
1036 Words

“What the hell happened?” Cami bursts out. “It all happened so fast.” Ryan shakes his head. “What did?” I panic. “Someone got past security and tried to grab your sister. There was a fight, and the next thing I saw was a gun.” “A gun?” Immediately, my emotions get the best of me. “Where’s Piper now?” Ryan opens his mouth, then closes it. Eli comes over with Laney in his arms and tells Cami they have to go. She gives me a tight hug. “I’m so sorry. Text me as soon as you know anything, okay?” Once they’re gone, I look back at Ryan, and ask again, “Where is she?” “I don’t know, baby. One second she was there, then the next she wasn’t,” he explains. I look past him and see my parents speaking to the police. My mother is frantic, and my father looks enraged. This definitely can’t be goo

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