Chapter 8-2

1375 Words

“So what’d my dad say?” she asks while setting the table. I repeat everything he said, and she blows out a frustrated breath. “If Jack’s as techy and smart as you say, he probably knows how to stay off the grid while trying to track me down. Wouldn’t it just be faster to lure him here and catch him with some extra backup? Then he can be arrested, and I can go back to living in the twenty-first century.” “Afraid not,” I tell her. “We can’t risk that. He could kill you before he’s captured.” “If he wanted to hurt me, he could’ve at Kendall’s wedding. He had no weapons,” she states. “Maybe he’s just using scare tactics to get my attention?” “The death threats and vile photos tell me otherwise. Also, we don’t know if he had weapons that night. No one caught him to check.” Piper grabs the

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