Chapter 12-1

2007 Words

DAY 16 DAY 16The day after Easton brought us groceries, he called and tore me a new one. Then I bitched him out for bringing Piper a swimsuit when I’d strictly told him not to. She’s been begging to go to the beach for the past three days. Apparently, he saw us through the window before walking in, and I know things would’ve escalated had he not come. He lectured me—not about crossing the lines—because he’s concerned that she’ll be the one hurt in the end. Inevitably, Piper will take a piece of me with her when our time is over. Not to mention, if her father finds out, he could blackball me from being a bodyguard for anyone else. she’ll Surprisingly, Piper hasn’t mentioned what happened between us, and I fully expected her to. By how she avoided eye contact during dinner, I could tell s

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