Chapter 3-1

2003 Words

DAY 1 DAY 1The moment I wake up, dread rolls through me. I slept like garbage for many reasons, but mostly because of the cheap scratchy sheets on this lumpy bed. Not to mention, I’m covered in sweat. If all of that wasn’t bad enough, I feel like bugs are crawling on me from the windows being open all night. I’m living in a literal hell. I head to the bathroom and scrub my face, then readjust my bun. Since I only grabbed what could fit in my carry-on, I don’t have my normal essentials. If Tristan doesn’t find a way for me to get the things I need, I’ll cry. Wearing only a thin pair of shorts and a T-shirt, I grab my camera, then head downstairs. I hope there’s good news waiting for me. If my stalker’s been caught, that means we can leave, and I can go back to my comfy air-conditioned ap

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