Chapter 2

1982 Words

I know Piper’s pissed, but there’s nothing I can do about it. She’s used to always getting her way, and considering she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, it’s not hard to guess why. However, I take my missions seriously, especially when her life is on the line. When we’re an hour outside of our destination, I connect to the Wi-Fi on the plane and text my brother. He immediately responds. Tristan Hey, I’ll be in town tonight. Easton Is everything okay? Did something happen? Tristan I’ll explain everything tomorrow. Is there any way you can help stock the beach house with food? I don’t know how long we’ll be staying. Easton We? Tristan Yeah. When he realizes I’m not going to give any more details, he sends another message. Easton I can be there in the morning before my

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