
2002 Words

THREE MONTHS LATER THREE MONTHS LATERMy face hurts from smiling so damn much. The ceremony seemed to pass by in a blink, and the only thing I remember is being able to finally kiss my wife. Though the chapel was full of people, at that moment, it was only Kendall and me in the room. My heart overflows with love to everyone who’s made this day special for us. wifeAfter we finish taking photos, the wedding party enters the reception hall. Before we make our grand entrance as husband and wife, I move closer to Kendall. She smiles up at me with bright eyes. I brush my thumb across her cheek. “You’re finally mine, Kendall St. James.” “I’ve been yours. Always,” she reminds me. I take the opportunity to kiss her. She lets out a light moan as the doors open, and Stephanie tells us we can now e

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