Chapter 8-1

2014 Words

DAY 10 DAY 10Another sleepless night haunts me as I struggle with the pain, which can’t be cured by surgery or pain meds. It’s been my demise for the past decade. It’s after one in the morning, but I go through the process of putting on my prosthesis, then slip on my jeans and holster before walking downstairs. Almost every night is like clockwork, the pain wakes me up from a deep sleep, and I have to find ways to manage it so I can eventually go back to sleep. Once I’m in the kitchen, I heat the kettle, then make a cup of tea. I typically drink it to help me relax. After I add some honey, I notice a glow coming from the living room. After Piper went to bed, I did a perimeter check, triple-checked that all the doors and windows were locked, then turned off everything. Quietly, I set do

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