Chapter 38: Unruly Attitude

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After trying so hard to work on Mason the doctors finally concluded he could not continue, he left the pitch supported by the cap and two other teammates glowing in a well-deserved standing ovation from the fans of both teams. Sean was shown a yellow card. Of course, he went and apologized to Mason and they hugged amid cheers from the fans, game recognizes game, always, unless jealousy is involved. Mason understood how much Sean wanted to win, he was a winner himself so there was no much bad blood. Between you and I, not just yet. Maeve left the stands and went to check on her little brother the moment he was brought on the touchline. Bellies of his crushes who had no idea she was his sister growled. Why was she wearing his jersey and looking so concerned? Why was she allowed to touch him? "Are you okay?" "I'm fine, nothing to worry about" Mason said taking a seat at the bench, the team doctor brought him some painkillers and a water bottle, his teammates swarmed in to wish him a quick recovery. Maeve was not leaving his side and this time it was not patronizing, it was love, sibling love beyond petty rivalry. Back in the field the winners were winning and the losers had thrown in the white towel. "Why did he do that" "It's soccer, people get injured" "He is a goon that tackle was reckless and it could end your career even before it starts. Does he know how much time and effort you've invested in this?" "Enough. I'm okay it was just a moment of weakness" "Whatever, he should have behaved better am disappointed it's a good thing they've lost...woohoo! Let's go Bridgetown!" She shouted happily joining the cheering squad in the field, dressed in black pleated shorts and a matching black with white stripes Mason Klein jersey its bottoms tied around her waist to make it look like a crop top, white sports shoes on her feet from which her long well shaven tanned skinned smooth legs protruded. Maeve was pretty. The Klein genes were top notch it wasn't a secret. Audrey and the girls left the field feeling happier than they came in. That was what winning felt like, that's how life was supposed to be lived because every time you wake up in the morning you're winning. The mystery in her mind however was that girl in the jersey. Might have been the girlfriend, not that it mattered but she felt bad about that kiss if indeed he had such a hot girlfriend. The same way she never desired what belonged to other people she didn't feel so good kissing lips that belonged to another girl. Guilt. It was sinking in her, to the core of her humanity and she was a moment away from finding Maeve and asking for forgiveness. Naive Audrey thought she was going to take it smiling, maybe in a parallel universe. "I have to go, see you tomorrow I guess" Tina excused herself, since that weird exchange with Ivy followed by that horrendous attack on Klein by Sean they had both been unusually quiet. "Okay, did you come with a car?" "Yeah, your dad let me borrow the red Honda CR-V" "Great, you're giving me a ride home. Bye Tina, drive safe and call me" she shouted after her. "Okay!" Tina didn't even make eye contact, it was another problem on Audrey's plate. She just didn't know how the two of them could co-exist and she needed them both. Genuinely. Okay maybe she needed Ivy to dig up Rose's past but isn't that what everyone was doing to her? Don't be so quick to judge cut the poor girl some slack here. "I might have forgotten my back pack in class, can I just rush and pick it up?" "Yeah I'll be waiting here. This garden is insanely serene" "Fine" Audrey sat there, her arms on her laps enjoying the fresh air and beauty of the garden as she said. The sun was starting to set marking an end to such a beautiful day. And she was alive, healthy...a bit obese but she was going to work on it, her father and friends were all okay and she was sure of her next meal and a comfy roof above her head, that was enough reason to smile. "You smile like that all alone" There was no need to look up, the voice was familiar. "Depends with how I'm feeling" "And how are you feeling" She turned to look at him, "grateful" "Hmm, can I seat?" "Sure, go ahead" she said patting on the bench. And so, he sat there. Same position she was seated silently stealing glances at her. Audrey was looking at the sky her hands on the bench, her gaze shifted to the chirping birds picking nectar on the flowers around the water fountain. "Serene" "You don't have gardens in Werner school?" "We do I just never thought of enjoying the calmness that comes with seating like this. Let's just say there are no Audrey's in Werner school" "Oh, you mean to tell me there is no weird looking fat ugly girl with glasses who wears jeans and attracts laughter and mockery from everyone?" "The fact that you're that calm while speaking mean things about yourself just shows how much they are not true" "Don't do that, I already know your play" she switched to a disappointed Audrey which was not