornered and injured prey. Except for her it was not a physical wound that typically heals faster, it was an emotional one that fake smiles and show of concern was not going to rectify. “Your step-mum. She is not as good as you make her sound” “What do you want me to say?” “The truth. I know I can’t do anything for you but that’s where we both are wrong” “Let’s assume she isn’t nice, what are you going to do about it huh? Pity me?” “No, crack her head open with a hockey stick” she said mimicking a weak swing. Yeah it would have done some damage but then shed still be alive and choke life out of her. Not pointing any fingers here but Rose looked like one person who could choke life out of a teenager especially if they were as feeble as Tina looked. “Hockey stick? You don’t even play that game, big liar” “I can’t believe you went and checked. I also can’t believe you are trying to deflect something as serious as this” “Nothing serious. You’re just being paranoid” “You don’t care about yourself that much and that’s okay but I do care about you so don’t deny me that chance to look out for you” Imagine the irony in that statement. Audrey tried to think about it, she looked at Tina who was withholding laughter. It had just come out hadn’t it? She couldn’t even remember what she said. The next second, they were both laughing their heads off with Tina laughing the loudest, Audrey was courteous even with how she laughed. It was more of a visible than audible laugh that left her looking beautiful. “Ladies, sorry to interrupt this session but there is something you have to see” “Are we in trouble? Did they catch me on camera trying to pluck a diamond off that wedding gown?” Tina asked rolling her eyes. “No, your dress is ready” the new attendant said looking at Audrey, she turned her focus on Tina, “you didn’t…” “No, it was just a joke...a bad joke” Tina said chortling as they walked back to their changing room. “She did try though, real proof of the quality you offer” Audrey said her sarcastic gaze on Tina who now looked like she wanted to swallow her. “Thank you, get in” she ordered but before they did she blocked their path with her hand and smiled, “Don’t try to pluck off the beads please” she teased making Audrey laugh. “See what you’ve done. You must be happy you moron…wow!” her eyes bulged, they both looked like they had seen an angel walking among the mortals. “Ta-da!” Lisa said happily, “There is room for change if need be” “Shut up” Tina hushed her, Lisa just shrugged, the customer was and is always right, “There is nothing to change” “It’s perfect, I’m nervous” Audrey touched it as though it wasn’t hers. In her hands yet far away from her grasp, fluffy, snow white dressed in a dummy her size, slightly above the knee caps with a silky seamless lining around it, shiny beads around her waist in diamond formation. She was born to wear it and never before had she wanted to put on something as uncomfortable as a dress. “Go ahead, we will wait” Lisa showed her the room within the changing room. She looked at Tina, asking for an okay. “Go bud, can’t wait to see you” Well, it took some convincing to get her out but when she did roughly ten minutes later she was looking as beautiful as she was supposed to be. Just not beautiful enough for Mason, at least not physically. Someone just perfect for him was about to come into picture.
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