Chapter 20

2041 Words

DAY 18 DAY 18Three days have passed since Cameron started running a fever. I’ve wanted to do nothing but hold her in my arms and tell her everything will be fine, but I can’t. All I can do is make her food, leave it in the hallway, and write sweet notes on stationery I found in the kitchen. When I go to her door, I hear her dry cough and that she’s gasping for air. I want to burst inside her room and confirm she’s okay, but I also understand the severity of the situation. Cami’s already warned me, more concerned about my asthma than anything else, and I don’t want to upset her further. Her cough sounded worse this morning, so I called Ryan again. He didn’t answer, but I know he will as soon as he can. I keep my phone on me and charged at all times, making sure the sound is up just in cas

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