Chapter 39: Big sister

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"What's going on here?' The lead guard asked helping Sean back on his feet, he was accompanied by two others. "Why don't you ask him? Get this trash out of this prestigious school levels above that trash hole he comes from" "This is not over" Sean seethed with rage while being dragged away towards the exit, his team was there to pick him and for them they thought it was just the frustration of being defeated. "Do your worst b***h" Mason turned to Audrey, "Are you okay there? What were you doing with that asshole anyway?" She was still numb from shock of what had just happened. Sean had just confessed using her to kidnap her best friend who there was a possibility everything about her was a lie and Mason stood up for her despite being injured. None of it made sense really. "Hi, she is still in shock, are you okay? What did he say to you?" "Nothing, he was just being mean am okay. Thanks for your concern am good" "Okay, you heard her let's get you checked up by professionals I don't trust your team doctor’s" Maeve said trying to take Mason away. "Sorry we can't have that talk. See you tomorrow maybe?" And that left Maeve surprised she thought her already injured brother was just standing up for a helpless chubby poorly dressed schoolmate. Turned out there was more. The same way Mason was confused about her dress code and general attitude she was getting more confused about his change in personality and taste in girls. "Fine, you need a hospital more than a talk right now. Thank you, for the win and the help" "You're welcome" he finally agreed to follow Maeve, she was still looking at Audrey with a lot of critique and like everyone else she was wondering what was so special about that overweight teenager? Why even interact with her when he had the world at his feet, a god among mortals? It didn't take long before he stopped. "I forgot to mention, Maeve this is Audrey my friend and Audrey this is Maeve..." "His mother" she jumped in the conversation. "She is my big sister" "Nice to meet you Maeve. Great brother you got there" "Don't pretend, he is a douchebag. Bye Audrey" "Bye" Finally, some clarity, something that made sense after an entire day of wallowing in confusion. Ivy hugged her and this time she hugged her back. "I'm glad you're okay" "Thank you for getting the guards" "Sean is a goon. This might sound a bit patronizing but never hang around him again" "He is just angry and sinking deep into the abyss of vengeance" "Don't you dare defend him" "I'm not, but we can't judge people by the actions of their weakest moments but rather by the strength they show when and if they are given a second chance" "Snap out of that sweetheart, some people are beyond saving. It's not the time be wiser than your age. f**k why am I telling you this. You're a saint, so naive that everyone is taking advantage of your pure heart. Switch it up, be aggressive, be rude for f***s sake" "Well, Rome wasn't built in one day and as long as my intentions are pure am not worried about who's using me. That's on them my duty is to do my part and right now Sean needs a friend, someone to believe him. Let's go home, sorry I ruined your first day Lucas should have warned you I attract shame and trouble like a magnet" "No, you didn't. Quit apologizing, it's the world that owes you an apology you don't deserve to exist in this twisted generation full of twerps" What an end to such a dramatic day? Audrey and Ivy walked to the parking lot, the latter fished out the keys to a Red Honda CR-V and opened the doors. The two got in and buckled up, Ivy put some rock n roll to cheer them up and kick out the bad Sean vibes, Audrey looked at her and smiled. "Thank you" "f**k you" she turned the car around with extreme dexterity. "I love you too cousin" Ivy was just another one of the many people who realized that as much as you could hate and use her, Audrey Miller was a gem and she left a positive mark on the heart and soul of everyone who interacted with her. That no matter what you just had to acknowledge her ability to move you emotionally, you'd feel safe in her presence and yearn for her weird conversations that were more optimistic. *** Also headed home after a long and fun day was the Sibling duo of Maeve and Mason Klein. She had used a cab to attend the game and that gave her a chance to drive Mason. It wasn't easy for him to throw in a white towel that he couldn't drive with a bad leg. He tried and failed before giving up the wheel and took the souvenir of seating in the prestigious back left seat. "That’s jam turn up the volume chauffer" "I can abandon you on this road and you'll have no one to drive you home. Be nice, how about a thank you Maeve?" "Thank you, Maeve, now turn up that volume I want to do some tootsie slide back here" "Drake has this generation's twerps thinking what he does is rap" "Remind me how old you're again, potato potatoe is all the same thing" Mason asked moving his head and