Chapter 23-2

1137 Words

“Hey!” Piper squeals as she comes to the table, plopping her ass down across from me. “Sorry, I’m late. I was filming a video and lost track of time.” I laugh. “I figured. You’re a celebrity.” “Oh shut up. Who isn’t YouTube famous these days?” She waves me off. “Literally millions of people.” I snort. “Okay well anyway, I need a dirty martini stat. Then you and I are talking all about boys.” “Boys? Are we thirteen now?” I take a sip of my drink and am ready for another. “Men, whatever.” She rolls her eyes and waves over a waitress. Piper orders a drink and an appetizer, and I get another martini. Once the server walks away, I continue, “Well, maybe you’re dating boys, but I’d rather not be seen with anyone under twenty-five.” “You’re not even twenty-five!” “Exactly! Older men are

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