Chapter 12-2

1567 Words

“I can’t submerge my prosthetic, but I’ll stand on the shore.” “You can’t ever get it wet?” “It’s water-resistant, like if it’s raining or water splashes on it, but it’s not designed to be submerged. It can damage and rust the various components. I’d have to wear a special prosthetic if I wanted to swim with one on.” “So you’d have to take it off if you wanted to go in a pool or something.” “Yes. But I’m not doing that out here. It’d make me too vulnerable in the event something happened to you.” She pats my thigh. “Don’t worry, nothing’s gonna happen. My stalker would’ve already come for me by now because I’m just too irresistible.” “Don’t make jokes like that,” I warn. She sighs with an eye roll, climbing to her feet. “C’mon. I’m going in, so you better come play lifeguard.” I qu

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