upper extremity to the beat, he was having fun. Despite the injury and that after match fight he was in a celebratory mood. He had won, as usual. "Listen to Kendrick and J Cole" "Everyone has their own taste, nothing can make me abandon Mr. Ovo himself, champagne papi, Dreazy" "Whatever the butler said the doctor will be home. Hopefully it's not that serious" "A dislocation Maeve. Why are you so worried about me, past eight months you were not like this? What's changed this time siz?" "Are you seriously asking me that? Invoking a heart to heart in the middle of the most beautiful city in the world" "There's no better time" If indeed there was a heat to heart coming up then it was going to be their first of many to come. In the past they didn't have those and you can call it growth or maybe emotional maturity and development from Maeve’s side, Mason was still a d**k. The realization that one day God forbid their parents would die and leave the two of them to look after each other. And I don't know about you but I personally don't think death can unite people who were never united since childhood. Such Change can't be that quick it's a gradual process. Painful in terms of letting one's ego down. "I do care about you. That's for sure" "By word? Yeah by actions not so much" he sipped from his water bottle his gaze fixed outside. "Okay let's just say am improving on that action part. Rate my first twenty-four hours back" "Seven out of ten" "What failed me" "That's the problem with smart people.... anyway, you tacking me in bed is a miss and waking me up for school ooh and also checking if I did my homework jeez! you're so patronizing get married and get a kid to watch over am a grown-up" "Sorry. I just care about your academic success and about tucking you in am sure you didn't get that from mum and dad, neither did I but it's not too late to do it for you. Even if you're old that is" "Damn I hate you" If you are wondering why he said that, it was Mason's way of admitting his sister was right. He never got those bedtime stories, they were theories he saw in movies. And his sister doing that for him was among the best acts of kindness. "Now I feel bad about my statement" "You're right, one day I'll get married and have my own kids to look after and I'll tell them what a great uncle you're " "Snap out of it. No marriage until you graduate college with honors" "And am the patronizing one. Mum's calling" "They are back or rather she is back. Dad's still chasing the bag" Maeve put her on speaker phone and it was a video call. "Hi mum, please tell me you're back I've missed you" "Am at home. Are you driving? Where's your brother? The butler told me he got injured" "In the back seat he says he is fine and I believe him" "Get him home safe the doctor is already here" "Okay ma, that dress wow! We're getting one for this big girl" "I should be the one raiding your wardrobe young lady. Bye, drive safe. Stay safe sweetheart, sorry!" "Thanks mum!" Mason shouted from the back seat. After she hung up silence ensued in the car. Maeve thought of what Mason had said about their father earlier on. It was all true and Maryse had shed some light on the troubled father-son relationship. More on and off, seasonal friendship between the boys. One minute they were talking and the next it was silence. "You and dad" "Good friends, don't believe anything Maryse Klein told you she is a journalist" "Ironically, being a journalist means she only shares authentic information" "Not about her high school sweetheart. It's complicated, we can't solve it in a day, a wise friend of mine once told me that" his facial expression changed, Maeve noticed. "She must be so wise" "I didn't say it was a she. You know what I don't want to talk about it" "About what? Your wise chubby friend who wears glasses or your troubled relationship with your father?" "Oh, so you're a shrink now? None of the above" "We will talk about Audrey later. Dad's trying" "Says his favorite child" "You know that's not true" "That's why I prefer Maeve...his exact words in my face" "Sorry he didn't mean it. You can try and meet him halfway you know. Our family is great already all we need is unity and it starts with baby steps" Hanging with smart people and reading a few books here and there proved to be beneficial to Mason that particular moment. After connecting the dots, he realized something. "Wait a minute. You didn't just change, you're doing dad's bidding, coming to games he never came to, caring for me, going fishing that you suck at by the way and the dinner you cute puppet" "It's what big sister's do. It has nothing to do with dad" "You're still terrible at lying. Thank you though, am happy you're here Maeve" "Likewise, little bro, now let's talk about Audrey Miller. One word" "f*****g amazing" "That's two" "Gem" "Hmm, you like her? Like really like her?" "You don't have authorization to access such information Maeve Klein. Now drive, I miss my mother!"
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