different from a normal except that he couldn't notice because like everyone else he didn't know her. Automatically he realized Tina had finally decided to speak. His heart thudded in his ribcage and dropped to his belly, she wasn't going to evade his vengeance that easily. "What did she tell you?" "You knew her and acted like you didn't to fool me?" "Ours is a past I never wish to bring up leave alone think of" "Am sure you had some very fun times while you were together...." "What the f**k are you talking about, me dating Tina?" Okay. What is that past we were both misled by Tina to think of or rather we ran into conclusion about? Heads up, we know nothing really. Tina might have taken us for a ride with her story and since we know her more than Sean we chose to believe her. Misplaced sympathy. Or maybe let's not run into conclusions again, she might still be lying. "You had a past what past if not dating. Don't lie to my face" "Jeez! Why would I lie to you we barely know each other. Listen up" he got closer but Audrey moved further away from him. Sean could see his revenge mission dissolve and slip from his fingers. It was impossible thinking of it anyway so he wasn't that much surprised. "Am not sure I want to be that close to you. Please keep your distance" "Okay. Trust me, Tina and I have no past. My father worked for her family for many years and we used to hang out while we were young and never had it crossed my mind that I can have her. Anyway, He was accused of something he didn't do and they used him as a scapegoat, my dad lost his job and his reputation. We got kicked out of our house and he got depressed. To cut the long story short, Tina's family murdered my father and broke our family and yet they still played victims" More confusion for Audrey. What a twist? Where was this coming from? Audrey was feeling bad again for picking the wrong side barely on raw facts. But if there was something she could read from his tone and delivery were genuine. Sean was hurt. "I'm sorry" "No, you can't be Audrey. You were born with everything, I had the little I was born with snatched away from me and now I go to a school of my dreams on scholarship simply because of soccer and work in a restaurant part time to lower the burden on my mum who walks around the city washing houses for rich bastards like Tina and her family" Audrey felt that. He couldn't see her tears but her heart wept for him. What Sean was consumed with was vengeance. Then why chose Audrey in her revenge plot? "Once again I'm sorry. I don't know if it's true what you claim but what Tina's family did to yours is heartbreaking. One thing though" she wiped her tears, no one had been that sympathetic with Sean, he was kind of elated, "What's my role in this? Because let's be honest, you don't want me for a girlfriend" "I can't tell you my plans you're her friend am not that dumb" "They will end up putting you in trouble. Sean, talk to me why were you trying to use me" "I'm sorry, I didn't know you're this nice" "Don't deflect. Between us, what was it you were planning to do?" "What can I do more than wish for revenge? They are rich and powerful, if I fight back they'll squash me like a bug and am all my mother is left with" "Sean, what the f**k were you planning to use me for?" "Okay, okay. You're her best friend, all I needed was you to bring her to me. If there's something her father loves apart from his money is that spoilt brat. I was just going to use her to scare him into telling the truth" "Kidnapping and blackmail. All on your own?" "I had some help. Look, it was stupid and am so sorry I was planning to use you" "Keep that apology to yourself" "Audrey" "Don't touch me. Your secret is safe with me but am disappointed, your father would be too" "You don't know my father and you've no right to mention him" he angrily charged towards her, Audrey didn't look scared at all, she stood tall looking at him. "Don't even think of doing what you're thinking!" Growled a limping Mason from behind, carrying his bag pack was Maeve and she tried her level best to restrain him. The score was not settled. In fact, it was just getting started. "This is not the field man there are no rules I'll break you" "I'd love to see you try. This is not the field you said it" "Yes, it's stupid. Leave both of you" Audrey ordered, she didn't know how much not commanding her voice was. "You're lucky she saved you" Sean mocked cracking a mockery smile. "It's more of she saved you dude or else I'd have had to beat your ass twice" Oh, that hurt and Sean send a punch flying towards Mason. Luckily, he saw it coming and evaded then punched him in the belly before landing a drop kick that send him flat on his ass. Ivy who had sensed danger from where she was watching had the guards already dashing towards the scene. A small crowd started to form. It was hard to believe that two of them were fighting over Audrey Miller. That fat ugly b***h just kept winning. Guess who would have said that.
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