Chapter 21

1932 Words

I’m in and out of sleep. My throat burns, and my ribs hurt from coughing so much. I wish I could close my eyes and the next two weeks would pass by. Yesterday, I emailed my professors and told them I’m sick so they’re aware of why I’m behind on my assignments. It should be the least of my worries, but keeping a perfect GPA has been high on my priority list. It’s taken years of dedicated studying and late nights doing homework, but none of that matters when the world is in chaos. This is only the beginning of feeling like s**t. Ryan mentioned I’d feel worse before I got better. I’ve followed his instructions and have walked around some when I feel strong enough. Each time I get the strength to sit up, I check my temperature and track the doses of Tylenol I’ve taken, so I don’t take too muc

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